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How I Love Moutain Dew

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Party
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This the story about my first time. I was at this party and there were about 100 peple there, a realy big bash. Lots of people had broght their girlfriends and boyfriends, unfortunatly, I didn’t have either. But all the same I had a lot of fun. After a couple of hours like half the people had left, and the remaining people were just me and my friends (who were hosting the party). I was getting my tenth can of Mountain dew and I wasn’t looking where I was going so I bumpped into this girl and soaked her in soft-drink! I hadden’t nodiced just how beautiful she was, blond, with these amazing, mystirious green eyes that were almost hypnotic, her figure was to die for slender, and firm, and her breasts! some of the best I’ve ever seen! She wore her hair up and wore these glasses that made her entier body look even better. I was aroused by her breasts not because they were huge but because of the way they moved with every motion she made. “Uh, sorry” I said without an ounce of inteligence in me, mostly hormones. “That’s alright, I can borrow some of Rachel’s clothes (The girl who’s house we were using) for now” She said in return. The moment she raised her head and those eyes came in contact with mine, I was gone, my hormones had taken me over. I had but one mission … get closer to this girl!!! I knew this mission would change over the course of the night but for now, that’s what I did. I followed her inside where she foud Rachel’s room and went into her wordrobe and pulled out a tank top and a pair of realy short
cut-off jeans. “wait here while I change” she said with the most sexy tone of voice I’ve ever heard. I wasn’t quite sure what it ment, But I knew she liked me. I put my head to the door to hear what was going on, stupidly, because I knew what was going on and what was I trying to hear? I waited for about twenty minutes. By then I rapped on the dor and said “Are one already?” I said impatenitly. A response came through the door … “Yeah, come in please”
“um, okay” I said in return. I opened the door to find her (Aperently her named is Alice) in the same wet clothes she began with. “Why aren’t you changed?” I asked “I need some help here” It just doesn’t get any better than this. “First help me get these wet clothes off” Nervously I watched as she pulled off the wet shirt, got half way and said “Are you going to help me or not?” I quickly did as she said and pulled off the shirt. With luck it came off. Unfortunatly she was wearing a bra. But she unhesitatly took it off. The sight of her breasts were amasing, the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Now help me with my pants, I unzipped them, I felt realy weird about it. And they came of with no problem. She then took her panties off. There she stood completly naked. I was just standing there staring. “what are you staring at?” she asked I responded “Well duh, you’re naked and I’m a guy” “Oh, Well if it bothers you I can get dressed by myself” she responded “no no that’s okay” I urged, I was getting way too motered to stop now. What she did next changed my life forever. She walked towards me and wispered into my ear “I guess I won’t be getting dressed for awhile then” She then sat on the bed, still naked and pated the bed, signaling for me to lie down beside her. I knew we both wanted it. On the bed I wispered into her ear “Are you sure you want to do this?”
And what she was just what feared, yet wanted to hear “Yes”
I slowly rolled over so that I was now on top of her. She slowly slid my shirt off and unbuttoned my pants. All the while I was busy checking out her bear breasts with my mouth. We kissed pasionatly on the lips and I felt her wonder breasts they were not too big so I could fit one I my two hands. I grabbed one and careseded it with my face as if she was my mother and I was cutling up to her beautiful bossom. By the time she had my pants undone she began to rub my genitle area. My “balls” cupped in her hands and she began to kiss them tenderly. “I love you” I wispered once again to her “every part of you” She took out her tonge and began to snake it around the inside of my legs and enjoying it emensly. I moaned along with her for I had begun the voyage down into the space between her legs. I too was using my tounge to please her, licking the inside then outside in turn. She was moaning and begining to lubricate. I don’t belive in wild insane sex, that’s why I’m keeping it slow. I find it more enjoyable that way. “Are you feeling as great as me?” She asked “Better” I replied, a smart thing to say. Did mention this is just how I amagined my first time? You rarely get it like that. I wanted to go in for the kill. I begun to slide my penis into her vagina but first she told me something that lifted a lot of weight off my shoulders “I can’t get pregnant, its too soon after my peroid, so feel free to do your very best”
I slowly put my penis inside her, I heard her moan with pain so I asked her I it was too painful to go on, she said definatly not. I was fully in and I started to rythymly moved up and down and side to side inside her. She went wild she was so turned on by this. I felt the shot coming, it started in my “balls” and then it blasted out through my penis. It shot it off about 5 or 6 times the moans we gave off were so loud that I was afraid that my friends would walk in on us. After five minutes of that I exited and stopped entirely. We just lay there for awhile. “That was just how I imagined my first time would be” I said to Alice “Me too” she replied. We got dressed and shared an intamate shower. She is now my girlfriend, not only that but my bestfiend and my soulmate also. I just can’t belive that a simple can of mountain dew brought me all the happiness in the world. We have head sex many times after and have only fought once, but didn’t stay mad long. I love her more than life itself. And I owe it all to that can of Moutain Dew. Now I drink a can every day, to remind me just how lucky I am and how special she is.

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