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Ebbie (7) Cont.

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Lakefront
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

You will have to refer to #21596 first to get the whole story, but my sister phoned me the other day and gave me this address and number shown, and there I was!

My name is Paul, and at the time when the ‘event’ took place I was 20. It was Elsie who wrote the story. I had no idea until now that she was a virgin at the time! Interesting! Instead of 2, that makes 3! (I think most guys count their ‘firsts’.

Anyway Elsie who was 15 at the time was my younger brother Jeffrey’s girlfriend, and she was always over at our house doing ‘homework’ with Jeffrey.

On the night she mentions it was raining really hard. Elsie and Jeffrey were in the basement fooling around, supposedly doing homework, but I knew better, and I was sitting upstairs in the living room watching TV.

Elsie only lived about 5 blocks from our house, and of course my 15 year old brother did not have a drivers licence yet, and so of course with it raining so hard she needed a ride home.

“Paul?” I heard this soft voice behind me. “Would you give me a ride home, pretty please?”

I looked at her. “Where’s Jeffrey?” He would usually walk her home when the weather was okay, and when it was raining he would come with us.

“He went to sleep.”

“Must have been a heavy night.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “For him maybe.”

I smiled and shook my head. She stood there with her school books in her hands, and was wearing a soft grey woollen pleated dress that was about 6 inches above her knee. It was really sexy because I think that Elsie, though she was still quite young, had the best looking legs of any girl I have ever seen. Now to further enhance her good looks was the prettiest face and the most gorgeous eyes a guy could ever imagine. When she looked at you it seemed to melt you, and I am sure she could have asked a guy anything and she would have gotten it.

“Let’s go,” I told her.

We were out in the car, and then it was that I could smell the sex of her. I don’t know how to explain that, but there was this scent about her, do doubt caused by the fact that her and Jeffrey had been doing some heavy petting down there in the basement. Of course I didn’t say a thing, but as we sat there, waiting for the car to warm up, I just looked across at her sitting next to me in the big Cadillac, her school books in her lap and her pert young tits and cleavage reasonably well exposed by the low cut blouse she was wearing, and as I looked at them I could not help but imagine what they would look like if she were naked.

We were driving down the road, and as we approached her house I started slowing down; and then to this day I do not know what happened to me because the next thing that I knew we just kept driving, right past her house, and Elsie just sat there on the other end of the big bench seat and didn’t say a word!

We kept on driving, maybe a mile or so down the highway, and then I turned the car down the old lake road, and began driving along the bumpy gravel road through the woods a couple of miles and down to the lake.

Elsie just kept sitting there, not saying a word. I was too damned scared to look at her, but from what I could make out she seemed quite relaxed.

We parked, the car facing out onto the lake, and after I had turned the engine off I put my arm up and around behind her shoulder.

She leaned forward, placed her school books on the floor, and then slid across the seat and nestled there right beside me, as though it was that we were lovers and we had done this thing a hundred times before.

I kissed her, and then it was I felt the passion, her tongue pushing deep inside my mouth, her hand behind my neck as she pulled me to her, and then it was my hand slipped down inside her bra, and the nipples of her breasts were pressed against my hand. They were beautiful! More beautiful than anything I ever might have imagined! Softly I kept playing with them, and felt of her responding as the nipples rose and pushed against my hand. Damn it all! I was entranced! I’d never felt such nipples, so long as hers before!

My other hand now rested on her leg and rubbed her thigh, and in a moment it was underneath her dress and touching on the bulge of hair and tender flesh beneath her panties.

I heard her moan as I caressed it, and felt the soaking of its wetness as I softly stroked and played with it, then pushed aside the fabric and let my fingers go inside. The lips of it were open and awaited what I did, and the flesh of it inside of them so slippery and wet that it just seemed to drip against my skin! In all my life, of all the girls I’d ever fucked back then or even since, I’ve never felt a girl so wet or slippery as Elsie was right then!

As it was I found out later it seemed that her and Jeffrey had been playing round all night, and though they’d never done it, it seemed they nearly did; but then it was that Jeffrey was so horny and aroused that he shot his load all over her but mostly over him; and then the scent of her so anxious and aroused as what she was, was what I smelled the moment that she got into the car!

I took my arm from round her and opened up the door, and in a moment she was sitting on the back seat of the car as I took the panties off of her she had taken off her blouse and was taking off her bra. I looked at her in wonderment and kneeled between her thighs, and then when I removed my cock the poor thing was so anxious, the head of it so swollen that I thought I’d break its skin!

She was holding me, and kissing me, and it seemed that she was anxious to feed the flesh within. The straining of my penis now touched upon the pubic hair then sought the flesh within, and then it was it touched within the lips and sought inside! I thought that I might lose it and realized then why Jeffrey had never made it in; and I’m sure to this very day that fate had had a hand, for I’d only fucked my girlfriend just two hours or so before.

I played with her a moment, and felt of her respond, and then when she was ready to explode I pushed it in. Such pleasure of a woman I had never felt before, but never did I realize I was first to put it in. There could not have been a hymen, or of such I did not feel, and she fucked as though she’d done it a hundred times before.

We climaxed in a frenzy such as what I can’t describe, and the energy I lost to her was such that when we finished my body lay exhausted and it seemed I could not move.

We barely talked before the deed, nor when the deed was done, and after it was over I drove her back to where it was I almost stopped the car. We kissed for just a moment, as though it was we should, and then she packed her books and smiled and opened up the door.

The last time that I saw her was almost as interesting as the first – though not quite. She was two years older, and by then I was married, to the same girl I had been dating (and fucking) at the time that Elsie and I went to the lake. I am a mechanic, and we had moved to a city called Kamloops in British Columbia, about a hundred miles from where Elsie and I were from. I was working on a car and the people who owned it had come in to pick it up, and there was Elsie, with them. I couldn’t believe it, and neither could she! She was even more gorgeous than she had been back then, and I could see then why it was that she became a model!

We talked, mostly about things about the town where we were from, where she still lived. When she left with the family she was with I was disappointed to see her go, and remembered fondly the occassion of our ‘copulation’ at the lake!

I was working on another car, lying underneath it, about an hour later; and I heard this womans voice. At first I thought it was my wife, but when I got out from underneath the car there was Elsie, with her girlfriend, whose parents owned the car.

“Hi cowboy!” she was saying, a big smile on her face.

We flirted. I told her I was married, and then it was she asked me to show her where the bathroom was.

I told her. Round the side of the building. “The keys are over there,” I said pointing.

“Are they clean?” she asked.

“I think so.”

“Shouldn’t you come with me and check?” she simply asked.

I went with her, and after we had locked the door, we had the fuck of a lifetime – with her sitting on the wash bason with her legs wrapped around me, and me with my overalls around my ankles so as not to get grease all over her.

I’m not sure what her friend thought. She just smiled at the two of us when we came back and told me that my wife and also two customers had been in to see me. She told them I was on a test drive and should be back in a half hour. It wondered if she might have timed Elsie on previous ocassions such as this.

Anyway that was the last time I saw Elsie. Great to hear from you Elsie!! You were great! My 6 inch dick with its foreskin back never had so much fun! Call me sometime!
By the way, I agree with the bell-hop! I am sure that your ‘cunt’ still feels as good as it did way back when!

By the way, remember Wendy’s friend Brenda, the one who let Wendy bonk her boyfriend Gerald in the basement bedroom so that Wendy would know what true sex was supposed to be like? It was the story (#21829) that Wendy sent in? Well, if you read it to the end, I was the guy who was driving the car!

It was an unexpected surprise – unfortunately though I was the second one in, though I think she could have handled more! She was as horny as hell because of what had happened, though I never knew the full story until I read it here. I saw Brenda the next day, down town holding hands with her boyfriend, and wondered if he even had a clue of all that had happened the night before! Did he ever find out that it was Wendy he’d been bonking that night, not Brenda?

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