I was in high school and becoming competitive with my friends., sex became the primary competition. I had already been thinking about it, but was in no rush until the competitive urge struck me. I was not about to be last one.
Along comes Stephany. Stephany and I hang out together a little. We talk a bit. We become friends. We talk about sex.
At some point it becomes obvious to me that she wouldn’t mind coming over to my place to let me have sex with her. Maybe that is why I was becoming her friend. Maybe I knew that she was easy and I wanted to get some of that stuff she was easy with. I drove her to my place one afternoon when I knew that it would be empty. We went to my bedroom and we got undressed and I put on a condom and I put it inside her. I felt awkward getting undressed in front of her.
I had a little trouble getting it inside her. I can still picture her laying on her back, her white thighs spread, legs half-way in the air, ready for me. I expected that it would slide right in (I expected a warm, slippery texture after fingering women), but it was not so easy.
After a repositioning of the legs “sometimes Jimmy likes my legs like this” — or whatever his name was. Jimmy was Stephany’s current or ex boyfriend. — we were gliding in and out smoothly. I think I was wondering whether the condom takes away feeling. And I wondered… about whether it feels better with a condom or without, only then I didn’t know what to compare it to. And so I considered whether it felt like there was sensation missing and I thought that, maybe, yes, it definitely seems like there is some missing sensation. And I also worried about when my dad was going to get home. What if he came home early? And then I felt guilty. What was I doing? I’m not even dating this girl.
We quit before I had a chance to come.