OK. Just so everyone gets this- we’re writing this together.
Actually- we’re writing while we’re… well you know, you get
the idea. ; ) hehe
Well, our first time was rather impromtu. We were out of school
and back at my house and we started to mess around. Well
the next thing we knew- we were both naked (but that wasn’t new)
but i was atop her, and just teasing her at the entrance.
But then i slipped in ( both our faults i think, we both kinda
pushed)Well, I went to get a condom and when i came back we resumed.
But quickly stopped- we felt guilty.
10 days later we found ourselves in the same situation, but
this time we didn’t stop. We kept going.
It only hurt me a little bit
(the girl) but i bled some. But it was really good, we changed
positions a few times. Him on top me on top, it was all good.
We’ve done it several several ( several several) times since
then and it keeps getting better and better. We’ve done it
my room, parents room, shower, truck, and now, here in front
of the computer.
Yep! you guessed it, here we are, her bent over the comp table
me behind her, adding yet another room to our list!!! Well, all thanks
for reading our story, and have a good day, and good luck!
Horsey & Cowgirl
PS. We’re still together today, been together for over 8 months
and we both care for each other a lot, that’s why we decided to
give our first times to each other.
(as well as our , , , . etc. etc.)