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Track & Field

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Middle School Track Meet
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I was on the track team at my Middle School. On one of our track meets while I was warming up for an event, a girl came running up to me. She must have been the same age or a year older at the most. She immediately told me to start kissing her. Very dumbfounded, I did.
Then to my surprise an abnormally tall and buff guy walked up. It happened to be her boyfriend. He pushed her to the side and told me that I better prepare for the beating of my life. He was a very slow fighter, so I was able to beat him up fairly quickly. The girl, who had been witnessing the event, asked me to come with her. I told her that my event was coming up and that I barely had time, but she insisted. She took me inside the middle school to a deserted hallway. She started kissing me and she put her hands down my shorts. I couldn’t help but put my hands up her shirt and feel her breasts. Before I knew it, she slowly and casually lowered her way down, pulling off my shorts, and starting giving me a blowjob. I told her I was going to cum and she let me come on her face. After wiping it off she told me get on top of her. So I discretely slipped my penis in her vagina and started to go in and out. She moaned and yelled, which made me fear someone would hear, so I told her to keep quite. She reached an orgasm, at that point she was screaming and I could hear footsteps around the corner of the hall. I told her we had to get out of here and we did, we ran like the wind to the nearest bathroom to wash up.
Somehow, I managed to make it in time for my race.
The events leading up to the race gave me the boost I needed, I won by a landslide.
As for the girl, I saw her once at the local amusement park. I saw her, and she noticed me staring at her. I could see it in her eyes that she remembered me, and we stood like that for at least a minute, deciding if we should confront each other or not. We split our seperate ways and have never seen each other since.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience