My parents and my friends parents were going to be gone for the weekend. They decided that he ( Dave) and his older brother ( mike) could stay our house as long as the brother would watch us. A few hours after they settled in Dave and I disapeared up stairs into my parent’s room. He started braging how big he was ( claimed 9″ and he was 14 years old). I told him I would kiss it for 5 minutes if it realy was. It was! So I did. After that he offered to kiss me in different places. WOW! After that he dared me to let him put in inside me. I told him it wouldn’t fit. He maked me agree that if it did he could do me for 30 minutes nonstop. It almost all fit but who cares, it was close enough. After about an hour his brother was wondering where we were and started looking for us. He found us in my parent’s bed. He stood there for who knows how long before he took his close off anf joined us. Guess what he was even bigger. I needed a brake so we went downstares naked for dinnner. I was fun watching there dickes bounce up and down when ever they moved. By this point the sun had gone down so being it was Mike’s turn he decided to do it in the back yard, which we did( go thing nobody was home next door). No it was my turn to turn the situation. I knew it was going to be a big gamble but I dared them both to do me at the same time but first they would have to do something I wanted them to do. They agreed without asking first and I had locked them outside with no clothes to get covered with and turned the outside lights on( I am good). I told them they would have to suck on each other for 20 minutes or I wouldn’t let them back in. After being outside for almost an hour they agreed. That was real fun to watch and then I had to let them back in. They got payback on me. Over 2 days of it.They even did both holes at the same time on several occasions.Iwas so fun changing back and forth beween the holes I culd believe you could be taken to such a thrilling point. Lets say when it was all over I was rather sore for a week. About a month later our parent’s took of for a 2 week trip before summer was over. Dave and Mike even brought a few male and female friends over a few times. Of course the pictures I took of them togther were threatened to be shown a few times so I could keep control of things.