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Age when it happend: fourteen
Where it happened: the bed in my living room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay so ; i was going out with my first boyfriend . i had an open crib . my mom&uncle always go to the poconos &i always have people over . it was around midnight when everyone left ; everyone except 4 of my friends and the boyfriend . so at first we were all together watchign teevee/cleaning a little then me and the bf went to the living room . we started hookingup . and we got more into it and he started fingering me . after about halfanhour into it he asked me if i had a condom . (i was at the gay parade that day and they gave out condoms ; me&myfriends had atleast 60 condoms between us but my friend “dsheeky” had bought me a marcjacobs condom & really wanted me to use it) i said i do but they were in my room somewhere . so he went and “quietly” asked dsheeky and obv . my other friends heard . so she was rumaging around my room making a mess looking for the condom and sadly she didnt find it . we ended up using a pretty blue one . he came back to the lviing room and we started undressing . we fucked . it was only like 5 minutes . it kinda hurt & was prettyyyy awkward . but afterwards me him and my firends were in the kitchen ( litereally 10 minutes after ) and they were questioning me infront of him -_- . we didnt sleep the whole night & he was really sweet and huggedme& we cuddled & etc . when we did go to bed around 7 am and he didnt leave my side all night . we ended up breaking u pseveral times in the next month or so . i left to europe to visit family & ended up having sex with several guys & i told the boyfriend & we broke up indefinatly . were still friends = )

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