Ok.. here goes.. it was a little while ago. my bf and i had been together for 7 months and 7 days. guess 7 was the lucky number! we were at a graduation party and we decided to leave. well.. we went to a spot that we frequent often, and were messing around and stuff, and before i knew it, my pants were off. the whole sex deal had come up before, but never as seriously as it did this night. my bf took out a condom, and put it on, but i told him that i wanted to wait for a minute or two.. just to make sure that i wanted to do “it”. he had no problem with that and he started to put it in. at first it didn’t really hurt, but it felt weird, then it started to hurt. me bf isn’t a virgin, so he was very kind, patient and gentle with me. he had told me before that if i wanted to stop, then that would be ok as well. so….. on we went.. it only went on for like 7 minutes or so, then for some reason we stopped. so.. that was my first time. in the passenger seat of my boyfriends car, listening to seven mary three. seven was definately my number that night!