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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My girlfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

First time,

My girlfriend and I had planned to have sex sometime in the upcoming weeks. The only problem was that we were never alone, and really didn’t have the facilities. We’d been together for quite a few months now and she was eager to get biz. I made the mistake of telling her I was a virgin, to her excitement, and she pushed harder for us to do it. A few days later she called and told me her parents would be going out of town for the weekend. She invited me over the next day so that we could finally get down. Unfortunately, her aunt and her older brother were at the house. She didn’t care. She picked me up early that morning, still in her pajamas. We ran a couple of errands and finally got to her house a few hours later. By that time, I was terrified. What to do? We sat downstairs and kissed for a little while until finally she was ready. We went upstairs to her room, while her brother and aunt sat in the basement watching television. Still, I was terrified shaking like a bitch. She walked me into her bedroom and closed the door behind us. She forced me onto the bed and began marveling at my body. She removed my vest from me and began tugging at my A-Shirt. She kissed me slowly and softly all the while undressing me. Then it happened! She took her shirt off, her titties popped out and I got harder than a jawbreaker! She continued to undress sending me through agony the whole time watching. Kisha, had the body of a goddess. Average-sized breast, thick in the thighs, and the fattest ass on this side of the Mason-Dixon. By this time she was completely naked. Like a girl, I still had my underwear on. Scared to let the dick hang. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t lacking or anything. I was just reserved about being totally nude. Well, she finally slid my draws off of me and climb on top of me. Interestingly enough, she tugged at my love muscle for a while then slid it down so as to ride me. She put it in, and it hurt like hell. She wasn’t wet and she was extremely tight! She’d told me previously that she wasn’t a virgin, but I sure couldn’t tell. I took a long while for her walls to relax enough that I could fully penetrate. The whole time she rode me, I was in pain. It felt like someone took a paring knife to my shit. AFter about a half-an-hour of that she was tired and wanted me to do it. I got on top of her, timid at first, and began thrusting. She could tell I was insecure and she kind of coached me through it. I gained confidence with each stroke. She began moaning and complimented me on getting the hang of it. I continued to bang away just thinking the world of myself. She still never really got very wet. Oh well. Something came over me and I began swiveling my hips while inside her, doing circles all kinds of creative stuff. The dick plunged deep inside her to her pleasure. It seemed like we fucked for days. After a while she wanted to do it doggy-style. So I turned her around and tried to put it in from behind. No such luck. Her ass was so fat I had a hard time getting a good angle on it. Oh well, back to the missionary position. I slid back in and we continued fucking for what seemed like infinity. Turns out that we had sex for about 3 hours. Pretty damn good, for a first time huh? She was sexy beyond belief, but I never really enjoyed sex with her, especially that day. My first time, wasn’t anything to do a flip over. It was actually pretty bad. But with all the stuff that happened I learned a lot, and now I’m able to really bring it….

Mr. Smith

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