In ’67 my dad passed on and my mom became an alcoholic;
working and supporting us kids fairly well; but she was
never home so my sisters had the run of me and the house.
I was a young man; just , I remember all those
make out parties my sister had in the late ’60’s A little
grass sometimes, (I didn’t get any till later I when
that happened) I often thought of and fantasized about my
sister’s girl firend Linda. Man she was a beauty! Blonde,
nice 36 Bs or small Cs; I don’t really know what size she
was exacly, but she gave me my first real kiss from a girl
that wasn’t sister, Instand Hard On! no shit! I was as hard
as a iron rod! All 3 inches!
Not long after that my sister and her Girl friend Linda
(the one who gave me my first kiss) caught me out of the
shower towel in hand on a stair landing; there I was butt
naked and my little hairless dick and balls just hanging; I
wasn’t as mortified as I thought I should be; actually I
think this was my encounter that I got aroused from
an external source instead of fantasy.
Now I knew what all the kissing was about! Man I have seen
my sister and her girl friend felt up week-end after week-
end and now I knew exactly what it was that was so cool!.
Her lips were firm but soft and clinging; you guys know
exactly what I mean; hell she was the old girl we
all kissed and remember to our last day! (I was lucky
enough to have had that experiance over again many times!
(maybe I’ll post those stories another day)
Anyway I learned about sex from the usual sources long
before I entered puberty and I futhered my experiments at
self discovery and stimulation.
I watched my sister bang a family friend; This had to be
1968. I somehow knew that they would do something that
night so I went up to my sister’s room (actually 2 rooms in
the attic). My elder brother had left a work bench across
there before he went off to the service. It was positioned
agint the wall across from the foot of the bed. I got under
and behind the bench and waited. I was outta sight and in a
place where my sister would feel secure.
It wasn’t too long before they came up stairs talking
softly; I could tell they had been drinking.
I don’t remember much except my sisters tits! I knew she
was big but I never realised how pretty her tits were.
At least 40DD and firm as the earth!
She had some stand up tities! The curve on the bottom
didn’t touch her rib cage at all!
They were THAT fine!
I started playing with myself watching them; I mean it
looked and felt felt so good! I didn’t know what an orgasm
was but this was the shit! Here is where i learned to
squeeze my cock, man it was teriffic!
I got better at self stimulation; I would get some baby oil
and lube my inner thighs and push my little dick through my
tightly clinched thighs till a very odd but great feeling
happend, I would hold the Playboy in my right hand and work
my cock with the left till this feeling came along, it was
like there was a vibrator on my dick but it would pass,
I’d start again but it was too sensitive; it actually
ticked for a time but then the sensitivity would pass and
still being hard i’d do it agine; many, many, many nights I
did it all night long; over and over again.
Linda and my sister had a final falling out and she
disappeared from the scene. I often got the feeling (maybe
it was wishful thinking!) that Linda would seduce me; what
a wet dream that was! I like to think it would have
happened with her first had she hung around. But Dear Linda
was the subject of many a fantasy for me and still does.
I started entering puberty, I still had not a hair on my
dick but I could tell because one night during my
excursions into over self-indulgence I got that feeling and
a white fluid shot out! Man It felt even better!
I was shooting something out, it didn’t scare me or concern
me, I just had fun! Later, somewhere I learned what it was.
The hair on my dick started to grow more. I can remember
looking down and seeing it maybe 1/8th of an inch long;
between fuzz and hair.
My mother got married and we moved to the next town into a
huge house; so big it had apartments on the 3rd floor.
A single woman lived up there; nice looking, I had a crush
on her. I used to visit her often; she was trusted by my
parents; I mean women did’t seduce pre-pubescent boys in
1970…..HA! Not that my mom would have objected; she was
too open minded even for the 70’s
For Christmas she gave me a Creedence Clearwater Revival LP
It was the Pendulum LP.
My beard started, I was growing a hairy chest and just at
s of age.
It must have been that spring that Ricky moved into the 2nd
apartment that had been used as storage up till that time.
She was a school music teacher she taught at the elementary
School down the hill from my Jr High.
I flirted with her the same as I flirted with the other
single gal up there but this one responded! I mean the
other one did too but it was what you would expect to hear;
this other gal Rickie showed interest!
It wasn’t long before I was visiting her regulary. Just a
youngster full of hormons! We would visit and I would
continue to flirt, drink cokes…
My next elder sister became pals with her. They use to go
out… where I don’t know.
One day mu sister told me rickie was involved with me the
way a woman was with a man! Well this blew me away! I
started to worry (for about 2 s) and just kept on
doing what I had been doing.
One day Rickie had a girlfriend over; man did the fantasies
go through my young mind! There i was in an apartment with
2 single not so good looking grown young women! Women with
college degrees! Smart people! What a RUSH!
I had really great hair as a kid; if you were a girl it was
great but a pain in the ass if you were a guy that didn’t
wanna fuck with it. It was naturally curly and thick.
It was too long and Rickie had invited her girlfriend over
to cut it for me.
There i was in the kitchen with 2 girls fawning over me!
4 titties bobbing around my face; needless to say I was
excited, amd hoping but never in my life did I believe
anything would happen.
Well they cut my hair, washed it and blow dryied it and it
looked pretty good till a puff of wind would hit it.
There were LOTS of smiles and giggles between these two.
You know how girls, even women will giggle and carry on
when they have a naughty secret between themselves. I knew
the signs from my days in grade school, I was between 2
such gigglers!
Well the friend left (whewww!! DAMN!!!) and we were alone.
We made our way to the day bed and sat on the floor.
Talking about my hair I think. Somehow we started to kiss.
And Kiss! Thisa was so cool! Soon we were laying on the
floor kissing and hugging! I could feel her heat, her
Rickie was not a fat gal but she was big, tall maybe 6’with
large bones and broad hips. She had Bb cup titties maybe
small C cups.
I started to very tentivly and slowly move my hands to one
and met no objections. Squeezing my first breast! It felt
so nice! And they still do! The firmness and resiliancy,
the springyness and warmth! How it always filled my hand
regardless of it’s position! I don’t know how girls and
women can leave their tities alone! Soon I dared to go
under her shirt and feel her through her bra, she suggested
I take it off!
I got even harder. I reached around (maintaining my cool; I
mean I couldn’t let her know I was a virgin! How
mortifying!)and found the clasp; it was a narrow strap, I
remember my sisters….discarded laying around in the
laundry or in a clothes basket around the house; 4 or maybe
5 hooks, those bras are for BIG tits! I found the clasp and
pinched it like a pro and I heard the sound of the strap
scruffing across her soft, smooth skin (guys you know the
sound) and she told me to remove her shirt also. I looked
at her and damn how pretty! I was on my kness and I lifted
it off above her shoulders; always wanting to make her
laugh I said “well it’s only fair…” and remover my shirt
giving her a show while the shirt was slowly drawn off and
cast aside.
She lay back down on the floor knees up arms toward me i an
invitation to “come hither” and I went!
I lay down between her legs a first time for that
experiance! It felt SO GOOD!
I felt her body pressing on me with my own weight. The way
it pressed and the places it pressed against is enough to
arouse any one!
I was on fire and I bet she was; I mean think about what
she was doing! Laying down with a old! Sure maybe
physically mature enough but still a child and her a
She started her hips moving in a fucking motion THAT DID IT!
I was so hard! and luckily I had my dick pointed up; the
head was touching my navel and i could just feel the lips
of her pussy on my cock through our blue jeans.
We pressed hard into each other. I kissed her, she was the
first girl that french kissed me and we were getting me
extreamly proficiant!
Her pussy would roll up and I would thrust against her;
our breath was hot (when we remembered to breathe at all!)
We necked and dry fucked for what seemed like hours ahnd
started towards her pants snap, undid it and unzipped the
jeans. What a nice sound! I reached in under her panties
and just played there in her hair while I suckled her
breatst one then the othe back and forth. Her hair felt so
nice; soft and well very nice. I started to push lower and
she stopped me, saying it wasn’t a good time of the month
for those things she was very sorry and hoped I wasn’t
upset. Upset? How could I be upset? Look at what you have
given me!
I got to touch her, be touched, and lay between her thighs!
Suckle her breasts all I wanted to and I never did get
enough of that!
So I said it was ok! I didn’t expect any of this! and
continued to play there on top of her pussy kissing and
suckling laying back on her and dry humping till 1:30 in
the morning and she seemed to enjoy it too.
The next day we spoke on the phone and she told me she went
to bed in wet panties and she told me how good it felt.
This kinda bugged me at first but then it turned me on; I
mean I knew what she was indicating, that I turned her on
so much she wanted to keep the evidence of the feeling; we
this a fetish? I thought maybe she was had more fetishes
other more sisnister than this! Well I don’t know but I
thought deep down that it was pretty fucking cool!
That was maybe on a week night! Yea durng the school year!
The next weekend her girlfriend was back and now i just
KNEW we had a three way in my young and innocent future!
Well we spend the evening together; had dinner and a lot of
laughs and the girlfriend split! Aww FUCK! I thought in my
old head that the girl friend had the hots for me
too; I’m sure she had but they weren’t up to the task.
Anyway we were back on the floor and she said I mean right
out of the blue “Do you have a rubber?” Well hell where’s a
old supposed to get a rubber in 1970? I mean it was
way too embarassing for me to get one (where ever they came
from) and so I said “OK I’ll be back!”
Arnold you stole my line!
So I got on my Bicycle, a 5 speed from Sears that I
converted into a 10 speed. I went and found one of my
friends; his name was Keith; I told him what was going on;
he told me he sure as hell would go for it! weel I needed a
rubber! He said that I could get a rubber over at Jerry’s a
bar just across the river they got a rubber machine located
in the can. Well hell I looked 18, been buying beer at the
local family owned store so I rode like the wind; got to
the place and walked in like I owned the place. I swaggered
into the can, reached into my pocket, got my quarter out
and slipped it in to the slot, turned the knob and plunk
there it was in the tray. I Stuck it in my pocket, and ahh
what the hell, turned around, took a leak and hauled ass
outta there!
Meanwhile back at the ranch!
I got home said night to my parents and went to my room a
very teenage thing to do! Then went out into the hall,
upstairs and tapped on Rickies door, she closed and locked
the door behind me.
I told her I got it; she asked where and i told her that
too but not how I knew there was a maching there! I told
her my parents took me in there from time to time for
dinner….I really don’t think she gave a damn about that
she just didn’t want my buddies to know and run their
So we started necking I was determined to be cool and not
shake; but it was extreamly exciting, I was wet, so wet!
She asked what was that wetness down there; God I had a
woman playing with my cock, massaging my balls! and I was
We got naked and we were just having a ball sucking her
nipples…noticing how they changed how her whole breasts
changed! it was sooooo cooooolllll and it still is to me!
I was laying on her suckling back and forthkissing her all
over, tasting the femininity for the first time that i soon
became addicted to.
We were making small talk between breasts and the phone
rang! It was her MOM! So while she talked to her mother I
continued to nurse her breasts and kiss her all over while
she tried to maintain and chit chat like she was watching
tv when the phone rang! Women are so fem right then… in
moments like that; i just love to see how they squrim in
moments like that.
Somehow we were on the other day bed now, sheets pulled
down and she started to suck my cock; oh man it was nice
but no fireworks; it never did a whle lot for me, I mean
it’s nice but if a gal expects me to cum tat way she better
be ready to go for the long haul cause it takes a long time!
Anyway back to our story!
She sucked me hard I mean really hard! I thought it was
gonna be HER dick in a minute!
Then we got IT out.
She opened it and asked me to put it on! AWWW fuck I didn’t
know! So I said uh uh that’s YOUR job!
So we got the fucker on and she laid back sooo sexy!
and pulled me over on top of her, very sexy too!
She guided me into her and i was non- plused bigtime. I
mean She was SO WET! I instictually know that would effect
any feeling I would get but the fucking rubber was a major
impediment too. I stoked her for 3 hours; never going soft
or cumming either, we talked about 69, she asked if i ever
did that, I wasn’t prepared to have some one look at my ass
much less put my nose in some one’s ass either, not!
Well I pounded that pussy till I couldn’t no more and she
sent me to my room as she was exhausted too. I learned that
when women cum a lot it wears them out too!
Later that morning she called me and said she found the
rubber inside her pussy, gee i guess my dick was younger
than what the designers thought would be a proper age for a
dick to be in a rubber!
Well my dick has grown (thank God!) way beyond that; now
rubbers fit tight like they should.
But I’ll never forget my music teacher/lover that was so
generous to me that summer of 1970.