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muh friend

Where it happened: my g-ma'z house
Langauge: English
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

ok, well ever since i was in 6th grade, my best friends have been together and we’ll call them, Terry and Kyle. Ok well Kyle’s best friend has liked me or whatever, and I have never liked him we were always pushed to be together n’ I was dissagreeing… then this year I finally started liking him on my own, i mean he’s a good guy n’ everything n’ we always pick on eachother. Well he has a girlfriend who is a senior, and she’s a hoe! she’s cheated on him 2 times and 1 that he doesn’t know about but I do and so do all of his friends..well anyways…tonite we were all gonna hang out its been planned for the last 2 weeks, and I knew that we would do stuff, but I didn’t expect it to go that far! Moving on…we were laying on the bed in my g-ma’z spare bedroom (i’m watching her dog for the next week) and people kept coming over, and meanwhile my friends Terry n’ Kyle were in the next room. We started making out, it actually went kinda fast…then he was down my pants and then he went down there himself licking me. Finally he asked me if I wanted him to “put it in” in his words and I said yeah…I mean i like the guy a lot! Ok so we started doing it trying out different positions its was kinda sloppy, i thought it was funny! but he asked me if it was my first time (because it wasn’t his) and i told him yes, he said if i ever want to stop just to let him know. I mean thats really sweet, we don’t have many of those guys around here. So we kept going for like 45 mins. ANd finaly i gave him head and he came in my mouth. It was fun. But i kind of think he regrets doing it because he cheated on his girlfriend! SO i don’t know whats gonna happen!

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