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1st. time with him

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: in a field
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was 14 years old . Not very experienced in sex. I had a
friend Bill. We used to talk about sex all the time . We
also talked about masterbation . One day we were going for a walk near my house we came upon a field . We of course were talking about sex. Bill suddenly said
how about we compare how we jerk off . I said sure why not. I figured maybe I would learn something new. Into the field of high grass we went . We settled down in a clear patch . Bill pulled down his jeans & briefs right a way. He started to stroke his cock which
was getting longer about 6 inches . Well what are you waiting for he said . I was a little shy , but I did the same . I was amazed at how hard I was . So we stroked & compared notes on how it felt to do certain things . I saw Bill stick his finger up his ass, he said
it made him feel real good. So I tried it & he was right it did feel good. After a while Bill said , the best was to get a blow job. I said I had never had one. Well he offered to give me one . I figured why not . He leaned over & licked my cock. It felt great . Then he
asked me to raise my ass off the grass. I did he stuck his tongue up my ass & slid it up my balls up to the top of my throbbing cock. I thought I was going to cum right there. Then with one gulp he had my cock in his mouth . Boy it felt great , but when he stuck his finger up my
ass I couldn’t hold back . I filled his greedy mouth he swallowed every drop . Then he said now it’s your turn . How could I refuse . Boy was he hard . I started at the top & slid his cock all the way up to the hilt . I buired my nose in his pubic hairs . It was great I didn’t want
to lick his ass, but I stuck my finger up he shot like a geyeser .I ‘ll never forget that afternoon.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience