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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well it was the first day of high school and i was a little nervous i got on the phone to my friend Michael and asked him if he wanted to walk to school with me. When we got to the school gates Mike sed to ” So how you feelin..? ” to which i replied ” Ok..i guess..?”. Well a couple of hours later the bell rang and school was out, I met up with Mike outside of school and we walked back to his house because i was staying there for tea, When we got to his house my mum had dropped of a bag of clothes for me to get changed into, so we both went up to his room to get changed, i sed to him should i go and get changed in a different room he sed to me ” No don’t be a girl just get changed in here..” well i cant stress enought how much those words meant to me as i kinda had a crush on him..Well all the time that we were getting changed i kept on staring at his beautifal muscley body his arse looked so good in his jeans and i had the biggest hard-on ever but i tried to hide it. Anyway over dinner i could help stare at him i think i was in love, Well a few more weeks past and it was summer and Mike was at my house we had a swimming pool in our garden well me and mike went swimming, i swear i almost came in my pants when i saw his hot and sweaty body. Well after we had been swimming we went up to my room to get changed, Mike looked sooo HOT in just his towel but then to my suprise he stood up and dropped his towel,well i must have stood and stared for about 8 mins, Mike sed to me ” So you happy now..? ” I asked him what he meant and he told me that he knew i was obsessed with him and that he kind of felt the same way. Well just at that sweet moment my mum walked up the stairs so mike quickly put his towel around him, my mum said to us ” Im going out for the weekend, Sam your aunty is at home if you need her, Mike’s mum will pick him up tommorow and Mike you can have my bed.” So my mum went out and mine and Mike’s eyes lighted up we knew that we were in for a great time. So we started to kiss and he tasted so sweet and then the next thing i noticed we were both naked in my mums bed, when i felf his rock hard cock against my leg then he sed to me ” So you sure you wanna do this, coz there is no turning back after this..” I then sed to him ” Mike i have been ready for this for 8 years now FUCK ME !!! ” And so it came to be, i loved his cock so much i sometimes evan went under the table in school and sucked him dry i swallowed every last drop of his warm sweet cum Mmmmm….

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