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Jessica a

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

Me and kriss has been best friends for year, kriss was only my bestfriend at the time it happened , kriss was a very sexual guy, he liked me alot his best friend Alex says he talks about me all the time kriss slept over my house , like he always dose almost every weekend kriss trusted me and I trusted him, I was vergins kriss first time was in grade 3 . I sat on the bed with Kriss he got an idea thinking it would be fun we we lose are verginty today. Today was kriss birthday and it was almost ending he wanted to remember his first time well so he told me. Kriss started off my pulling my shorts slowly down then pulpit of the rest of my clothes alwe climbed under the sheet Kriss took of his shirt his pale skin was soft
“sure you wanna do this”
“yes Kriss”
Kriss was 6 inches at the time Kriss kissed my neck and slowly pushed it in he pulled my legs around his waist and he pushed his toung in my mouth and French kiss me
“I wanna go hard and fast is that ok”
“yep” Kriss started pusing harder and faster sliding it back and forth my mom was in the room down the hall from me Kriss kept kissing me so I wouldn’t make a sound Kriss got so deep I could hold it anymore Kriss pulled it out fast leaving me in pain he took me up and piled me in my walk in closet and thee a pillow in we got confotable and Kriss pushed in fast again you couldn’t here anything my closet it was like almost sound prof
“now you can make all the sound you want”
I can’t tell Krissn was exsited to do it ith his best friend if you know what I mean. Kriss bit his bottem lip as he pushed deeper
Kriss kissed my lips and sucked on my neck Kriss took his hand and started feeiling up my Breast as he score on my neck
Kriss changed he pushed me on top of him and took both hands and rubbed and squezzed my breast as I bounced up and down on his dick Kriss love it I can tell be he looked at me with his Blue eyes Kriss got on top of me and started sucking on my breast as he slid him self back and forth it hurt like crazy but the pain started fading each muinte pulled it out fir a second his dick was dripping semen and so was my vagina kriss took a towl from the top if the shelf and whipped it clean the. Pushed his toung inside rolling it around Kriss promised that the next time he pushed him self in he’s ganna pusinitial in quick and it’s ganna hurt krissn started finguring me he pushed two fingure inside then pushed his dick in fast I let out a a soft moan kriss smiled the semen was making it easyier kriss kissed my lips
“Jessica I think we should stop now” kriss pulled it out and I sat up kross told me it felt great and he siad Im very tight me and Jake are still bestfriends now we walked about dateing but not ready fit it ee liked away our friends ships is, for now.

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