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My Sister taught me well

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Miami
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

When I was 12 my sister who was 17 used to have me rub her pussy and tried to get me to kiss it, but it smelled. Then when I was 15 and she was 22 I wish I had paid more attention to her. Anyway my father’s company had an out of country job and my sister’s husband was just out of the Air Force and went to work for dad in the Bahama Islands. My sister agreed to stay with me since I was in school. I started really noticing girls and one night I went to my sister and asked if she remember having me touch her when we were younger and would like to know if she would teach me about sex. She led me to her bedroom and had me to take off my clothes and lie on the bed. She stood in front of me and completely got naked, then she led me to the bathroom and we both got into the shower. After I was all clean we went back to the bed. She showed me were to touch her, taught me how to kiss, and when she asked me to kiss her clit — I lit into that thing like there was no tomorrow. Eventually she taught me about real oral sex, blew me, sucked my balls, and then fucked my brains out. By the way she was on the PILL so I got to fill her with cum. Over the next five months I moved into her bed. We fucked every morning before school, as soon as I got home and every night. I really loved it when she was on her period. When my brother-in-law came home once a month I was in my room and would not masterbate, when he left on Sunday afternoon we would fuck on Sunday night. I am 56 now and retired, my brother-in-law died last year, and it is just me and my sister. She sold her home and moved in with me in Destin, Florida and everyone thinks she is my wife. She has always been my best friend and now my lover for life.

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