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what should i have done

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: on the couch
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Stacy and I were best friends since forever. But that year Stacy started making new friends who liked her but not me. At first, she was mean to me only when it was in front of them. But later I knew things had changed. I was still girlish and unsophisticated. I didn’t know anything about make-up and I dressed the way I’d always dressed, shorts and t-shirts in the summer. Those girls on the other hand, they were beautiful and sexy.

I wasn’t even supposed to be at her place that night. But unlike Stacy, I was ready to date yet and so when Stacy’s mom called me to babysit their youngest, Linda, I said sure,okay.

I didn’t count on her dad coming home so early that evening. I’d just put Linda to bed and presumably, Stacy’s mom was still having her girls’ night out. I hardly ever see My Thompson on account he’s always away and so I just smiled and explained why I was here. I could see why Stacy loves her dad so. He’s kinda hot even though he’s so old. And he’s funny and charming. Stacy talks about him all the time.

Anyway, I guess you already can tell what was going to happen? He sat and watched tv with me and his arms were around me as we talked. Halfway talking I made a joke and he laughed and stroked my cheek. “You’re so different from Stacy!” He said. “SO mature! She should learn from you more.” Guess he didn’t know we weren’t really friends anymore. His hand trailed my cheek and down to my breasts. I gasped a little, but he just smiled and started to put his hand under my shirt. Under my bra he stroked me until my nipples hardened. All the time I sat so still, so scared, but half enjoying the sensations I was feeling.

He started to breathe heavily and took off his shirt. Then he encouraged my to lie down on the sofa and pulled my shorts off. I protested softly, but he kept saying” it’s ok, don’t be afraid,” and asked me if anyone had touched me before. I said no and he said he couldn’t imagine how that could be possible. “you’re very beautiful Jenny, do you know that?” and then he was fingering my panties and feeling my wetness inside with his fingers. I think I whimpered which seemed to get him excited. In my mind I thought maybe Stacy will know of this and be really sad about her dad. But when I opened my eyes and saw he was not totally naked and how hard his body was like the men on tv I think I gasped again. His hands were feeling my breasts when he entered me and started moving. It was painful and sharp and I cried, but he kept moving up and down and I started to enjoy it until I felt the pressure mount up and then I started to scream. I felt like I’d burst and he’d burst inside me and we were in flames together.

Mr Thompson did this with me a few more times that night before we both got up andgot dressed. He didn’t tell me not to say anything, he never made me feel ashamed. He just kissed me in the mouth at the end and told me he’d like to see me again.

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