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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: friends party in basement
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

Im 15 and i havent had sex yet but yesterday there was this huge party at my friends house nd all the guys and girls got to sleep over.. well lets just say all night there was dancing and grinding.. i had my eye on one guy all night lets call him brad. well brad and i grinded and stuff but i didnt think anything more would happen.
when 2am hit everyone started to settle down and we watched a movie… brad laid right by me and i was like ok cool probs nothing will happen but then he started to hold my hand from under the cover nd he started to rub my leg. i started to get kinda horny so i started to rub his chest and all over his upperbody.. further into the movie we started rubbing eachother even more and getting alot closer. then b4 i new it his hands were in my pants and he was fingering me.. it was so hard to not moan bec i couldnt with like 50 people being in the basement and all.. so then i put my hands down his pants and started to touch his dick and messed around for awhile wit it…

it was so perfect

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