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the 4 th time I popped

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: oldsmobile
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

We were hot a horney Timmy and I . We agreed to lose our virginity and the folks were home but in this old car Timmy took me to a quiet country road and rolled down the windows unbuttoned my skirt and slipped off my panties. He pulled out his Penis it was beautiful about maybe 6 inches but really fat. Wow I said just dont shoot off in me. We kissed and I thought I would explode with excitement and we fondled each other. It was 11 days since the beginning of my last period and I was afraid I would get pregnant for sure. So I tried to jack him off and I jacked for 10 hard minutes and he didn’t come. I had been reading and most all boys first time should only last 2 minutes. Timmy thanked me but wanted in. I spread for him and it was dark and he didn’t know what to do so I put him in the right spot and he pushed. oh gosh it hurt I pushed back on his hips to back him away but he really pushed. I cried, I screamed, he still pushed. I said Stop. he let up and said you got the right hole Im only in the tip. Catching my breath I said I’m a virgin. Timmys said me to.
Round two Timmy tries another angle and pulls down on my shoulders hard 4 minutes of penis to cherry pain. He lets up agin and puts a finger in no problem. two fingers a little tight, Three fingers ouch this hurts but it fits
I want up but no way he is dying to get in . I cant leave I love him but this is killing me the car seat has me trapped. He aims his penis a little high I say wait aim him to ground zero I know where the tampon goes in and if he is going to fit thats the place .Wham wham wham the jackhammer approach my hands are over my head pushing the car door to keep from sliding and hitting my head on the inside of the car door. I cry a river as he slams and slams getting no where on my cherry that is keeping me pure. Then he removes his hands and balances all his weight on his Penis n my cherry. I would scream but I cant breath. my mouth is open and nothing comes out. His penis folds in half like a paper towel tube. Oh Man I broke my dick he says. He pulls back kneeling in front of me crying holding his penis with both hands. Surves you right as I cry with him still between my knees I cant get out of the seat steeriing wheel in the way too. I love him but this is just terrible. I pull him to me . I know he doen’t know how to give up and is always a driven boy and he is only 13. a little while I push him back and try to get a leg past him but can’t Hay its a little smaller now I going to do it agin. No Timmy No! He slides it right in half limp.no problem Oh this feels good It really is nice . Im in he shouts ! in to the hilt. Oh you are so wet and warm and he pumps me ever so gentily with his damaged dick and I feel great.and pump faster and He gets bigger ooooh. and fatter ouch ouch! He is in me so tight I scream dont move dont move, he starts crying I’m stuck and he panics and tries to jerk him self out but can’t
Finally we freeze and try to catch our breath I feel like a bunch of straight pins in acahol are poking my cherry vagina clitoris and all my vulva. Cant you relax your vagina. Mabe if I wasn’t in such pain. why is your dick So damn Big. I don’t know is really big today no reason.
can you shoot off so you can go limp and get out of me. I’ll try but its like you got a vise on me it gets tighter. I start breathing deep to try to relax and so does timmy. My pussy is on fire and my hair is wet from tears and sweat.

I start to relax and release Timmys dick Oh my that really hurt. Timmy still semi hard but not in pain pulles out he strokes him self twice real slow and gets huge right before my Eyes. Before I could say No don’t he tries and pushes with all his might and caught me off guard I’m caught with out a breath and he pops my cherry loud and falls in deep. Mission acomplished He says I bleed a little but it feels really good. I held him tight. Don’t shoot off Timmy don’t Timmy pumped me gently for two hours I was sure he made me pregnant. He pulled out and dumped his load in my hand and I cried with thanks and hugged him tight. That was my first time and I forgave him for being so forceful.

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