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20 seconds of heaven!

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Girfriends basement
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had been dating Misty for about 4 months. She could really get you excited with those deep kisses. Anyway it was mostly feeling each others privates as we kissed on the sofa or as we madeout up against a door but this one Friday night she had plans for me. She was to watch her brothers and sisters that night for her mom. Well her mom got home at 10:00and then I left, well kinda. I was hiding out behind the house waiting for her to signal me. See her Bro. was in the army and was out on some retreat which left Misty the basement. When we got down there Right away I could tell we were going to get it on because she ripped my clothes right off and then we just we stiff, her mother had gotten up and was walking around just above the basement bedroom in the kitchen. I was scared to death, not misty she couldn’t keep her handsoff my 7″ of marble hard cock. She said she wanted to kiss it a little and then maby stick further in her mouth. I was like “GO FOR IT” Then she whispered up to me ” you better not cum in my mouth”. After about 5 second of that I jerked her head back because I was going nut, I was going way to fast. She then kept teasing me about how easy she could make me cum. Right then I knew she had done this before. Misty then laid on her back and pulled me on top of her. All I know was it felt like nothing I had ever felt before, pure heaven. I was humping so fast I didn’t even care about her mom. Then right before I was going to blow her moms voice felt like it was right next to me. It was dark , then I heard my name. I was starting to let go when I just yelled really loud ” I’m cumming ” I woke all her family up and I was just scarred about everything. Iran half naked all the way down the alley and up the street. What a night!!!!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience