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13 and 28

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: His Bedroom
Langauge: English, I hope
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Alright, so one random day my friend and I decided we were going to go to our twenty eight year old friends house to get drunk (we were only thirteen/fourteen at the time) ..So anyway, he picked us up, we went back to his house and sat around like idiots, but then “joe” we’ll call him, got EXTREMELY horny.. and tried to make the move on my friend “stacy”, we’ll call her, anyway, seeing as how she had a boyfriend and was on her rag she pushed him away. Then, of course, he started to put the moves on me, like any horny twenty eight year old man would do I suppose. So, we were making out, he pulled me down onto his bed, pushing my friend off the side of the bed. So, she sat there in the chair and kind of looked at us like we were on some cheap heroin..But anyway. He took his cock out, And started jacking himself off, then, I jacked him off. But then he wanted sex. Now, being thirteen I did not want to lose my virginity to some…twenty eight year old pot head. So, I pushed him away. But then he ended up pushing me back down and holding my arms back behind me and teasing me. Then, I got somewhat turned on, I started sucking his cock and jacking him off at the same time. He then turned to “stacy” and she started jacking him off and playing with his balls. He pulled a condom out and put it on. He got on top of her, jacking himself off outside the condom. They made out for a while, then he sucked her tit. He gave her a nice big hickey! =P ..Then he wanted her to fuck, But she wouldn’t. So.. he turned to me. YAY. ME! Anyway, he pulled me off the chair onto his bed. “Stacey” moved aside, yet once again. He ended up pulling my pants off, he just said he was going to “look” because it would make him more horny and help him get off, but ..It turned into something else. He put another condom on(because he cummed in the other one) and stuck his cock where no cock has ever been before! At this point, I was actually starting to want him. Things got touchy touchy..And..he cummed. WHOOT. He was actually pretty good at it too =P ..Even though he gave me this really ugly hickey on my neck that I just don’t know how i’m going to have to explain to my mom, but anyway! Then the second time we were about to have sex …Of course, He put yet ANOTHER condom on. We got under the blankets and he started having trouble getting it in.. Pff, he wasn’t trying too hard. Then we started going at it for a few minutes and he “accidently” pulled it out, and then got all soft and blamed it on “Stacey” because she wouldn’t shut up and telling us what to do! So we stopped.. Even though I didn’t want to. I just wanted his horny to come back. =[..Oh well. The three of us layed there for a while, cuddled and touched..a little.. until it was time to go. And that, boys and girls, was my first time..But we didn’t get drunk. Although, the sex made it all better.

The end.
Go jack off/finger yourself now.
Bye =]

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