My first sexual experience happened at my local highschool. Only I wasn’t in highschool; I was only in 7th Grade. This is what happened… My older sister was in the 11th grade and was an athlete. She played Softball, Basketball, and was a swimmer. Anyway, because she had her drivers license she frequently had to take me to and from my sporting events. One marvolous day, She picked me up from baseball practice on her way to swim practice at the highschool. As a young sexually maturing male at the time going through puberty I loved going to her swim practice. Knowing this, her friends always flurted with me and made me feel like a King. What more could a man want? Highschool girls in swimsuits (skimpy ones at that). So there I was, hot and dirty from baseball practice, showers in the girls locker room, and pretty (flurtatios) girls in the pool. On this day my uncontrollable urges overwhelmed me… Yes, I thought that because the girls would not be done practicing for a while, I had time to sneak a shower (and do that other things that teenage boys do in the shower). Little did I know that the girls swim team was divided into varsity and “junior-varsity” squads. As I stood in the shower masturbating -the only soap on my body lathered around my 9-inches of rock hard penis- I heard two girls, who I now know were from the JV squad, giggiling in awe as they watched from the door of the shower… Embarrased as I ever have been to this day, I covered my “unit” with both hands and tried to talk (mumble) my way out of that mess. To my suprise, after a couple of quick whispers between one-another and about 10 s of dead silence they walked towards me, dropping their towels to the bench beside the shower. The abrupt softening of my “hard-on” that had occured just moments prior to that moment was definetly short-term (no pun intended). By penis was brought to attention once again as one of the girls stroked my rock-hard penis ever so gently- It was as if her hand was make of silk- while the other girl started pressed her body against my butt and groped my body. Lost and amazed in the moment, the next thing I knew one of the girls had seemingly vanished leaving only Tanya and I in the shower alone. From that point Tanya took over- pushing me back against the corner of the shower and continually pressing her body against my “unit” as she whispered in my ear (only I know what she whispered). Quivering from the orgasm she had just given me, I stood there looking at her hoping she would follow through with the promise she had just whispered. She then wiped my penis off with her hand and guided me to extacy! I had my first sexual experience right there in the girls shower. As I stood in amazement and lust, she rythmicly thrust herself upon my unit over and over and over again until I came inside her. I admit now that tears welled in my eyes and my body quivered as I felt like I had never felt before- warm, relaxed, exhausted, fulfilled. What seemed to be an eternity to me then probably only lasted a few minutes in reality. o this day my sister thinks I crossed the football field to the boys lockerroom to shower and had just returned. Tanya and I didn’t stop “dating” that day though. In Fact, to this day, we still have secrete little randevous when we are both in town from college.