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14 year old girls first time

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: his bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my first time was more cute,more than sexual and hot,I was 14,he was 16,we met on the internet and started talking for about a month and a bot before we actually met,I knew the dangers of this but my brothers girlfriend(who was 19 at the time),came along with my bestfriend.
the boy,who ill nickname as josh was tall slightly tanned,dark hair,bright green eyes and unlike alot of boys he’d rather talk about me than ask for photos and ‘dirty talk’.
Before we met we had alot of phonecalls,and text a lot.
so onto the story..

we where to meet at my local train station(I was from Wales,him England)
I stood there for about 20 minutes woth my bestfriend who we’ll call Emily for now,with these butterflies making me feel so sick,as soon as i saw the train coming Emily and my brothers girlfriend went to the other platorm,I was alone but they could still see me so i was safe.
My phone rang,it was josh,obviously,he said the train was coming and that his heart was pounding,I told him I was the same
the train that I could see came and i waited for all the people to get off but there was no sign of josh,I was still on the phone to him and i asked him if he was playing a joke,before he answered I felt someone tap my shoulder,me thinking it was emily to say he stood me up i turned around looking pissed at not very attractive haha.
But then i looked up and saw josh,(my name is libby but I always get called libs which was cute),he smiled and said ‘probably thought i wasnt coming didn’t you libs?well you’re on the wrong platform you dummy!’
We both laughed,and I ran over to Emily in the car and said goodbye and thst ill call her later,we had all pinky promised not to tell my mum,dad,or brother until after,they all thought me and Emily were going to a party at at my brothers girlfriends house,the new fifa game had just come out so she hadn’t seen my brother for days.

I ran back over to josh,’brought company?’ He said looking as cheeky as always,’bestfriend’ I replied,he smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked along the platform back to my house,which was about mile down the road but it didn’t seem so far because we just talked the whole way.

No one was home,my mum was in the spa for a few days,my dad away with golf,brother at his friends playing FIFA

It was perfect.
We were alone so he went up to my room and put his thingy on my bedroom floor,i was downstairs making a drink,my throat gets dry when I’m nervous and oh boy was i nervous for today,we spend nearly 3 hours on the phone the night before just talking,most of it was him asking if i was ready,if I wanted to do it,because he didnt care,he just wanted to see me,which made my stomach tie on knots because knowing a boy wasn’t just there for sex,that he wanted to see you,was amazing,and I did realize he could just be saying all of this to get in my pants,but I knew when he was lying,like when he was upset his voice slowed down when he said ‘its nothing,I’m fine’

He came down and then we both went into the living room and sat on the soda awkwardly like two strangers in the doctors waiting to be seen
My stomach rumbled,partly because of my nerves but mostly because o hadn’t eaten anything,he laughed and i giggled,so I ordered a pizza(not the most romantic i know),and then I sat huddled up in my blanket next to him,with his hoodue on and nothing else apart from pants and a bra,he was in a baggy tie dye tops and boxers,he was perfect.
The pizza came,we payed and then sat on the sofa watching finding nemo(josh had brought with him becase he knew it was my favorite movie)
I was in the middle of crawling to the end of the sofa to get my drink when i felt myself getting pulled back by my waist,then I was looking at him my head on his lap,he kissed my forehead,then my nose,cheeks,and repeated a few times,this made me giggle,so i sat up and before i could say anything he kissed me,it lasted for ages,but it was so just omg,if you know what i mean haha
He kisses my neck and i got goosebumps,I pushed him pfffft me and climbed on top of him and bit his neck,he moaned,he told me a few times that he liked his neck bitten,so i knew what I had to do,not realizing completely what i was doing i stopped a bit hot now,I looked at him and goggled and bit the other side of his neck,with me on his lap,his hands on my waist,we couldnt stop it,he grabbed me and stood up,we were kissing with my legs wrapped around his waist,he walked up stairs,amazing not falling even though his eyes were closed,we got to my bedroom amd he threw me on the bed,laying over me kissing my neck,down to my collar bones,along my shoulder,his hand on the back of my neck pulling my hair slightly,it was all so hot,I pulled away and stood on the bed taking his top off(he was 6ft 1,I was 4ft 11,big difference,I had 32DD boobs which were quite big for a 14 year old,and a massive bum,I was slim though and had my hips pierced which he loved,josh hand his tongue pierced also)
We were in our underwear now so i stood in front of him,I have little to no self confidence,but with josh I always felt proud of what i had been born with,I got goosebumps and he noticed he came close to me and whispered in my ear ‘its okay libs,I know what to do,just tell me what feels good or bad okay?’,(josh wasnt a virgin,unlike me who was,my bestfriend emily was the prettiest girl in school and lost her virginity to a boy at a party,she’s always telling me about sex,sometimes i felt awkward,as I was brought up in a Christian family,sex was not allowed until after marriage,I felt bad about this but there was a part of me saying ‘screw it’ and i liked that part more than the other saying ‘remember your religion libby’
we were now sitting on the bed,his legs out and me on his lap,I felt like a baby,until he whispered into my ear ‘so are you ready?’ I just looked at him and nodded,he knew I was awkward so he said ‘why dont we play a game?too hot yeah?’ Too hot was a game where one person kisses the other passionately but you weren’t allowed to touch the other one,the firat person to touch the other looses and had to go down on the other person.
So we played and on the 3rd go,I grabbed his shoulders and wrapped my legs around him,I lost,so i had to give him a blowjob which ive never done before,but he talked me through how he liked it,and with in minutes he was about to blow,I suddenly felt some warm gooey liquid in my mouth,I can’t even describe how it tasted but i was good,i swallowed and he looked at me amazed,so then he went down on me,5 or more minutes and I was about to cum,I told him and he stopped,put his hand on my mouth and said I wasnt allowed to make any noise,this made it even harder and more intense,I was about to orgasm when he stopped,i looked at him like ‘wtf?!’ but he smiled and said ‘you’ll thank me in a minute,as he had only pulled my pants to the side,he got me to stand up and he kneeled down and took my pants off with his teeth,it was so hot,I just stood there naked,mouth open,not believing this was real.
He put a condom on,I started to get scared,Emily said she felt a Sharp stabbing pain the first time and she bled,oh dear lord dont let me bleed was all that I was thinking about,and how big he was,I used to look at boyss in school and judge how big their dicks were,josh i thought was average or maybe a little above like 5″ 6 with a hard on
But no he was 9″ with a semi he stood there and pushed me on my back he teased me by just rubbing his head against my clit,I couldn’t take it so I pulled away and pushed my hips into him,I was so wet he just slid right in,I moaned because there was a slight pain because i was very tight being so small and i never fingered myself just rubbed my clit until a good feeling came yano?,by know he was thrusting back and forth slowly because it was my first time,he kept asking me was he hurting me?was i okay,I juat laughed and said keep going,we changed positions a few times,we both preferred when i was on top riding him,my hips rolling back and forth,him sucking my nipples,we were both at our climax when i heard my dad walk in the front door with his friends from golf,we froze and in a moment of panick I rolled back then forth,josh was nearly there but i jumped off him and he was moaning so i threw a pillow at his face,pulled him off my bed and pushed him into the shower,and told him to be quiet.
‘But baby..’ he said cheekily and i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself slammed my bathroom door shut(i had my own bathroom thank god) and I heard my dad shouting libby,I shouted down to him that i was in the shower,he was slightly drunk and it was about 12pm,’I’m just gonna be in the garden with the guys,come out if you want to’ ‘no im just gonna go to bed thanks anyway dad’ ‘okay dolly,I’m taking this pizza ok’ I shouted ok and shut my curtains and window and bedroom door,my dad was outside,with his friends,josh was standing in my bathroom,I didnt know what to do..
‘You look pretty hot libs,how about a shower aye?’ It was josh he was peaking out of the bathroom,so I just dropped my towel and walked in,the shower was already on and josh was wet,he pulled me in and pushed me against the wall of the shower,he thrust into me and I moaned,we carried on for about 10 minutes before we came in unison,it was amazing,through out it all we were biting,kissing,pinching,sucking different part of each other,he turned the shower off and threw me on the bed like before he was ontop of me kissing every part of me,then he flipped me over,so i was on top,and ’69?’ came out of my mouth,I don’t know where it came from but I’m glad i said it,we both came a number of times after that,and then we layed on my bed trying to catch our breath,we couldn’t make too much noise as my dad and his friends were walking up to the toilet every so offten,im surprised we didnt get caught,the thrill of people walking right by us made it so much hotter,we fell asleep naked and hot,cuddling each other,we moved and started ‘spooning’ the head of his penis rubbing up againsr my clit every so often,in the middles of the night,we had sex again,this time we tried anal,it was awkward because it was so tight but it made him cum so hard,it dripped down my leg when i heard my dad crawling up the stairs,oh fuck,not again do i grabbed my pants and joshes hoodie and pulled them on,i knew he would of came in my room and tell me how I’m the beat daughter in the world,it was sweet of him but when there’s a hot boy naked in your bed,I think you’d rather listen to him moan than your dad talk in his slurred voice,I got my dad into be,and said night,just then i realized there was cum making its was down my leg,my dad saw it but he was so drunk it didnt click with him,I shit the door,shouted good night and ran back into bed with josh,’I missed your perfect ass’ he said ‘oh shush’ I whispered,I told him what happened he ripped my pants off and his hoodue and he started eating me out,with a mix of his come and my cum in his mouth he looked up and kissed me with all the cum mixing in our mouths,’lovely’ I said,he winked at me and i fell asleep again,so tired from all the sex,and i wasnt used to it being a virgin before;-),I fell asleep my leg wrapped around josh,my head on his chest,he watched me sleep and every so often,I felt him play with my hair or kiss my neck or forehead,he asked me if i was awake in the early morning,I just replied with a ‘mmm’ and he started talking to me,I drifted in and out of a sleep,then I sat up and kissed him,and told him to go to sleep,he said ok,so he was huddled up beside me,the covers ober our heads and i was just dropping off when he started breathing in my ear,it was so hot,’I love you libby’ was whispered into my ear,his hot breath tickling my neck,’I love you too’ I replied,we fell asleep until the mrning and my dad was still sleeping so we had morning sex,oh god it was good,we had a shower together,just kissing and stuff,then I told my dad about josh,and he was cool with it,so was my mum,surprisingly,my brother just fist pumped him and walked off,he stayed for another night but had to go home the next day,I went with him,met his family and too this day,even though hes in college and he has offers,hes never cheated on me,he comes down one weekend,and then i go up to his the next,I might be abit young for all this but i cant let him go,its like ive found my missing piece,he feels the same and when im old enough he said he’s going to make me mrs libby farrow-way.

Sorry it was so long!!it took me forever because im on my phone,hope you enjoyed it haha


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