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aunt stef

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: home
Langauge: eng
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

“Glen, can you press ‘Play’ for me,” Casey said, and I leaned across from the couch, and pushed the button on the CD player. Immediately, the room was filled with the sound of a crappy rap song, as my sister began to rehearse her latest baton twirling routine, for the fiftieth time. Okay, maybe it wasn’t the fiftieth time, but it seemed like it.

There are only a certain number of times you can watch a skinny twelve-year old girl prancing around, throwing a baton in the air and catching it, and still stay interested, but I sat there dutifully, watching Casey spinning, gyrating and jumping in time with the music, in her bright lime green practice leotard, and silver shimmer tights, and a couple of rather wicked thoughts crossed my mind, firstly, If she was a few years older, this might be more interesting, and then, I wonder if she’s got any hair down there yet.

Welcome to the world of a sex-mad seventeen-year old virgin.

As the song reached its ending, Casey jumped in the air, and landed exactly on the last beat, holding the pose for the count of two, and relaxing. “That was a good one,” I said, and meaning it, “you might get a place this time.”

Casey looked at the clock on the wall, and said, “Aunt Stephanie should be here any minute now. We better tidy up and get ready for her.”

There wasn’t really any tidying to do, just a matter of putting Casey’s practice mat and baton away, so as she grabbed her things, she said, “I wonder what she looks like. I haven’t seen her since I was, I don’t know, seven or something.”

“Probably hasn’t changed much,” I said, without, much interest.

My Aunt Stephanie was what people in my grandmother’s generation called a “change of life baby.” That meant she was born right towards the end of my grandmother’s childbearing years, long after Grandma thought she would have any more children.

There were four kids in my mother’s family. First, there was Uncle Max, then, two years later, Uncle John was born. Another eighteen months down the track, my mother, Julia, came along, and everybody thought that was it, but then twelve years later, when Grandma was forty-six, she fell pregnant again, to everyone’s surprise, and my Aunt Stephanie came into the world.

Apart from being sisters, my mother didn’t have much in common with Aunt Stephanie, but that’s only natural when you think about it. By the time Aunt Stephanie was six, and still playing with dolls, my mother was already eighteen, legally an adult, and probably playing a different sort of game, with boys around her own age, so it was almost like they were from different generations. I was born when my mum was twenty-six, so Aunt Stephanie was only fourteen years older than me, but when you’re a kid, a person fourteen years older is practically middle-aged.

Aunt Stephanie lived in the same city us, until I was twelve years old, and she was twenty-six, and that year, she met a guy called Brad, and moved to Queensland with him. Next thing we knew, she rang back to say they were engaged, but they never got married, and just lived together for five years. We never saw her for all that time, but she would send my mother a birthday present each year, and the family got a card from her at Christmas time, but apart from the occasional phone call, we didn’t have much contact with her.

About four months before my eighteenth birthday, my mother got a call from Aunt Stephanie, to say she had broken up with her fianc?after all those years, and had arranged a job transfer back to our home town, to make a fresh start. After a few more phone calls over the next few days, my parents offered to let Aunt Stephanie stay with us for a few weeks until she got a place of her own. None of this meant a great deal to me, because I hadn’t seen her since I was twelve, but my sister and I set about getting the spare room set up for our aunt, until she found somewhere of her own.

When you think about it, I was probably not much different from most seventeen-year old guys. I had sex on my mind a lot of the time, even though I had never had any, (at least the kind you have with another person), I masturbated almost every day, and I was looking forward to the day I kissed my virginity good-bye. Pretty standard, I guess.

I’d only ever had one girlfriend, whose name was Sally, but after we had been going together for a few months, her dad, who was in the army, got transferred to another unit in a different state, so that was the end of that. I never had sex with Sally, but we kissed and cuddled all the time, which was pretty exciting to a guy my age, and a few times she had let me put my hand in her pants, and finger her pussy. The second time I did it, I smelt my finger, and tasted it when she wasn’t looking, and I found out how exciting the smell, and the taste, of pussy were to a guy. I think if Sally and I had been going out together a little longer, we probably would have had sex, because things were moving that way, but it just wasn’t to be.

Stephanie was due to arrive that afternoon, and both our parents were at work, so it was up to Casey and me to meet her when she arrived. When the doorbell rang, a few minutes later, I knew who to expect, but I got a surprise when opened the door, and saw what she looked like.

In reality, at thirty-one, Aunt Stephanie didn’t look much different from the way she did five years before, but I was remembering her through the eyes of a twelve-year old, and I have to say that through the eyes of a horny seventeen-year old, she looked a whole lot better.

She was about five feet six, with a very curvy figure, full, rounded, and nicely-sized breasts, that were not too big, not too small, but just right, and a pretty face, that was full of life. She had hazel eyes, and her wavy hair was a light brown colour, a little lighter than I remembered, growing half way down her back, and her five years in the Queensland sun had given her a soft, even suntan. I had expected her to look like a younger version of my mother, but she actually looked like a very hot girl, who had just a faint resemblance to her. I was impressed, and suddenly the thought of this extremely attractive woman staying with us for a while became much more appealing to me. She was wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans and a pale pink top, which really showed off her curves.

She looked at me almost blankly, when I opened the door, and then as she recognised me, she said, “Omigod! Glen! I can’t believe how much you’ve grown!” I’d been through two growth spurts since she last saw me, so I guess I did look pretty different. She gave me a hug, and then stood back again, to look at me. “You must be two feet taller!”

“I guess I’ve grown a bit,” I sad, feeling kind of stupid after I said it, and wishing I had thought of something more cool to say. I asked her to come in, and when she walked ahead of me, I saw that her backside was almost heartbreakingly beautiful, and those form-fitting jeans were hugging every contour of it. Just looking at her butt gave me a roller-coaster feeling in my gut, and I thought to myself that things were kind of looking up in the Copeland household.

I took Aunt Stephanie into the family room, to meet Casey, and after some hugs and kisses on the cheek, we sat around talking for the rest of the afternoon, until our parents came home, and I could hardly keep my eyes off her the whole time.

The next day was a Saturday, and Stephanie spent the day in a short, cream-coloured, linen skirt, and I saw that she had a beautiful set of toned, tanned, and well-shaped legs, that were entirely in keeping with her sexy figure. I found during the time she stayed with us, that she liked to wear short skirts, denim shorts, cheesecloth blouses and dresses, and sleeveless tops that showed off her cleavage, and I don’t think she was flaunting herself, it was just that she had a good body and she dressed to show it off. She even looked hot in her bank officer’s uniform, when she went to work in the mornings.

Aunt Stephanie stayed with us for a little over three weeks, and on the first day, she made it clear to my sister, Casey, and me, that she didn’t want any of this “Aunt Stephanie bullshit”. She wanted to be called Stef, so that’s what we called her.

During those three weeks, I tried not to fantasise about her, because after all she was my aunt, but seeing her walking around the house dressed the way she did, day after day, I gave in, and I would wank myself at night, imagining I was holding her curvy body, and fucking her. I would imagine scenarios where we were alone together, and she was overcome by lust, because she no longer had her fianc?o have sex with, and so she decided to screw me instead, and things like that. Did I mention I’m a pervert?

I even saw my dad copping an eyeful of her a few times, not that I blamed him. My mother had put on a little weight since her mid-thirties, but she still had a curvy body and a pretty face, and I think she and Dad were still pretty horny for each other in their forties, judging by some things I heard them say to each other, and the noises I heard from their room late some nights, but even the Archbishop of Canterbury would have taken a second look at Aunt Stephanie. In fact, he’d probably kick out one of his stained glass windows to see which way she went.

Before long, Stephanie found herself a small, two-bedroom house on the other side of town, and I was a little disappointed to see her move out, but seeing most of her friends from before she went away had either moved on themselves, or were now out of circulation, we still saw a lot of her after she moved into her own house. She had shown when she stayed with us that she was an accomplished cook, and she had us over for dinner a few times, and she spent a fair bit of time at our place.

Although she was over thirty, Stephanie had a young outlook, a funny sense of humour, and she even liked some of the same music as me, and we got on pretty well together. She looked like a girl in her twenties, and when she was around, I could hardly keep my eyes off her. Now and again, I would wonder what she was doing to satisfy herself, now that she had no man in her life, but I thought it wouldn’t be long before someone new came along. I thought a girl who looked like her could probably pick and choose anyone she wanted.

About a month after Stephanie moved out, my parents were due to take my sister, Casey, to the baton twirling tournament she had been practising for. The tournament was 300 kilometres from home, and the plan was to leave town on Friday afternoon and stay overnight for two nights, then come back home on Sunday. My dad must have realised I didn’t relish the thought of spending the weekend watching a bunch of little girls marching around, throwing batons in the air, so he and my mother decided to let me stay home. Then, my mother came up with the idea of letting me stay with Aunty Stef, as she insisted on calling her, so she could cook for me, and we would be company for each other. Naturally, I was pretty pleased to be spending the weekend with Stephanie, thinking I would get an eyeful of her every chance I got, and she was always fun to be around anyway, and Stephanie seemed quite happy about it, too.

I’d had a licence for about five months, so my parents left my mother’s car with me, and the idea was for me to drive over to Stephanie’s place, after school on the Friday afternoon, because they were leaving with Casey at midday.

After I got my act together, I didn’t leave home until about five o’clock, so I got to Stephanie’s place late just after five. She met me at the door, dressed in a short denim skirt, a bright pink sleeveless top that showed her cleavage, and a pair of gold coloured sandals. She looked very sexy, and I got that roller-coaster feeling as soon as I saw her. She didn’t look like anybody’s aunt, she looked more like a hot covergirl. Even at thirty-one, she could have been a centrefold model. In fact, she looked so sexy that if you put an X-ray of her gall bladder in a magazine, guys would have been wanking over it. She smiled wide, and said, “Come in, Glen, I thought you must have forgotten.”

“No, just disorganised,” I answered, walking in the door. “Come and put your stuff in the spare bedroom,” she said, “I’ve made the bed up for you.” She walked ahead of me toward the bedroom, and from behind, I watched her bottom as she walked, with that denim skirt ending a couple of inches below her buttocks, and I felt a ripple of excitement in my stomach. She was so-o-o sexy.

After I had put my things in the spare bedroom, we went to the kitchen. Stephanie made us both coffee, and we sat and talked for a while, sitting on opposite sides of the breakfast bar. Her cleavage was like a magnet for my eyes, and I had to make an effort to keep eye contact and not look down. “Got any plans for tonight?” Stephanie asked.

“No,” I answered, “What about you?”

“Well,” Stephanie answered, “I’ve got some DVD’s here. You can have a look through them and if there’s anything you like, we can watch that. If you can’t find anything you want to see, we can go to the video store and rent some.”

“Sounds good,” I said, looking at the outline of her breast through her pink top. I didn’t think she noticed.

Stephanie stood up, and picked up her coffee, and said, “I’ve got most of my stuff put away now, but I can’t remember where I put my DVD’s. I’ll just have a look in the lounge room for them.” We walked towards her lounge room, and she started to look in some of her drawers. I stood there, watching her, and the phone rang in the kitchen. “Can you grab that?” Stephanie asked.

I went to the kitchen and answered Stephanie’s phone, but it was a telemarketer, trying to sell her a new phone plan. I put on a fake Slavic accent and told him he must have a wrong number, then hung up on him. I walked back to the lounge room, chuckling and planning to tell Stephanie what I had done, but when I got to the door, I saw something that stopped me in my tracks.

Stephanie was looking in the bottom cupboard of a sideboard across the other side of the room. She was down on all fours, with her head down, in the bottom cupboard, and her butt in the air, so her short skirt was pulled right up, exposing her purple cotton bikini briefs. Her panties were pulled absolutely skin-tight across her buttocks, showing every ripple of her pussy, and the inner and outer lips were clearly outlined through the gusset. At seventeen, it was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen, and my eyes were riveted to it for a moment. I felt a tingle in my cock and balls, and that rippling wave of excitement passed through my belly, and I had to tear my eyes away. “Umm, Stef?” I called to her, clearing my throat.

“Oh, shit!” I heard hear say inside the cupboard, and she jerked her head out, and spun round on her knees, so she was facing me, but still on all fours on the floor. She reached round pointlessly, and tugged at the hem of her skirt to pull it down, even though it was now facing away from me, and there was a look of shame and embarrassment on her face, as she realised what she must have been displaying to me.

However, in the position she was in, on the floor, I could now see straight down her top, and I was getting a perfect view of her gorgeous breasts. I could see she was wearing a black lace bra, and it was hard to look away, but I stepped closer to her, and held out my hand to help her up. I tore my eyes away from her breasts, and I was looking straight at the wall behind her, with my hand out, so she wouldn’t think I was leering at her breasts, and she looked up, then back at the wall, and said, “What are you looking at?”

“Umm,” I started, “ahhh,” I stammered, and giving up, I patted my own chest, and looked back at her.

Stephanie looked down at her exposed breasts, and said, “Gee, I’m a dickhead,” and took my hand, so I could help her up. Once she had stood up, she adjusted her top, then straightened her skirt, and said, with a smile, “Sorry.“ She made another adjustment to her top, and said, “I don’t normally flash my boobs and bum at people when I invite them here.”

My cock had gone hard at the sight, and I was thankful I was wearing jeans that were not close-fitting. “That’s okay,” I said, trying to put her at ease, “It wasn’t anything to get excited about.”

Stephanie looked at me with a funny smile, and said, “So, are you saying my boobs and bum are pretty ordinary?” I could tell she was only kidding, but I blurted out, “No, actually, they’re not that bad.” I wished I hadn’t said it as bluntly as that, but Stephanie came back with, “Well, that’s a compliment, from a young guy like you.” She looked really pleased.

Then, she put her hand on my chest, and said, “Don’t worry, I was only mucking around with you. We’re family. We can do that.” She was still smiling, and then she said, “Come on, let’s go and have some dinner.”

I followed her towards the kitchen again, but after only three steps, she turned on her feet to face me, and said, “So, you reckon my boobs and bum are okay?”

I was a little surprised at the question, but I said, “Honest answer?”

“Yeah,” Stephanie nodded, as if she already knew the answer, “Be honest. I can take it.”

“Well, to tell you the truth,” I said, hoping I wasn’t going to say something that would get me into trouble, “they’re not just okay, they’re actually kinda nice.” I braced myself in case she took it the wrong way, but she smiled even wider, and said, “If you keep coming around here saying things like that, I’ll get a swelled head.” She paused, furrowed her brow, and said, “Or is that ‘swollen’? Anyway, keep boosting my ego like that and you don’t know where it’ll lead.” She turned back, and continued leading me out to the kitchen again, and I thought, I know where I’d like it to lead.

Stephanie had cooked home-made Italian food for dinner, and she had a bottle of lambrusco to go with it. She asked me if I drank red wine, and I told her I had some now and again, so we both had a couple of glasses each with our dinner. Over diner, we talked about her job, plans she had for her house and stuff like that, plus we joked around together, as we usually did. During the time she had stayed at our place, I had found that Stephanie and I were kind of on the same wavelength with our sense of humour, and we could bounce jokes and stupid remarks off each other, and have fun together, even though she was much older.

A few times over dinner, the image of Stephanie’s panties, pulled drum-tight over her pussy and buttocks would pop into my head, whether I wanted it there or not, and occasionally, I would look across at her and remember that underneath that pink top, a sexy black bra was holding those beautiful tits in place. The thought would make my cock harden under the table.

At one stage, she said, “Glen, have you got a girlfriend?”

“I used to have one, but she moved away,” I said, and I went on to tell her a bit about Sally. It wasn’t like I had a broken heart or anything, but she said, “I’m surprised a handsome young guy like you hasn’t got a new girl by now.” I was quite pleased with myself to hear her calling me a “handsome young guy,” but I thought she was just being nice, and although I knew nothing could ever happen between an aunt and her nephew, it still felt good.

I could feel the effects of the red wine, and I guess Stephanie could too, and at one stage, she spoke about her time in Brisbane. “Do you miss Brad?” I asked.

“Sometimes,” she answered, then went on with, “I miss having a man in my life, and that kind of thing.” I didn’t expect her to continue, but she said, “And sometimes I miss having a warm body in bed with me, and everything that goes with it.” She went silent for a moment, and smiled like she was thinking of something.

“I’m surprised you said that, to me, anyway,” I replied.

“Well, it’s part of life,” Stephanie said, “nothing to be ashamed of.”

I didn’t answer, but it occurred to me that it would be nice to help her with that problem. After dinner, Stephanie got up and started to wash the dishes, so I grabbed a dishtowel to help. When she saw me with the towel, she said, “Hmmm, tall, handsome, and helps with the dishes without being asked. You’re gonna have girls lined up for you when word gets out.”

“Well, I can’t just eat and let you do all the work,” I answered. As usual when we were together, we clowned around over the job, and at one stage, I slapped Stephanie across the bottom with the rolled up towel. In retaliation, she flicked suds from the sink on my face, but then she grabbed a hand towel from the rack and began to dab my face dry. Being about five inches shorter than me, she had to lean up to do it, and her soft breasts were pressed against my chest. I could feel the warmth from them, and I could smell Stephanie’s feminine scent, so my body responded. I hoped she didn’t notice what was happening in my pants, but I don’t think she did. Once again, her breasts were like magnets to my eyes, and I glanced down briefly, and then looked back in her eyes.

Stephanie looked down at herself, and saw her full breasts squeezed against me, looked back up with a smile, and said, “Oops! Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

She drew back slightly, so her breasts weren’t pressing on me, and kept dabbing my face. “You don’t have to keep apologising for having boobs, you know,” I said.

“You’re really sweet,” Stephanie said, giving my face one last dab, “You don’t realise how sweet you are sometimes.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but I thought, And I don’t think you realise how sexy you are sometimes. She grabbed my left sleeve near the shoulder, and pulled me over towards herself, so I could see my reflection in the window over the sink. “All gone,” she said, brightly, showing me the suds were gone from my face.

After we had done the dishes, Stephanie and I went to her lounge room, to watch a chick movie we had decided on from her DVD collection. While she was setting up her player, I saw some photo albums on the coffee table, that I hadn’t noticed earlier, and I started to look through one of them. Stephanie saw me looking, and said, “I haven’t found a place for those yet.” She sat down next to me on my right, on the two-seater couch, and started to show me some of the pictures in the album, and explain who was in them and when they were taken.

We were sitting quite close together, on her couch, because it was only a two-seater, and this was not lost on me, as I smelt her scent, and felt the warmth from her, and occasionally stole a glance down the front of her pink top, when she leaned over to show me who was who in the photographs. Some were of my parents, before I was born, and some of my mother when she was growing up, and Stephanie and I had a few laughs and giggles about the clothes, and things like that. Now and again, I would feel a wave of excitement going through me, as Stephanie leaned against me, to point out someone in the albums, or to explain something to me, especially if I smelt her hair, her skin, or even her breath.

After a while, I looked at Stephanie and I said, “I haven’t seen any of you when you were a teenager. Have you got any of those?”

“Why do you want to see that?” she answered, making eye contact, smiling sweetly.

“I just want to see what you looked like,” I said, smiling back. I was curious to see if she was always so sexy.

“Well, don’t laugh when you see them,” Stephanie said, “ I was pretty thin when I was young.”

I wasn’t sure if I should say this, in case Stephanie took it the wrong way, but I said, “So, all those curves are a relatively new thing?”

“I didn’t know you were taking notice,” she smiled back.

“Just because you’re my aunt, doesn’t mean I can’t look,” I said.

“Guess not,” she replied, looking down at herself.

“So, what about those pictures?” I said.

“In the blue album over there,” Stephanie said, and I saw there was an album with a blue cover on the other side of the coffee table. I leaned forward to reach for it, but at the same moment, Stephanie leaned forward as well, placing her left hand on my right thigh to brace herself. We had leaned forward together, neither of us realising the other was going to do the same thing, and our faces were close together, as we both reached for the album. I turned to face Stephanie, in that position and she turned to face me. Our faces were close, and our eyes met, and Stephanie seemed to take a breath, and she kissed me on the mouth. It was a soft, sweet, but very quick kiss, and she drew back, and looked at me as though she was surprised at herself, and said, “Sorry! Omigod!, Sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking!”

She sat back heavily on the couch, with a look of concern on her face, and said, “It must be the wine, and talking about Brad, I don’t know. Sorry.” She looked at me as though she was waiting for me to say something, but I was too surprised to say anything, although I was also very excited.

“It’s okay,” I said, and then I had to swallow to moisten my throat, “Umm,” swallowing again, “you just took me by surprise.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking,” Stephanie repeated, shaking her head, “you must think I’m terrible.”

“No, I don’t,” I said, giving my head a quick shake.

“Well,” Stephanie said, a little warily, “what are you thinking? There’s something going on in that head of yours. I can tell.”

I had nothing to lose, and I was too excited to really think about what I was saying, so what came out of my mouth was, “I was thinking, I wish I had time to kiss back.”

Stephanie’s face started to smile, but it also looked like she was weighing things up in her mind. I realised that I had been so surprised, I was still leaning across the coffee table, with my hand towards the photo album, so I sat back on the couch next to her.

“We could always try it again,” Stephanie said, turning her whole body to face me on the couch. I looked at her, wondering if I had heard her right, or if I had misunderstood somehow, after all, she was my aunt. A very hot, very sexy aunt, but still, my aunt just the same.

Stephanie looked at me for what was probably only a moment, but it seemed longer, and she said, “Well, we can’t do it with you all the way over there.” Then, with a kind of understanding smile, she leaned closer, and said, “Come on. I’ll make it a little easier.”

I was both excited and nervous, and I swallowed, and awkwardly put my arms around her over the top of her shoulders, and then I pulled them back, and put them under her arms, and back around her. She had a funny little smile at my awkwardness, but she sat and let me get on with my clumsy efforts to hold her close, without saying anything. My heart was pounding, and I hadn’t even spoken yet. Our faces were now only inches apart, and Stephanie gave me a sweet smile, and said almost in a whisper, “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

“A little bit,” I said, understating the truth by a long way.

“That’s okay,” Stephanie said, “There’s no rush. We’ve got all night.”

I moved forward, and kissed Stephanie’s soft mouth. It was a warm, soft and sexy kiss, with no tongue, but her lips were open just a little, and the kiss reached down inside me and triggered off an incredible, yearning hunger. Who would have thought that a kiss from your aunt could be so exciting? When we broke the kiss, her lips had the faintest smile, and she said, “Not bad for beginner, but if you want some more practice, don’t go away.” I smiled in spite of my nerves, and kissed her once again, this time, holding the kiss a little longer, and squeezing her body gently.

This time, Stephanie seemed to swallow, and take a breath after we had broken the kiss, and she said, “Now you’ve got my attention.” I wasn’t sure what she meant, and I guess she saw it in my face. She leaned forward, and kissed me again, still soft and sexy, but this time with a hint of tongue. The smell of her breath was making me even more excited, and with our faces still close, she said, “Glen, when a guy kisses a girl hard, and holds her firmly, like you just did, it does things to her, inside.” She gently placed her right hand on my right thigh, about half way down, and said, “You understand where this is going, don’t you?”

“I think so,” I said, seriously.

Stephanie looked down at her own hand on my thigh, and after a sigh, she looked up at me and said, “You and Sally never,” pausing, looking for the right word, “never went to bed, did you?”

I shook my head, too nervous to speak, wondering if Stephanie really was leading up to taking me to bed with her. “No,” I managed to say, with a slight rasp in my voice.

“So,” she said, “you’ve never, umm, gone to bed with a girl.”

“No,” I said, again, shaking my head.

Stephanie looked back down at her hand again, and gently rubbed my thigh with it. She pouted for a moment, and still looking down, she said, “We’ve got all night, you know.” She took a deep breath, and this time, looked up at me, and said, “So, what I’m saying to you is, do you want to finish what we’ve started here?”

“Yes, I do,” I answered, “I’d love to.”

“I know it’s your first time, Glen,” Stephanie started, “but we’ve got all night. There’s no rush, and we can just take our time, but it’ll be amazing.” She kissed me again, a long, soft and sexy kiss, and then drew back only slightly. She looked as though she was waiting for my reaction. However, my gaze was drawn to her breasts, liked a nail to a magnet, and I looked down at them, and the sight of them, so close that I could feel the warmth from them, gave me that ripple of excitement through my belly again.

Stephanie smiled again, a little mischievous, a little understanding, and she said, “You like them, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” I smiled, “They’re gorgeous.” I couldn’t believe I’d said “gorgeous,” but Stephanie said, “I’ve seen you looking a few times tonight.” Then she paused again, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Not just tonight, either.”

“Sorry,” I smiled, “I just couldn’t help it.”

“You don’t have to apologise,” he said, “It’s nice to get some attention.” Then she added, “Would you like to touch them?”

I nodded, and said, “I really would like to.” I reached up and very gently brushed Stephanie’s right breast with the back of my right hand. I was so excited by that, I nearly burst. Then, I very gently touched the same breast with my left thumb and forefinger. I must have looked like a guy defusing an unexploded bomb, but I didn’t have any real experience in handling breasts. Stephanie looked down at her breast, smiling at my tentative fondling, and said, “You’re very gentle, and I like that, but would you like to take my top off? It might be easier for you.” She smiled at me, an incredibly sweet smile, considering what she was saying.

“Okay,” I said, and I gently lifted her top up, as he lifted her arms to let me pull it over her head. As soon as I saw her black bra, a cold, tingling wave of excitement passed through me, and I gently put my left hand on her right breast again, feeling for the nipple inside her bra. I took the nipple between my left thumb and forefinger, feeling it harden just slightly. Stephanie’s black bra was cut away to show some cleavage, so I leaned down and gently kissed the exposed part of her right breast, and I felt her take a deep breath. “That feels nice,” she said, very softly. Then, she put her right hand back on my right thigh, and gently moved it up to brush against my hard tool inside my jeans. “That feels nice, too,” she said, still in that soft voice, with a little smile, “Very hard,” she added, as she gave it the gentlest of strokes with her fingers, through my jeans.

Stephanie kissed me again, and said, “Would you like to come into my room with me? We’ll be more comfortable in there.” I could only nod, I was so nervous. Stephanie stood, and took my right hand in her left hand, and said, “Come on. I want to take you to bed for a while.” I stood up as well, and we walked to her room, with Stephanie holding my hand, like we were two young lovers or something. It was sweet, sexy and something I would never have expected.

We walked into her room, and the bedside light next to her queen size bed was already on, so the room was lit with a dim glow. Stephanie turned her body to face me, and said, “Would you like the light off?”

“Can you leave it on?” I said, and then I added, “You’re, ummm, really,” I paused, smiling, unsure if it was the right thing to say here, “You’re really beautiful, and I’d, ummm, like to see you,” and then I haltingly added, “if that’s okay.”

“Of course it’s okay,” Stephanie said, smiling. She kissed my mouth again, and said, “Now remember, we’ve got all night here, so there’s no rush. We can take our time, and if things happen a little faster than you expected, the first time, we’ve got all night to, ummm, do it again,” she smiled, and put her arms around my shoulders, looking me in the eyes and adding, “Stick with me kid, I’ll make you a star.” We both smiled.

We walked to her bed, with Stephanie’s right arm on my left shoulder, and beside the bed, she turned and held me close. Then, with her left arm still around me, she reached around and undid her denim skirt, and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it, and was now standing in front of me with just her purple cotton bikini briefs, and black lace bra. She looked overpoweringly sexy, and she looked down at herself, then back up at me to see my reaction, and said, “I’ve taken my skirt off. I think you should take your jeans off and get into bed with me.” She gently pulled my belt out of its buckle, and looked up at me, challenging me to continue.

I was still nervous, but I was also incredibly excited by the sight of Stephanie in her underwear, so close to me, and making it clear she was mine for the taking. That kind of relaxed me a little, now that she had made it clear that she wanted me, and I said to her, “Just one thing.”

“What’s that?” she said, smiling as if she expected it to be fun.

“Turn around,” I said, and she gave me a funny look, as though she wondered what I was up to. “It’s okay, I just want to look at you from behind,” I said, and Stephanie turned her back to me. The sight of her bottom in those purple briefs again, just sent that ripple through me again, and I gently placed my right palm on her right buttock, and moved it down in a caressing motion, then held it there. I was so excited, I could hardly speak, but I said, “You know how I said your bum was kind of nice?”

“Yes, I remember,” Stephanie said, turning to the right to look back at me over her shoulder.

“Well, the truth is,” I said, placing my right hand gently under the waistband to feel the skin of her buttock for the first time, “if Shakespeare saw it, he’d want to write a sonnet about it.”

I took my hand out of Stephanie’s panties, and gently turned her by the shoulders, to face me, and she said, “It’s nice to be appreciated.” Then, she undid the stud on my jeans and gave me that look again. I took the hint, and undid my jeans entirely and slid them off. Stephanie threw back the covers, sat on the bed, and swung her legs up, then slid over to the other side, lying on her right side to face me, and leaning up on her right elbow. She looked at my hard cock, pushing out inside my underpants and, with a smile, said, “You may be nervous, but you haven’t got stage fright,” then she patted the bed next to herself.

I got in beside her, and she lay there, making me come to her. I moved closer, lying on my left side to face her, and I put my right arm around her waist. The very touch of her bare skin was electrifying. I kissed her mouth, taking my time, tasting hers, letting the excitement wash through me, and she offered me a little tongue, but left me in control. When we broke the kiss, she said, softly, “Now that you’ve got me into bed, it’s time for you to have your way with me.” She had a little smile, as though she was waiting for me to make my next move.

“Glen,” Stephanie said, almost in a whisper, “This is your first time, and if you jumped on me right now and fucked me, that’d be okay, but the difference between sex and great sex is foreplay.” She looked at me, making sure I understood, and reached around behind herself with her left arm, to undo the catch on her bra. After a moment, it came undone and her bra loosened across her breasts at the front. Then, she turned so she was now on her back, but still with my right arm around her, so my hand was resting on her left hip. She looked at me meaningfully, and said, “I’m all yours, Glen. Where would you like to start?”

I looked at the vista before me, Stephanie lying there, with just those purple panties, and her loosened bra, waiting for me to do whatever I wanted, offering herself to me. I leaned closer, and I slipped my right hand under the left shoulder strap of her black lace bra, and I gently slipped it down, as she lifted her arm to let me take it off. She looked me in the eyes, but said nothing, just bending her arm to let me slip it off her. I pulled the bra back, and exposed her lovely breasts. It was obvious she had done some topless sunbathing, because, although her Queensland suntan was already fading, she only had very light tanlines on them, and after I had removed her bra, I placed my right hand on her left breast, and gently fondled her nipple. I heard her take a little breath, and she gently bit her bottom lip as I touched her there.

I was too excited to speak, and I leaned over and kissed her left breast, and tasted her nipple with my tongue. “That’s good, Glen,” she said softly, “straight down to business.” As I kissed and gently licked her left nipple, Stephanie moved her right hand and gently stroked her thumb once along my hard cock, through my underpants, and said, “They’ll have to come off soon.” I moved my face up and kissed her on the mouth, tasting her, and looked down at her purple bikini briefs.

I had never tasted a woman’s pussy before, and I wanted to taste Stephanie’s, more than anything, but I was unsure how she’d react if I asked her. This was all new territory for me. I put my right hand on her pubic mound, and felt the warmth from her body, through the thin cotton of her panties, and I looked at her face, to see her reaction. She gave me a smile of encouragement, and said, “Go on, I know you want to.”

I slipped my fingers under the waistband of her panties, and my fingertips touched her pubic hair. I was so excited I could hardly stand it, but I moved my hand down a little further, feeling the slick dampness of her pussy slit as my fingers gently explored her. Once again, I had to swallow, before I spoke. “Stef,” I started, looking at her, “would you think I was weird if I kissed you down there?”

“Weird?” she answered, “I’d love you to. I love it when a guy does that.”

I pulled my hand out of her panties, and I tasted her juices on my finger, looking her in the eye as I did so. Then, before I took her panties off, I leaned down and kissed her on the smooth skin of her left inner thigh, just below her pussy. I inhaled gently, and could already smell the scent of her pussy through her panties, and I kissed her gently on the outside of her panties, about where I expected her clit to be. I looked up, and Stephanie was gently biting her bottom lip again, with a look of anticipation on her face.

I sat back up, and I put the fingers of both hands into the waistband of Stephanie’s purple cotton briefs, at her hips, and she lifted her bottom slightly to let me take them off. She didn’t speak, but just looked down at what I was doing, then, as I slipped her panties down, she bent her beautiful legs to help me get them off. She was now fully naked, and I looked at her pussy, exposed to me for the first time.

Stephanie’s pubic hair was trimmed a little at the sides, but was almost natural, and it made me incredibly excited to look at her bare pussy, with her pink lips already a little puffy, inviting me to caress them. I very gently parted her inner lips with the long finger of my right hand, and moistened the tip with her slick juices, then I softly stroked along her slit a few times, seeing her flinch a little as I touched her there. “That’s lovely,” Stephanie said softly, watching my face as I explored her pussy with my fingers. I tasted her juices on my finger, and Stephanie reached down to her pussy with her own left hand, moistened two of her fingers a little, and held them up to my mouth. I sucked the juices from one finger, and looked at her, and she tasted her own juices from the other finger, without speaking, but just smiling a little as she looked back at me. Seeing her doing that to herself was unbelievably exciting to me.

I leant down, and gently kissed her pussy, just below her clitoris, inhaling the sweet, tangy, sexy, and exciting scent, right from the source, and I looked back at Stephanie’s face. “Taste me,” she said, very softly. I kissed her inner pussy lips again, but this time with my mouth a little more open, holding the kiss, and touching her there with my tongue. If the scent of her pussy was sexy and exciting, the taste was incredible, and I gently probed between her inner lips with my tongue, dipping the tip of my tongue in the slick juices that were pooling there, feeling her flinch again when the side of my tongue brushed her clit. I had never done this to a woman before, and I was only working by instinct, but when I heard Stephanie sigh as I licked and tasted her intimate recesses, I knew my instincts were good. With every breath I took, the scent of her pussy was making me more excited. I moved my tongue down to the opening of Stephanie’s pussy, just touching the inside, tasting her there, and then gently running my tongue back up between her inner lips, to just barely touch her clit. I felt her flinch again, and I looked to my left, at the sexy smile on her face. “You’re doing great,” she whispered.

Stephanie’s body had responded to my attentions to her pussy, and her clit was now slightly erect, and her inner lips darker and more swollen. The opening to her pussy was now pouting slightly, with her juices oozing from it, ready for me to enter her, but I was not quite finished exploring her with my mouth. I placed my lips over her clit and it’s little hood, and very gently sucked for a moment, tasting the flesh of her very womanhood, along with the juices that had pooled between her inner labia. I inhaled the scent of Stephanie’s pussy one more time, and moved up on the bed, to put my arms around her. “That was beautiful,” she said, and she moved her right hand to my cock again, again, touching it through my underpants, and then tugging gently at the material. “I think it’s time to take these off,” she said to me, as she put her fingers in the waistband at the front.

I realised this was probably the last step before I entered her, before I fucked a woman for the first time, before I fucked my mother’s lovely young sister, surrendering my virginity to her beautiful body. Stephanie had pulled my underpants down partly, so I took over, and slid them off, tossing them on the floor with my jeans. “Take off your shirt, too,” Stephanie said, still speaking softly, “It’ll be more sexy if we’re both naked.” I slipped my polo shirt over my shoulders and tossed it aside, too. “That’s better,” she said, placing her left hand behind my neck to pull my face down, and then kissing me hard on the mouth, and holding the kiss until my heart was pounding with excitement.

Stephanie’s right hand went to my hard cock again, and gently ran her thumb across the head, feeling the fluid that was oozing from me. “Would you like to get inside me now?” she said, with our faces almost touching, “I’d really like you there,” she said in a breathy whisper, then added, “if you’re ready.” I only noticed just then that she was breathing a little more heavily than usual.

I drew back a little, and looked down at Stephanie’s body, then I leant back down and kissed her softly on the mouth again, holding the kiss while I moved myself between her legs on the bed. She spread her legs to allow me to get between them, and I broke our kiss, and sat back a little. I looked down at her pussy, and I gently placed the long finger of my right hand at her opening, and pushed it inside her, then gently stroked it back and forth a few times, feeling the soft, slippery walls of her pussy.

I took my hand away from her pussy, and positioned myself so my hard cock was at the opening of Stephanie’s pussy, and I used my hand to part her lips slightly. I was both nervous and excited, and I expected to fumble a little, but instead, I entered her with my first attempt. Her pussy was beautifully wet and slippery, but I still took a few strokes before I was all the way inside. I was surprised that even though my cock went in easily, the walls of her pussy were so snug around my cock, hugging it as I moved inside her.

“That went in nice and easily,” Stephanie said, as I took the weight on my arms, and she reached up to hold me around my shoulders. “I know,” I said, “but it’s still a nice tight fit,” I answered, in a voice that wavered slightly. I was moving my cock in short strokes inside Stephanie, as I got used to the feeling, and she started tilting her pelvis to meet me with each stroke, making my cock go that little bit deeper inside her. Stephanie wanted more of my cock, but I was still only learning to use it in her.

“You’re very wet,” I said, with a slight strain in my voice, and Stephanie answered, “You made me like that,” pulling my face down to kiss me again, and then after our lips parted, adding, “all that kissing and licking, and the way you were so gentle with me. It made me want you even more.”

Stephanie and I had got into a nice, sexy rhythm, and I was now moving my cock in full length strokes inside her snug, wet pussy, as she met each stroke with that tilt of her pelvis, so our fucking was a perfect team effort. “How do you like it so far?” she asked, me looking up from the pillow.

“Oh, it’s fantastic,” I answered.

“I should have said this earlier,” Stephanie said, as I fucked her pussy, “but I stayed on the pill after Brad and I broke up, so when you want to come, just do it. It’s okay, just go for it.” I really hadn’t thought that far ahead, but I nodded, and said simply, “Okay.” I was too preoccupied with thrusting my hard cock into Stephanie’s pussy to say much more.

A moment or two later, Stephanie said, in a breathless voice, “Glen, this feels beautiful, really beautiful. You’ve gotno idea how good this feels,” she paused, still meeting my thrusts with her pelvis, swallowed, took a breath, and added, “But I need to come, Glen. I really need to.”

I wasn’t sure what to do, but I said, “What do you want me to do?”

“Do it like you’re trying to hurt me,” she said, “fuck me like you’re trying to hurt me.”

I kept my thrusting at the same pace, feeling the beginnings of an orgasm approaching, and I shook my head, unsure what to do. Stephanie held her arms tighter around my shoulders, and said, “Just do it harder for a moment. You’re doing great now, but just do it a little harder.” I started to thrust harder and deeper into Stephanie’s pussy, and she began to thrust back, “Ohh, that’s good, Glen,” she said, “That’s so-o-o good. You’re a natural at this.”

I kept thrusting, harder, deeper than before, working Stephanie’s pussy with my hard cock, and I began to wonder if I could hold on until Stephanie had come. I had never done this before, but I wanted her to come first, so I made an effort to hold on, as I fucked her pussy relentlessly, pounding it with my hard cock. I could feel my cock coming almost right out of Stephanie’s pussy with each stroke, and the lips of her pussy would close around the head, then I would drive it back into her, fucking her hard, just like she had asked me to.

“Is that the way you wanted it?” I asked, my own voice becoming strained and breathless.

“That’s the way,” Stephanie answered, her own voice louder, “That’s the way. I just needed to be fucked hard tonight.” She took a quick breath, and added, “Sometimes,” breathing again, “you just need to be fucked hard,” pausing for another breath, “and this is one of those times.”

I kept on thrusting hard, and then Stephanie kissed me on the mouth, took a breath, and said, “Glen, I think I’m going to come! Don’t slow down! Please don’t slow down!”

Stephanie closed her eyes, and threw back her head on the pillow, and her lovely face looked as though she was in pain for a moment, but then her eyes opened wide, and she looked surprised, and said, “Ohhh, GOD!! Glen, that’s so good. That’s so good! Keep going. Keep going!” Her arms were around my shoulders, but she pulled them down, and twisted them, making fists with her hands, and clutching them to her chest. She started to thrust her pelvis back at me, even harder than before, driving my cock further into herself, taking more of it, even though I was already trying to give her as much as I could. She was breathing hard, and I could already see the sweat on her face, as her body spasmed with her orgasm, and she rode the waves of pleasure that were washing through her.

I had never seen a real woman having an orgasm, and I was astonished at what I was seeing, but I kept on driving my cock into her sweet pussy, holding my own orgasm back by sheer force of will, hoping to satisfy my beautiful young aunt, before I lost control, and spurted my seed into her. I started to feel her pussy contracting around my hard cock, as I thrust into her, and I couldn’t hold on any longer. My orgasm burst at the base of my hard cock, spreading through me in a flash, and I felt myself spurting three, four, five, six times, inside Stephanie’s welcoming pussy, each spurt accompanied by a bolt of pure, sweet sexual pleasure, that went right to my core. I kept thrusting, my motion becoming ragged and irregular, and I heard a groan come out of my own mouth, although I was barely conscious of doing it. “You’re coming,” Stephanie said, with a strained note in her voice, and she gulped for breath, and added, “aren’t you?” Her own thrusting was starting to slow, but her body was still shuddering.

“Yes!” I croaked. Speaking was an effort, and my voice sounded louder than I expected. Stephanie’s chest heaved three times, and she said, “So am I!” as though I couldn’t tell. My entire body was tingling with the after-effects of my orgasm, and as her own climax passed, Stephanie reached back up and put her arms around my shoulders again, and pulled me closer to her, and said, “That was incredible!” She was still breathing hard, but she kissed me again, making it quick, so she could take another breath. “You catch on fast, she added,” taking another quick breath, and kissing me again.

The bolts of pleasure had passed, and I was now lying on top of Stephanie, with my half-hard cock still in her pussy, as my come leaked out of her around it. “That was fantastic,” I said, “Really fantastic.”

I rolled off Stephanie, and lay next to her on her left. She turned to lay her head on my chest, and said, “So, that was your first time with a woman.” She smiled mischievously, and added, “I wanted it to be a session of nice, slow lovemaking for you, but something happened inside me, and I couldn’t help myself.” Then, she moved her head to kiss my mouth again, and said, “You did well to make a girl come your first time.” She paused and raised her eyebrows, and added, “But then, I guess you had a great teacher.” She breathed on her left fingernails, and then pretended to polish them on my chest, and her smile widened even more, as she looked me in the eyes.

“You were great,” I said, even though I had nothing to compare her with.

“Well,” Stephanie said, looked at me, “I’ll tell you something else that’s great.”
I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “We’ve got all night, and all day tomorrow to practice, so now that you’ve fucked me hard, we can take our time and get down to some nice slow lovemaking later on. You up for that?”

“Not yet, but it won’t be long,” I smiled back.

“Pay attention, because I’ll be asking questions afterwards,” Stephanie smiled, holding her beautiful body against mine, as we lay on her bed, and that’s how we spent the night, my sexy young aunt and me, making love in her little house, where she taught me some of the things a man and a woman can do to give each other the sweetest sexual pleasure. Stephanie was my teacher, and I was her willing and attentive student, eager to learn and ready to put my lessons into practice.

For the first few months after that night in her bed, Stephanie and I went to bed together every chance we got. It was almost like a honeymoon, except we had to plan every liaison in advance, and keep anyone from finding out, which if anything, only added to the excitement. My parents thought it was great that my aunt Stephanie and I got on so well together, little knowing that we were screwing each other senseless, practically under their noses, but I wasn’t so sure about my sister, Casey.

Early in the piece, not long after Stephanie and I started our affair, Stef was due over for dinner one night, and Casey walked into the family room where I was watching TV, and said, casually, “I hear your girlfriend’s coming over tonight.”

“What girlfriend?” I asked, flatly.

“Stephanie,” Casey replied, “I’ve seen you. You can’t keep your eyes off her.”

I’d had an acute attack of butterflies in the stomach when she had said Stef’s name, wondering what she knew, or even suspected, but now I realised that Casey must have thought I had some sort of crush on Stephanie, so I breathed easy. I could cope with Casey thinking I had the hots for my sexy young aunt, as long as she didn’t know what I was doing about it.

Then, a few weeks later, as I lay on my bed, listening to a CD in my room, Casey stuck her head in the door, and said, “Glen and Stephanie, sitting in a tree, kay, eye, ess, ess, eye, enn, gee.”

“You know,” I said, looking at her in the doorway, “there are professionals who can help you. Just reach out.”

“You’re the one who needs professional help,” Casey smiled, “going all gooey over your own aunty.” She turned on her heels and walked away, but what she had said to me kind of confirmed that she only thought I had a crush on Stephanie, which was a bit of a relief.

Another time, when Stephanie started seeing a guy she met at work, Casey had found me in the family room, and said, with mock sympathy, “Poor Glen, his girlfriend’s found a new man. What will he do now?” Little did she know that Stephanie had actually cheated on her new man with me the previous night, but I simply said to Casey, “Is your brain still under warranty? You need to get it looked at.”

Over the next couple of years, Stephanie and I developed a funny kind of relationship. I started seeing girls, and she had a couple of flings with other guys, but between times, when neither of us had anyone else in our lives, we would get together for some good, old-fashioned, casual sex, on a regular basis. We didn’t just screw all the time, in fact sometimes we would just hang out together, watching TV at her place, or going to bars for a beer or two after I turned eighteen, and stuff like that, without laying a hand on each other, and other times, we would go to bed just for the fun of it.

Four years went by, and in that time, a lot of things happened. I finished school, and got a job in a different bank from the one where Stephanie worked, but she helped me get the job by putting in a good word for me with some of her contacts around town. I had a few girlfriends over the years, but nothing really serious, and I have to say that Stephanie’s tutoring in the arts of lovemaking had certainly helped me out a lot in that department.

I was now twenty-one years old, and still living at my parents house, and Stephanie was thirty-five and still single, but still with the face and body of a girl in her twenties. However, the biggest thing that had happened in those four years was that my sister, Casey, had grown up. Casey had been a skinny twelve-year old, back when Stephanie had moved back to town, but when she was fourteen, she started developing those trademark curves that seem to run among the women in my mother’s family. By the time Casey was sixteen, she looked like a younger and slightly smaller version of Stephanie, except with our dad’s eyes, and with fairer skin, and ash blonde hair, where Stephanie’s hair was light brown. She had the same curvy figure as Stephanie, on a smaller scale, with the same full-shaped breasts, that were not large, but just rounded and well-shaped, and a pair of shapely legs that were getting better all the time.

Casey had stayed with her baton-twirling club over the years, and now that she was sixteen, she was a senior. This was good news, because, when she brought her team mates home to practice their routines, she was bringing home girls aged from sixteen to nineteen, so it seemed like there were always sexy little teenage baton-twirlers prancing around the place on weekends, in their practice leotards and shimmer tights, or skimpy little skirts and shorts, going through their routines, or exercising to keep themselves in shape for their training. My parents were charging me less in board than I would have paid to rent a place of my own, but why would I want to leave anyway, with all of this going on? Like I said, a lot of things had happened in the past four years.

Another interesting thing had happened that first summer when Casey turned sixteen. Her best friend was Rowena, a fellow baton twirler, and Casey and Rowena had gone to the public swimming pool one Saturday afternoon, and they both came back with a very mild case of sunburn. They put a towel on the family room floor, and took turns at lying on the towel, while one gently rubbed Vitamin E cream all over the other’s back, shoulders and legs. Casey had a pair of denim shorts over her bikini bottom, and Rowena, dark-haired, olive-skinned, and part-Italian, was wearing a black skirt over hers, but they only had their bikini bras on top, and it was quite exciting to watch them on the floor, gently rubbing each other all over with cream. In fact, by the time the show was over, I had become quite horny, and it seemed odd that they had decided do it in the family room, where I was, instead of Casey’s bedroom, even though they were really only rubbing cream on each other.

After the two girls finished, they got up and went to Casey’s room for a while, closing the door behind them. I sat there for a while, wishing they’d asked me to help them out with the cream.

Late that night, after Rowena had left, I was lying on my bed, reading a book, and Casey came to the door, with the jar of Vitamin E cream in her hand. “Glen?” she said.

“What’s up, Case?” I asked.

“My sunburn’s hurting again,” she said, “Can you be a good brother, and rub some more Vitamin E cream on me before I go to bed?” She was still wearing her bikini, with its blue and white swirled pattern, but I noticed that for some reason, she wasn’t wearing her denim shorts over the bikini bottom.

“Yeah,” I said, “come in.” Casey walked in and I got off the bed. She handed me the cream, and lay face down, with her head at the foot of my bed. I looked down at her in that little blue and white bikini and I couldn’t help feeling a little aroused, even though she was my kid sister, and I took a dollop of cream from the jar onto my right hand. I also noticed that Casey’s sunburn was so mild, it was barely visible on her fair skin, but I said, “Where would you like it?”

“All over,” Casey answered, with her head turned to her left to face me as she lay on her stomach on the bed.

I gently placed my hand on her right shoulder, and started to rub the cream onto her skin, in a smooth, circular motion. I was being as gentle as I could, gently running my hands over her smooth, warm skin with the cream, and before long, I felt myself getting aroused. I was wearing a loose-fitting pair of pyjamas, and fortunately, the hardening of my cock was hidden by them, as I gently applied the cream to my little sister’s shoulders, then her upper back, and slowly, painstakingly worked my way down her back. I was enjoying this, so I took my time, and Casey was showing no sign of hurrying me.

When I started rubbing the cream around the area where her bikini top was tied, I was avoiding the string ties, but without speaking, she reached around with both arms, and untied them, and flicked them to each side, so her back was now bare for me to apply the cream without any obstacles. I took her cue, and gently rubbed the cream into the skin where her bikini top had been tied, and I couldn’t help thinking that her sweet little body, that I was gently rubbing with cream on my bed, was very close to being naked, right in front of me.

I had worked my way down her back by now, gently smoothing the cream onto her soft young skin, and I could see the beautiful shape of her bottom, clad only in her brief bikini pants, and this added considerably to my arousal. I started to rub the cream into the skin along the top edge of her bikini pants, and once again, without speaking, she reached around with her right hand, and tugged at them to expose a little more skin. “That’s really nice,” she said, softly, and I looked at the round shape of her butt, and I thought, I know it’s nice, but not the way you mean.

There was now about an inch of Casey’s butt crack exposed, and I avoided touching her there, as I rubbed the cream into the skin of her lower back, where the line of her sunburn ended, but it was all I could do to keep myself from fondling her sweet little arse, there on the bed. “Can you do my legs, too?” Casey said.

Gladly, I thought, but I said, “No problem,” thinking, I could rub this stuff on you all night if you let me. I then started to rub the cream onto the backs of her thighs, my hands going to within inches of her pussy, tucked away inside that bikini bottom, and I felt that rippling wave of excitement going through me, as I smoothed the cream into the soft, firm skin of Casey’s inner thighs. “Mmmmmm, that feels nice,” Casey said, dreamily. Tell me about it, I thought.

I had taken my time over applying the cream, and as I rubbed the last part of Casey’s lower left calf, I reluctantly said, “How’s that now?”

“It’s much better,” Casey replied, as she started to tie her bikini bra again, and she looked back at me and said, “Do you think you could just do my belly. It’s a bit burnt too.”

“Your belly?” I answered, “How come you want me to do that?” I tried to sound casual, but I was actually getting quite excited at the prospect. Casey turned over, lying on her back, and said, “You so nice and gentle. It’s really relaxing.” There was one part of me that was far from relaxed, but I started to smooth the cream onto the skin of her chest, under her full, perky breasts that were, of course, still covered by her bikini bra. Naturally, I was careful not to even brush them with my hands, but touching Casey so close to them like that was very exciting. I then smoothed the cream onto her belly, running my hands down to her bikini bottom. “Thankyou for doing this,” Casey said, looking up at me, “you’ve got a really gentle touch.”

“I don’t mind,” I said, as I continued gently rubbing the cream onto the soft skin of her belly. My cock felt rock hard, and I sneaked a look down at my pyjama shorts, to make sure it wasn’t showing. Fortunately, it wasn’t, but when I looked up, I was almost sure Casey was looking there as well. Surely, she must have some idea what this is doing to me, I thought. “Would you like me to do the front of your legs too?” I asked. I was getting a big thrill out of this, so I decided to milk it for all it was worth.

“If you don’t mind,” Casey said, looking up at me. I started to gently rub cream onto the front of her thighs, acutely conscious of the fact that her pussy was practically right under my nose, encased in those bikini pants, and I couldn’t help wondering if she trimmed it, or perhaps even shaved it. I had to deliberately steer my thoughts back to the job at hand, and I made myself mentally picture my fat, ugly third grade teacher, Mrs Buscombe, to get my mind off Casey’s pussy.

After I had finished rubbing the cream into Casey’s legs, I looked at her, and said, “All done.” She lay there on her back for a moment, and said, “I really appreciate you doing that, and being so gentle.” She got up, and I handed the jar of cream to her, and after some small talk, she left the room to go to bed. I watched her from behind, as she walked out of the room, and it occurred to me that she had a sexy walk, just like Stephanie. I was so horny by this time that I had to go and have a wank in the shower, while I tried unsuccessfully to keep the image, and the feel, of Casey’s bikini-clad body out of my mind.

Another odd thing happened about two weeks later, when Casey and I were at home alone. I was in the family room on a Saturday morning, and Casey had asked me to watch her latest baton twirling routine, and give my opinion, because she had a tournament coming up. Now that she was a curvy little sixteen-year old, watching her routines was no longer the chore it had been in the past, and she carried her portable CD player into the room, to provide the backing music. “Ready?” she said. I nodded.

Casey walked to the middle of the floor, in front of the TV set, and said, “Don’t start the music yet. I just need to do a few stretches first, before I get started.” She turned her back to me, and it was only then that I noticed she was only wearing her hot pink practice leotard, with no shimmer tights. I could see the outline of a pair of briefs under her leotard, but that was all she had on, apart from her sports bra or course, and first up, she started to touch her toes in front of me. My eyes were drawn to the crotch of her leotard, as she bent over with her back to me, touching her toes several times, and the fourth time, she looked back at me, her face upside down between her legs, and she smiled, almost knowingly. I said nothing, just watching her curvy figure, as she bent and stretched herself in front of me.

After a few toe-touches, Casey put her left foot on a stool, bending forward to lay her chest on her raised thigh, then changing feet, and repeating the position with her right leg on the stool. This time, my eyes were drawn to the crotch of her leotard again, as I saw the outline of her outer pussy lips, stretched by the positions of her legs, but I made sure she did not catch me looking there. I was feeling very excited by now, and the baton routine had not even begun. “They teach us it’s important to stretch and loosen up, before we start our routines,” she said, turning to face me as she linked her hands, and stretched her arms over her head, emphasising the shape of those full but perky tits. Not that I was complaining, but I had never seen her doing stretches before a routine before.

Casey did a few more stretches, and then asked me to start the music. She did her new routine, for my appraisal, but to be honest, I could hardly keep my eyes off her arse, and her curvy little figure, as she pranced, bounced and gyrated to the music, throwing her baton in the air, catching it, all in strict time with the music. It was another good performance, and I clapped at the end, to give her some encouragement. “That was really good,” I said, and she smiled brightly as she picked up her CD player, and headed back to her room.

Later that night, as I lay in bed, I thought about her performance, and wondered what she was on about. Surely she knew how provocative she was being. I turned it over in my mind, and decided it must have been that, in just over a year, she had gone from a skinny beanpole kid, to a curvy young girl, with the sort of body that drew a second look from any guy with a pulse, and she was enjoying showing it off, even to her big brother. That kind of led to another train of thought, about the rights and wrongs of getting aroused by your kid sister’s body. You’re already fucking your own aunt, I told myself, so what’s wrong with copping an eyeful of your sister?

Not long after that, my parents were due to go on a seventeen-day Pacific cruise they had been planning for some time. They left on a Thursday, so Casey and I would be home alone for over two weeks. The first weekend, Casey had arranged with her friend, Rowena, to sleep at her house and go to baton twirling practice together on Saturday morning, and then have a second sleepover at Rowena’s place on Saturday night. I would have the house to myself for two nights, so early on Friday afternoon, I was thinking of ringing Stephanie, and asking her to come over for dinner, or perhaps we could go for a drink somewhere. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, if Stephanie felt like a session in the sack together, I wouldn’t put up a fight.

I sat in an office at the bank, looking at my mobile phone on the desk, but it rang before I even reached for it. I answered, and it was Stephanie’s voice on the line. “Hey, Glen, it’s Stef,” she said, and after a short pause, I heard, “This is a shameless booty call. Got any plans for tonight?” I could hear a smile in her voice as she spoke.

“You have my full attention,” I said, smiling back into the phone.

“I was thinking of cooking Italian, and inviting you over,” Stephanie said. “Cooking Italian” had become a kind of code between us for “I want to take you to bed tonight,” in recognition of that night Stephanie had taken me to bed the first time, all those years ago.

“Sounds great,” I said, smiling even wider at the prospect of a night with Stephanie.

“And for dessert,” Stephanie added, “I was thinking of putting myself on the menu.”

“That would be delicious, as always,” I replied, “but I’ve got the place to myself for a couple of days, so why don’t you come over to our place, and we can cook together?”

“What about Casey?” I heard Stephanie ask.

“She’s sleeping over with her baton-twirling friend for two nights, so we’ll be all alone,” I said, “What do you think?”

“See you at six,” Stephanie replied. Her voice still sounded like she was smiling.

That night, Stephanie came to my place as planned, and we collaborated over cooking dinner, and had a relaxing meal together. After dinner, we sat around for a while, talking and laughing, and then Stephanie stood up, knelt between my legs as I sat on the couch, and gave me one of her soft, gentle, sexy kisses. With our faces still close, she said, “How about I take you to bed for a while, and we can have a nice, long, slow session of lovemaking?” Then, she added, “Or, if you want it hard and fast, I think I could be persuaded.”

“Soft and slow sounds good,” I said. We adjourned to my bedroom, and I undressed Stephanie, taking my time, drinking in the beauty of her curvy body as I went along, and we climbed onto my double bed, where I went down on her, tasting her beautiful pussy, taking in its sexy scent, and working her clitoris with my mouth, to give Stephanie her first orgasm of the evening.

After I had gone down on Stephanie, we fucked missionary style, nice and slowly, taking our time, drawing the sweet pleasure from each other’s bodies, as we had done so many times before, and Stephanie had two further orgasms to my one. Not that I minded, though. I had learnt that she was multi-orgasmic, if we took things slowly. Then, as arousal returned to us, we had one more missionary fuck, timing our orgasms to perfection so we came together in a burst of total ecstasy, arcing between us like an electric spark. Totally satisfied, we slept in each other’s arms, as I held Stephanie’s body to myself, reflecting in those last moments before sleep overtook me, that no matter how many times we went to bed together, I just couldn’t get enough of Stephanie.

In the morning, we awoke, and with the house to ourselves, we had a leisurely breakfast, and then took a long, sensual shower together, washing each other’s bodies, taking the time to do the job thoroughly. As I worked the soapy lather into Stephanie’s beautiful bottom, I decided that after our shower, she would have to be fucked doggy-style, because it was criminal if a woman with an arse like hers wasn’t fucked from behind on a regular basis. After we dried each other, once again, slowly and sensually, with big fluffy towels, we went back to bed, and after a quick sixty-nine, to help the mood along, we started fucking doggy-style.

Sex with Stephanie was always good, but some times were better than others, and this was one of those times. We were turned around sideways on the bed, so we could watch ourselves in the mirror of my dressing table, and I was watching my hard cock pistoning in and out of Stephanie’s snug, wet pussy, feeling her cunt milking the pleasure from me. With each of my thrusts, a ripple went through Stephanie’s firm buttocks, as she braced her thighs, so there was no lost motion between us. I could tell from her breathing that Stephanie was close to coming, and I was holding on, so we could come together again. This was great sex, up there with the best we had ever had together, and I knew that when my orgasm came, it was going to be something special.

Suddenly, incredibly, I heard Casey’s voice. “I knew it!” she said, and I looked in the mirror, and there was Casey, standing in my open doorway, her mouth hanging open. I stopped in mid-thrust, my cock still buried deep in Stephanie’s pussy, and I said, “Ohh, fuck!!”

Stephanie turned to her left, and seeing Stephanie, said, “Ohh, shit!!!” adding to the witty discourse in the room. I pulled my cock out of Stephanie’s pussy, making an audible sound, and I flopped on my bed, yanking the sheet over the two of us, as though that made any difference.

“I fucking knew it,” Casey said, stepping into the room. “I fucking knew you guys were screwing each other, but I never thought I’d catch you!” I had never heard Casey say “fucking” before. She was wearing a big, yellow zippered jacket, over her pink leotard and shimmer tights, standing in my doorway.

“What are you doing home?” I said.

Casey came closer to the bed, looking from one of us to the other, and said, “Rowena’s mother’s got food poisoning. We had to take her to hospital, and her dad put me in a cab and sent me home.” She paused, remembering, and said, “I walked in the back door, and all I could hear was you guys in here, right through the house. Fuck! It was like a porn movie when I looked in the door!”

She burst out laughing, and put her hand over her mouth in mock astonishment, and pointed at me, and said, “Doggy style! You were fucking your own aunt, doggy style!” She burst out laughing even harder, and had to sit down on the end of the bed, as if she couldn’t even stand up any more. Stephanie and I weren’t laughing.

“What are you gonna do?” I asked, “You’re not gonna say anything are you?”

Stephanie seemed too shocked to speak, and simply lay there, looking from me to Casey.

“I’m not going to tell anyone,” Casey said, undoing her zippered jacket, and peeling it off, “but I want to join in, though.” She threw her jacket on the floor, and looked back at me, as if she was waiting for my response.

I looked at Stephanie, and back at Casey. “What are you talking about? You can’t join in!” I said, astonished she had even suggested it.

“You can’t fuck your aunty, either,” Casey replied, calmly, “but that hasn’t stopped you so far.”

“She’s got a point there,” Stephanie said, looking at me, “Besides, if she joins in, she can’t tell anybody, either.” She was smiling like she had it all worked out.

I thought for a moment about the effect Casey’s sexy little body had on me when I rubbed cream all over her that day, and then when I watched her stretching and prancing around, doing her baton twirling routine, and suddenly, the idea had a little more appeal to me, but there was a big difference between fucking my experienced aunt, in her thirties, and doing it with my kid sister. “How much have you,” I paused, swallowing, looking for the right words, “I mean, what have you,” I paused again, not knowing how to say it, “Have you ever, ummm.” I was making a complete mess of this.

Stephanie was smiling at my sudden awkwardness, and she shook her head and said, “Casey, have you ever had sex with a guy?” We both looked at Casey.

“No,” she replied, shaking her head, “but I’ve had oral sex.” The matter-of-fact look on her face was totally out of keeping with what she was saying.

“Who’d you have that with?” I asked, although I couldn’t get the smile off my face. Stephanie looked only mildly surprised.

“Rowie,” Casey answered. That was her nickname for Rowena.

I looked at Stephanie, who looked back at me, and raised her eyebrows. I had a fantastic mental image in my head, but I said, “Rowie? Are you two lesbians or something?”

“No, dickhead,” Casey smiled back at me, “Rowie’s got a boyfriend and everything. She’s been screwing him for months.”

“So, how come you had oral sex with her?” I said, trying to work this out.

“We found your little stash of porn on the computer one day,” Casey answered, smiling impudently, “and we found some pictures of two girls going down on each other.” I looked at Stephanie, and I could see she had no idea where this was going, either. “Rowie reckoned they looked like us two, so we went up to my room and tried it on each other.”

“And?” I prompted, I wanted to hear more of this.

“It was good,” Casey smiled, “It was fun. Felt good. Excellent, actually.”

“Did you try it again?” I asked, scarcely believing what I was hearing.

“Yeah,” Casey answered, as though it was a stupid question. “Remember that day we got sunburnt?” I nodded, and Casey went on, “After we rubbed Vitamin E cream on each other in the family room, where you were, we went up to my room and made out like two lesbians, and then took turns going down on each other.” She looked as though she was thinking back on the event, and she continued with, “Hmmmmm, that was fun, too. Then, after Rowie went home, I went up to your room and got you to rub cream all over me. Bet you can’t guess what I did after that.” She smiled, challenging me to guess.

I had to swallow before I could speak, thinking of curvy little Casey and her pretty little dark-haired friend, Rowie, going down on each other, while I sat in the family room, a couple of walls away. “I give up. Tell me. The suspense is killing me,” I said, truthfully.

Casey held up the first finger of her right hand with a smile, and said, “I went to my room to double-click my mouse for a while.” I looked at Stephanie, not sure what Casey meant, although I had half an idea.

“I saw that movie,” Stephanie said, suddenly seeing a whole new side of her sweet little niece, “So, you got all turned on by Glen rubbing cream all over you, and you went and touched yourself?”

“Case closed, Detective Stef,” Casey answered, smiling at Stephanie.

”You dirty little girl,” Stephanie said, with a huge smile, and then she looked at me, and said, “I think your little sister should join us, Glen. She seems to have plenty she can bring to the table.”

I looked at my sixteen-year old sister, Casey, sitting on the end of my bed, in that pink leotard, clinging to every curve of her sweet young body, and those silver shimmer tights, skin-tight over her shapely legs. I liked where this was going, but surely she couldn’t expect me to fuck her. “So,” I started, looking Casey in the eyes, “what do you want to do?”

“What do you think?” she answered, leaving me no wiser.

“Well,” I said, “I’d be happy to go down on you, in fact I’d love to, but I don’t think I can do anything else.” Stephanie looked at Casey, smiling, waiting for her answer.

“So,” Casey said, turning so she could face both of us, “there are rules here are there? It’s okay to fuck your aunty, but not your sister. This incest thing is more complicated than I thought. All these rules!” She gave me a challenging look, waiting for me to reply.

“Come on, Case,” I said, “You just told us you’ve never done it. You don’t want me to be your first, do you?”

“Why not?” Casey replied, “At least I know you’d be gentle.” She smiled sweetly, and I felt a wave of excitement at that, but I still wasn’t ready to go all the way with her.

“Look,” I started, looking at Stephanie for support, “If you want to join us, great, but let’s start slowly. You know, make out, kiss, cuddle, whatever. I would love to go down on you, so if you want to get into bed with Stef and me, hop in.”

Casey was sitting on the left side of my double bed, close to my feet. She smiled at me, a sly, sexy smile, glanced at Stephanie, still smiling, and then slid up the bed to me, and turned to her right, offering me her back. Her leotard had a zipper at the back, and she said, “Unzip me, please.” I undid her zipper, and she said, “I may need some help getting this thing off,” turning back to look at me. She only had to peel it off herself, but she was obviously making this part of the fun. I leaned forward, and gently pulled the leotard away from her shoulders, and she slipped her right arm out first, and then her left. She stood up, and turned to face us, peeling her pink leotard down, revealing her white sports bra, and then she took it right off, tossing it on top of her jacket on the floor. She was now standing there, with just her underwear, and those silver shimmer tights. I was mesmerised by what I was seeing, and Casey knew it. She knew the effect her curvy body was having on me, and she slowly, teasingly, slid those shimmer tights down, revealing her white bikini briefs, with a pattern of bluebells on them. She slid the tights off her legs, one at a time, and then casually tossed them aside, then stood there for a moment, keeping eye contact with me.

“Like what you see, Glen?” she asked, quietly.

“Very much,” I answered.

“I think I’ll take the rest off in bed,” she said, peeling back the sheet just enough to get into the bed on my left. I was now lying between Casey and Stephanie, in my double bed. Both Stephanie and I were naked under the sheet, and Casey was wearing just her sports bra and panties. My cock was rock hard, and my heart was pounding.

“How about getting in the middle,” Stephanie said, looking over me at Casey, “You can be the meat in the sandwich.”

Casey started to climb over me, but she stopped and then lay on top of me. My hard cock was pushing against the crotch of her panties, and I could even feel the warmth from her pussy. “Careful,” I said.

Casey wiggled her hips, so the crotch of her panties moved against my hard, sensitive cock. Her face was already close to mine, and she made eye contact, smiling suggestively. “I mean it,” I said, “Be careful.”

Casey pulled a sad baby face, and in the voice people use when they are talking to little babies and toddlers, she said, “Poor widdle Gwen. He don’t want his widdle dickie goin’ near his sister’s wee-wee. But aunty gets a go. Poor widdle Gwen. He’s a vewy naughty boy.”

The three of us burst out laughing, and after a moment, Casey leant down and kissed me on the mouth. It was a very sexy kiss, I have to say, and I put my hands up on her bottom, under the sheets. Stephanie was lying on her left side, to my right, watching with keen interest. “Your hands are nice and warm,” Casey said.

I moved my left hand down to the crotch of her panties, and gently worked it inside. I could feel the pubic hair on her outer lips, and the slippery wetness of her pussy, and I said, “Somebody’s very wet down there.” Casey took a breath, and kissed me again, this time holding the kiss a little longer. Her lips felt warmer than before, and the taste of her mouth was exquisite.

“What do you expect, after what I saw you guys doing when I walked in?” Casey said, after breaking the kiss, and then she looked at Stephanie. “You looked like you were enjoying yourself,” she added. “Trust me, Case, I was,” Stephanie answered.

“So, Glen’s good at this type of thing?” Casey asked her.

“I’ve never had any reason to complain,” Stephanie smiled.

I now, very gently, worked the finger of my left hand into the snug, wet entrance of Casey’s pussy, while I caressed her butt crack through her panties with my right hand. I moved my finger a little further inside her, and she flinched just slightly. Casey looked at Stephanie again, and said, “Do you know what he’s doing with his finger?” Stephanie reached up with her left hand, and stroked the right side of Casey’s pretty face, and said, “You’re in good hands, Casey. Enjoy.”

With my finger still nestled in Casey’s virginal pussy, I used my right hand to very gently pull the waistband of her panties down a little, and I put my hand inside, and continued gently caressing her butt crack. She kissed me again, exhaling with our faces close as we broke the kiss, and the smell of her breath made me even more excited than I had been. Casey moistened her lips, took another breath, and kissed me again, as I gently moved my finger in her pussy, and stroked her bottom with my right hand.

I gently removed my finger from Casey’s pussy, and placed it in my mouth, tasting her pussy juice and sucking it from my finger. Both Casey and Stephanie were watching me intently, neither speaking. I wanted to take this further, but I was unsure about actually fucking Casey, although it looked as though I was going to get the chance to taste her untouched pussy, and I really wanted to do that. Under the sheet, I began to peel Casey’s panties down with both hands, and she lifted her hips a little to help me get them off. I slid them halfway down her thighs, having to move my own hips a little to get them past my rock-hard cock, which was now resting against Casey’s slippery pussy. She was so wet, and I was so hard, that the slightest movement of our hips would have made my cock slip inside her.

“Stef,” Casey said, still looking at me, “Do you realise I’m about two millimetres away from losing my virginity?” She smiled, very suggestively, still looking at me. “What if I just bucked my hips?” she asked, gently twitching them with the word “bucked.” I felt the wet entrance to her pussy touching the very tip of my cock. It was all I could do to keep myself from thrusting up into her.

“I’ve got an idea,” I said, glancing at Stephanie and looking back at Casey, “How about letting me go down on your innocent little pussy? While you’re still virgin, because the way things are shaping up, that may not be long.”

“This is not over,” Casey said, smiling at me as she snuggled in between Stephanie and me. I had left her panties halfway down her thighs, so she bent her legs under the sheet, taking them off, and then tossed them over me, onto the floor on my left. Now, all she had left on was her sports bra, and Stephanie helped her to remove it. All three of us were now naked in the bed, my aunt Stephanie, my sister, Casey, and me. My excitement was almost unbearable.

“You don’t mind me seeing you naked, do you?” I asked, facetiously.

“Duhh!” Casey responded, lying between us, “You were practically fucking me a minute ago.” I pulled back the sheet, revealing the two sexy, naked girls in bed with me, both so curvy, and looking so much like each other, but separated by nearly twenty years. “What a smorgasbord!” I said to them.

“I think he means he likes what he sees,” Casey said, looking at Stephanie on her right. Casey’s pubic hair didn’t look like it was trimmed, but seemed to grow naturally in a neat triangle, with a little finer hair down the sides of her outer lips. It was a couple of shades darker than the ash-blonde hair on her head, and with her fair complexion, her inner pussy lips were slightly pinker than Stephanie’s. They were also a little puffy, and I could see the wetness of her juices between them. Her breasts were the same full shape as Stephanie’s, but in keeping with her smaller frame, were not as large. Her nipples were also a lighter shade of pink, and after taking in the scene in front of me, I said, “Ladies, I can assure you, I like what I see.”

I moved between Casey’s legs, and gently kissed her on her inner pussy lips, holding the kiss, inhaling the tangy, sexy scent of her pussy, and then I gently probed between her lips with my tongue, tasting, inhaling, experiencing. I moved my head away, and I saw Stephanie watching intently, as though she was as keen to see this, as I was to do it. She reached behind herself, and took hold of her pillow, and handed it to me, and I placed it under Casey’s bottom, lifting her pussy a little higher, to give me better access. “You’ll love this. He’s good,” Stephanie said, looking at Casey, who was watching me without speaking.

After I put the pillow under Casey’s bottom, I moved back down to kiss her inner lips,
once again taking the time to enjoy the taste and scent of this sweet young pussy, that had never known a cock, and that no man had ever come inside. I brushed the right side of my tongue against her little clitoris, and she flinched slightly, making a quick little sighing sound. In the corner of my eye, I saw Stephanie leaning down and kissing Casey just below her navel, and then moving up to gently kiss her left breast. “I’m getting the deluxe treatment,” Casey said, in a soft voice that was almost a whisper.

I moved my head slightly, still running my tongue between Casey’s inner lips, so I could see what Stephanie was up to. She was now kissing Casey’s left nipple, and placing her lips around it, to suck on it very gently. I don’t know if Stephanie had ever done this before, but it was no time to ask. Casey was having her pussy licked and her left breast sucked at the same time, and it occurred to me that Stephanie’s pussy may need some attention before long, too. It’s hard to convey just how exciting this was.

I moved my tongue down to the opening of Casey’s pussy, the intimate entrance to her immaculate vagina, and I slid the tip of my tongue inside. Her pussy was oozing with her juices, and I coated the tip of my tongue with them, spreading the fluid around inside my mouth so I could experience the flavour. I drew my tongue out of her pussy, and worked my way slowly, back up between her inner lips toward her clit again. Once again, I heard a sigh from Casey, but she did not speak. In the corner of my eye, I could see that Stephanie was still licking and sucking the nipple of Casey’s left breast, and in my mind’s eye, for a brief moment, I imagined the view from behind Stephanie, as she knelt on the bed, bending down to attend to her young niece’s breast.

It was now time to work on Casey’s clit, so I moved around, to get a better position, and after inhaling that sexy scent for a moment, I looked up at her face. “Do you like it so far?” I asked. “You are good,” Casey replied, dreamily, “and Stef’s doing great things to my boobie, too.” I saw Casey reach around and insert a finger very gently into Stephanie’s pussy, from behind, and she slowly finger-fucked her aunt’s snug vagina while I watched. I heard a little “Mmmmm,” sound from Stephanie, who started rocking her pelvis just slightly, as she gently worked on Casey’s nipple with her talented mouth.

I moved my head down, and moistened my tongue and lips with the fluids oozing from Casey’s pussy, and I placed my lips on her clit. She flinched a little as my lips touched that sensitive part of her young body, and I began to gently work my lips back and forth, lubricated with her own juices. Immediately, Casey’s hips began to buck, and I heard a moan from her, then I heard Stephanie, in a soothing voice, saying, “Just relax, Case, let it happen. Glen’s good at this. You’ll love it.”

I put my hands on Casey’s hips, to hold her in place so my mouth would stay on her clit, and I started again, gently working my lips back and forth on it, with just a tiny amount of suction. Casey moaned again, and tried to buck her hips, but I held her, gently working her little clit with my mouth. I wanted to make her come with my mouth, and to be the first man ever to make my little sister experience an orgasm, that wasn’t from her own hand.

Casey started to moan again, then made a noise in her throat, like a squeak, and she said, “Ohh, that’s good. That’s so good. Glen that’s so good!” and her chest heaved twice, then, with a rising inflection in her voice, she said, “Oh, my pussy’s gonna explode!” A little screaming sound followed from her mouth, and she clenched her fists, and her whole body shuddered, lifting her belly from the bed, as I worked her clit that little longer with my mouth, taking her through her orgasm, and helping her come down gently from it.

I took my mouth away from Casey’s pussy, and looked at her. She was breathing heavily, with a surprised look on her face. Stephanie leaned forward, and hugged her, and said, “It’s okay, Baby, your big brother just gave you an orgasm. Isn’t that great?”

Casey looked at me and said, “Cuddle me,” holding her arms out, so I moved up and put my arms around her. She kissed me on the mouth, first a quick, soft kiss, and then a second, slower, sexier one. Her breathing had returned to normal, and she reached down and gently wrapped her right hand around my hard cock, and said, “What are you going to do with that?”

I was pretty horny, having gone just down on Casey’s sweet pussy, tasting it and inhaling the sexy scent, and I looked across at Stephanie, sitting back, with her own pussy exposed. Her pussy, so familiar to me after four years, yet still such a source of pleasure and intense excitement, was swollen with arousal, moist, pouting and ready to do the wild thing, and I said, “I think Stef and I should give you a demonstration of what a really good fuck looks like, close up.” Stephanie smiled, and said, “I’m ready for that.”

“You sure you don’t want to do it with me?” Casey asked.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said, looking at Stephanie.

“Your call,” Stephanie said, smiling at my predicament.

“Come on,” I said to Casey, smiling with mild exasperation, “you don’t want to lose it to your brother, do you?”

“You lost it to your aunty,” she replied.

“What about, umm, you know,” I paused, but had to say it, “getting pregnant. You’re not on the pill or anything, and there’s no condoms here.”

“Believe it or not, I am on the pill,” Casey smiled back. Stephanie raised her eyebrows at me, but didn’t speak.

“I thought you were a virgin,” I said, narrowing my eyes.

“Yes, but virgins have periods,” Casey said, triumphantly, “and mine were all over the place. Mum took me to the doctor, and he put me on the pill to regulate them.” As I was taking that in, she added, “Check-mate,” with a smile of victory.

I looked at Stephanie again, and she said, with a little chuckle, “Well, at least she’d be losing it to someone who loves her.”

“So,” Casey went on, “You’re running out of excuses, Captain Kirk. Here’s your chance to really go where no man has gone before.”

I moved back, kneeling between Casey’s legs, and looked down at her pretty, pink pussy, still a little puffy and moist from the attention I had given it with my mouth a short time ago. I placed the tip of the first finger of my right hand at her opening and gently pushed it in to the second knuckle. Her entrance was tight, but inside, her pussy was slippery and wet, and she flinched a little as I very gently finger-fucked her. “It’s not always great the first time, for a girl,” I said, as I watched my finger moving in her, and then I looked up for her response.

“They told us in health education at school,” Casey began, “that girls don’t always bleed, especially active ones, like me, you know, sports, gymnastics, baton twirling.” She smiled that triumphant smile again, and added, “And also, if you play with yourself, that helps.”

“You’re a smooth talker,” I said, “You’ve convinced me,” I added, moving up to embrace her. I kissed Casey’s sweet little mouth, holding the kiss, and making eye contact, then broke for air. “I know you’ll be gentle with me,” Casey breathed, our faces close. I kissed her again, holding the kiss even longer, and this time, there was a lot of tongue action going on. It was a very sexy kiss.

Stephanie reached down and took the pillow that had been under Casey’s bottom when I went down on her, and put it behind her head, so she could lie back and watch her niece being fucked for the first time, and I gently placed my right hand at the entrance to Casey’s pussy. I dipped my finger in Casey’s oozing pussy juices, and I used it to coat the head of my hard cock, mixing it with the fluid already leaking from me, to help me enter her tight little opening.

I used my right hand to open Casey’s pussy lips, and I placed my cock at the entrance, making sure the head was liberally coated with her juices. She was watching, softly biting her lower lip, but not speaking. I glanced over at Stephanie, to my left, and she was doing the same thing. It must run in the family, because I’d seen Stephanie doing it before, during foreplay, sometimes when we went to bed together.

My cock was hard and unyielding, and Casey’s pussy, although tight, was primed by nature, and by her level of arousal, to allow itself to be penetrated, so with a firm but gentle push, I entered Casey, the first man ever to do so. As my cock entered her, she flinched, with a quick, hissing intake of breath through her teeth, and made a tiny groan in her throat, but then she relaxed, and said, “I can feel you inside me, Glen.”

I pushed in a little further, and felt the slippery walls of her pussy, hugging my hard cock in a welcoming embrace, moulding themselves to every contour. I took the weight on my elbows, and gave a few short, gentle strokes, and I said to Casey, “You okay?”

“I told you I would be,” she smiled, “An active girl like me, who loves to finger herself,” she paused, and kissed me on the mouth, then added, “My hymen was probably history along time ago.”

“As long as you’re okay,” I said, and I began my short, gentle thrusts again, working in a little deeper each time. After a moment or two, I was all the way inside, although I wasn’t pushing for maximum penetration. This was not the time for energetic fucking. Casey’s pussy felt beautiful, snug-fitting and wet, and the slightest movement of my cock was almost unbearably good.

“Any time you want to come, just go for it,” Casey said, although her voice had a slight strain in it, “You need an orgasm, and I’m just the girl to give you one,” she added, and then continued with, “You gave me one, so I want to give you one.” She lifted her head to kiss my mouth again. I held the kiss, joined at the mouth and at the pussy to my little sister, as my sexy young aunt looked on, and I began to thrust a little faster, but still taking it gently. When we broke our kiss, Casey was breathing a little more heavily, and had a look of urgency in her pretty face.

“Glen, that feels really good, I can feel every inch of you,” she said, with a waver in her voice. Stephanie had a kind of half-smile on her face, as she looked on, sitting next to us in the bed, knowing what Casey must have been experiencing, aware that it was her first time, knowing what it felt like for a girl to come with a cock inside her for the first time in her life.

I knew girls don’t always come their first time with a man, but Casey had been brought to orgasm when I went down on her, so there was a chance she would still aroused enough for it to happen again, but I was wondering if I could last long enough, as I felt the snug fit of her novice pussy, working those delightful sensations from my cock. “Just do it,” Casey said to me, her voice still wavering, “You want to come, Glen. I know you do. Just do it.” She took a quick breath, and said, “I’ll be okay.”

I decided to just let if happen. I was so excited, just by being bed with two sexy, naked girls, I had been caught in the middle of a fantastic fuck with Stephanie in the first place, and I had been tasting and smelling pussy all morning, so it was a wonder I had lasted this long. I picked up the pace, just a little, not wanting to hammer Casey’s tender little pussy, and she said, “You’re gonna do it, aren’t you? You’re gonna go for it!”

“I’m only human,” I said, my voice straining, and Casey kissed me quickly, and held her arms around my shoulders. I was about to just go for it but I heard Casey say, louder than before, “Glen! Glen!! I think I’m gonna,” she paused for a gulp of air, swallowed, and with her eyes wide, she said, “My pussy! It’s doing it again!! Oh God!!” She closed her eyes, and clenched her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me, surprising me with her strength, and she began to thrust her own hips, driving my cock further into her. She threw her head back on the pillow, with her eyes shut, as her body shuddered under me, and then took a long, deep breath and relaxed, looking up at me, with that surprised looking her eyes again.

After she had finished her orgasm, I had to finally let go myself, and I felt a wave of pleasure bursting at the base of my cock, and spreading through me, as I spurted into my sister’s snug little pussy, experiencing an incredible mixture of pure pleasure and sweet relief. Casey’s pussy did exactly as nature had intended, the first time it had been put to the test, instinctively milking my climax from me, and after the ecstasy had passed, I relaxed, still lying on top of Casey, but taking the weight on my elbows. I felt totally drained, but also totally satisfied. Casey lifted her head to kiss me softly on the mouth, and after she broke the kiss, Stephanie leaned over, gently placed the palm of her right hand on my back, and kissed my left cheek. “You did great,” she said, softly, “You made her come her first time.”

My cock was still resting in Casey’s pussy, half-hard, and I eased it out, hearing her sigh as her pussy reluctantly released it.

“You guys were beautiful to watch,” Stephanie said, and then added, “but when that thing gets hard again, you and I’ve got a few things to catch up on,” looking at me.

“Gladly,” I said.

“You know what?” Casey asked.

“What’s that?” Stephanie said, turning to her.

“We’ve got this place to ourselves for the next two weeks, till Mum and Dad come back from the cruise,” Casey smiled excitedly, “It’ll be fun, fun, fun. With no Daddy to take the T-Bird away,” she giggled, “or Mummy, either.”

“This could be the start of something big,” I said, and Stephanie just smiled, looked at Casey, and said, “Now, about you and Rowie? Do you want to practice some of that stuff you did with her?”

Aunt Stephanie had a lot of sleepovers at our place during that next two weeks, and she helped me to show my little sister, Casey, a few things, just as she had done with me, four years earlier. The three of us made a good team, and Casey was a willing prot?, eager, attentive, and always ready to learn.

For the next two weeks, until my parents came home, Stephanie stayed at our place, and the three of us fucked the nights away, my beautiful aunt, and my sweet little sister, and me. What a fortnight!

I got to explore Casey’s pretty little body, and Casey got to practice some of the oral sex skills she had honed with her best friend, Rowena, by going down on Stef, and teaching her a few things about the subject. Naturally, Stef returned the favour, while I looked on, driven to incredible extremes of lust by Stef’s and Casey’s oral lovemaking, and then satisfying that lust by fucking either one of them, or sometimes both of them in one session, by holding my own orgasm until the first one had come, and then fucking the other to a mutual explosion of ecstasy.

It was like an incredible two-week orgy, but like all good things, it had to come to an end when our parents returned from their Pacific cruise. They were happy to find that Stephanie had spent so much time with Casey and me while they were away, and my mother thought it was just great that her little sister had so much in common with us. It seemed that life was about to go back to normal again, when just one week after returning from the cruise, my dad got word that another branch of the company he worked for was opening up in an outer suburb of Melbourne, and he had been hand-picked to oversee the opening.

It meant he would be away for nearly a month, but since our mother still had some annual leave left in her job, they decided that she would go with him for the first two weeks. I got the impression the Pacific cruise had been a bit of a second honeymoon for them, and another two weeks down south were going to lead to some more horny times down there, but of course, that would leave Casey and me alone in the house again…..

Ten minutes after we got the news, Casey beckoned me into her room, and said, in a quiet voice, “Are you gonna ring Stef, or do you want me to?” Her smile was wickedly mischievous.

“I’ll give her a ring,” I smiled.

A short time later, I went to my own room, to ring Stephanie on my mobile phone, to tell her my parents were going away again, but her response was, “I’d be there in a flash, Glen, but my boss was supposed to go to a manager’s conference in Sydney for the next two weeks himself, but his wife’s pregnant and she’s having some sort of complications, so he’s asked me to go in his place.”

“I see,” I replied into my phone.

“It was only a request, but I don’t think I can refuse,” Stephanie continued, “but I’m sure you and Casey will find plenty to do without me.” I could hear the smile in her voice, over the phone.

“I’m sure we will,” I answered back.

“Just remember, when I get back, I expect a long, slow session with you, okay?” I heard her say over the phone, “Preferably with Casey there to help things along.”

“Now that’s a request I can’t refuse,” I answered, smiling myself.

I wen to Casey’s room, and told her told her the bad news, that Stef couldn’t join us while our parents were away again, and her reply was, “I’m sure you and I can find plenty to do without her.”

“That’s exactly what Stef said,” I said, shaking my head.

“Well, you keep saying how much alike we are,” Casey smiled.

It was true, though. Casey had definitely inherited the curvy figure that seems to run in the women in my mother’s family, and except for her ash-blonde hair, and fairer skin, she looked like a smaller and younger version of Stef. I think that was part of what made threesome sex with the two of them so exciting, the fact that they looked so much alike.

Later that night, as we sat around the kitchen table, my dad said, “Well, you guys managed to stay on your own here without wrecking the place for three weeks when we went on the cruise, so I know your mother and I can trust you while we’re in Melbourne.”

“No problem,” I said.

“And I know I can trust you to look after your little sister,” my dad went on.

“She’ll be in good hands,” I said, and then, I added, “I’ll take good care of her,” as Casey rubbed the top of my foot with hers under the table.

The next morning, my boss at the bank gave me a couple of hours off to drive my parents to the airport and see them off. Then, it was back to work, and after the bank closed, I drove straight home. Casey was already home from school, and we cooked dinner together, and ate it, then watched some TV, just like any other night. We had a few laughs, like we always did, and then it was time for bed.

I was sitting on the side of my bed, getting ready to get in, and Casey appeared at my door, dressed in a pale blue silk nightie. It was pretty short, and kind of sexy. “Can I sleep in here with you?” she asked.

I looked at what she was wearing, and I said, “You realise, if you get in here dressed like that, I’m probably gonna fuck you, don’t you?”

“Well, I was hoping,” Casey said, with that mischievous smile. She walked over to me, and stood so close that she had one leg on either side of my left thigh, as I sat on the side of my bed, and she looked at me, and said, “We’ve got the house to ourselves again.”

I looked up and said, “So, where would you like me to start?”

“You can start by throwing me into bed, and we’ll work it out from there,” she smiled, down at me.

“I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Casey,” I said, looking up.

“What’s going on?” she answered, looing a little surprised.

“Not until I’ve gone down on you first,” I said, and I put a hand on each of her hips, taking her weight, and turning her so she fell back onto my bed. She landed next to me on my left, and scooted back into the middle of the bed, and as she bent her legs to push back with her feet, I saw she had no pants on, and her pretty little pussy was exposed to me.

“You’re not wearing any knickers,” I said, in surprise, but it was hard to keep the smile off my face.

“What’s the point?” Casey replied, with a girlish smile, “They wouldn’t be on very long.”

I turned Casey’s nightdress back, and gently but thoroughly explored her sweet young pussy with my tongue and lips, taking her to the brink of orgasm, but not letting her go over the edge. Then, when I knew she was ready to come, I fucked her gently in the missionary position, as we kissed deeply, and she tasted her own pussy juices from my lips, and before long, Casey had a shattering orgasm, underneath me. Only then did I allow myself to take my own pleasure, and I immersed myself in sweet release, as I filled my little sister’s exquisite pussy with my seed, for the first time since our parents returned home from their cruise.

Casey and I went to sleep fairly quickly after our orgasms, but a few hours later, in the middle of the night, we both woke up, and she rolled over to me, putting her mouth near my right ear, and whispered, simply, “Fuck me.”

Once again, we made love in my bed, short but very sweet, and resulting in a whimpering climax for my sweet little sister, and an equally satisfying orgasm for me, as her snug little pussy milked my hard cock to perfection.

Then, in the morning, when we awoke, Casey reached over, found my morning erection, and asked me if she could get on top. This was only the second time she had done this, but she climbed on top of me, and impaled herself on my rigid cock, riding it to a shuddering orgasm that saw her clenching her fists, and twisting her arms across her chest, and then collapsing on top of me in exhaustion. I gently turned her over onto her back, and entered her again, fucking her until I filled her with come for the third time in less than eight hours.

After she had recovered, Casey climbed out of bed, and went to the shower. I got up a few minutes later, and as I walked to my parents’ bedroom to use their en-suite shower, I could hear Casey in the bathroom shower, washing our sex fluids from her beautiful body.

She emerged from her room, dressed and ready for the day in her school uniform, consisting of a blue and grey plaid skirt, a white blouse with the school crest on the pocket, and white ankle socks. Her ash blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and it was hard to believe this innocent young thing was the same person who had writhed in ecstasy in my bed, the night before.

After breakfast, I drove Casey to school on my way to work, and outside the school, she leaned over in the car, and gave me a sisterly good-bye kiss on the cheek. She smiled, and said, “I’m allowed to kiss you like this in public,” then got out of the car. While I was waiting for a break in traffic, I watched the sexy, girlish sway of her walk, as she went over to join her best friend and baton twirling buddy, Rowena, waiting for her outside the school gate, wearing the same uniform. Rowena looked up, saw me, and gave me a smile and a little wave, and I returned her wave as I pulled away from the kerb to join the traffic stream.

Like Casey, Rowena was sixteen years old, and their birthdays were only a month apart. Rowena had been Casey’s best friend since she moved to town with her parents, when she was thirteen, and Rowena had joined Casey’s baton twirling club. They went to the same school, and hung out together a lot, but for most of the time I had known Rowena, I had just seen her as Casey’s skinny little friend, and hadn’t taken much notice of her.

After Casey told me she and Rowie, as she called her, had been “experimenting,” and had practised oral sex on each other, I had seen Rowena in a new light. Rowena was a couple of inches taller than Casey, and a little thinner, but she still had a few curves just the same. She had wavy black hair, down past her shoulders, and olive skin, and it appeared she had inherited her looks from her mother, whose parents were Italian. She had those big brown eyes, and chiselled features, that a lot of Italian girls have, and lately she seemed to be getting prettier by the month. She had smallish, but nicely-shaped tits, legs that were long and thin, but shapely just the same, and a cute little butt that was like a magnet to my eyes when she walked past. In a couple of years, she was going to be a looker, and it was certainly no hardship having her coming over to our place all the time, to go through her twirling routines with Casey, in her electric blue practice leotard, and pale blue shimmer tights.

After work, I drove straight home again, and walked in the back door, and through to the family room, where I saw Casey sitting on the couch, with her legs crossed, sipping on a glass of lemonade with ice cubes in it. She was still wearing her school uniform, which was unusual, because most days, she would come home and change into some casual clothes. “Hey,” she said, smiling at me.

“Hi, Case,” I smiled back. We made some small talk about her day at school and my day at work, and she put the drink on the side table and got up. She walked over to me, and stood very close, close enough for me to smell her girlie scent, and her hair shampoo.

“See what I’m wearing?” she said.

I nodded, but didn’t speak. “I left my uniform on,” she said, “Do you know why?”

I had an idea where this might be leading, but I said, “Tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me in it,” she said, smiling that mischievous smile at me.

I felt a wave of excitement passing through me, and I said, “Why do you want me to do that? In your uniform, I mean.”

“I just thought it might be fun,” Casey answered, “You do want to do it with a schoolgirl, don’t you?”

I put my arms around Casey’s shoulders, and said, “I’d love to do it with you, dressed like that. Your room or mine?”

“My room will do,” Casey answered, “Pick me up and carry me in there. I’m all yours.” I picked Casey up with my left arm behind her back and my right arm under her knees, and started walking to her room. As we walked down the hall, she leaned over and kissed me on the mouth, a soft and sexy kiss that caused another wave of excitement to pass through me.

I walked into her room, and set Casey down on her feet next to her bed. She smiled at me with that mischievous, sexy and challenging smile, and said, “Like I said, I’m all yours. You can do anything you want.” She slipped out of her shoes, but left her white ankle socks on.

I looked at her in that uniform, next to her bed, inviting me to do whatever I wanted, and I held her to me, kissed her on the mouth again, holding the kiss, tasting her, tasting my little sister’s mouth, and with our faces close, looking her in the eyes, I said, “I’m going to go down on you first, then I’m going to fuck you, but I’m gonna take my time over it. I’m going to enjoy this, and I’ll make sure you do, too.”

Casey sat on the bed, and slid back over, to give me room to get on with her. She lay back on the pillow, without speaking, but looking me in the eyes. I lifted her blue and grey plaid uniform skirt back, and I saw she was wearing pale pink cotton panties, the colour of a strawberry milkshake. They were moulded to the shape of her pussy, suggesting some dampness down there, and I kissed her on the pussy through them, inhaling the sexy scent through the cotton. Then, I decided to do this a different way. I looked at her, and said, “Can you turn over?” speaking softly.

“What do you wan to do?” Casey answered, as though she knew whatever it was, it would be fun.

“I want to lick you from behind, and then fuck you doggy-style,” I said.

“Sounds like fun,” Casey said, almost in a whisper. We had done it doggy-style a few times before, during our threesomes with Stephanie, but I had been gentle with her, because it was less than three weeks since I took her virginity. I was planning a nice gently doggy-style fuck, but Casey said, “Glen, when you do it, can you do it hard?”

“How come?” I asked, smiling, but wondering why.

“Well,” she started, “Up till now, you’ve been gentle with me, because I only just started having sex, but I think I’m ready for a deep, hard fuck. I want to see what it’s like.”

“Okay,” I said, “but I’ll start off gentle and work up to it. Just let me know if it gets uncomfortable.” Then, I added, “But I want to give your pussy some attention with my mouth, first.”

Casey turned over on the bed, and I gently moved her into the position I wanted her in, face down, on her knees, sideways on the bed, so I could kneel on the carpet and lick her pussy from behind. There was a special kind of excitement in the way my little sister was letting me do whatever I wanted, even letting me position her just the way I wanted her on the bed, so I wanted this to be special for her, too. She had the right side of her face on the bed, so she could turn to the left and look back at what I was doing, and she said, “I love it when you lick me down there.”

“Well, that works out pretty well,” I said, standing back, “because I love licking you down there.” I looked at Casey, and took in the view, as her plaid skirt was pulled up, due to the position she was in, revealing her pink panties. I lifted her skirt, and turned it back over her hips, so I could have a good look, and get down to business. I wanted to leave her school uniform skirt on while I plundered her sweet little body for the pleasure it could give.

Casey’s pale pink panties were pulled tight across her buttocks, and were moulded to the contours of her pussylips. I kissed her gently between her inner lips, holding my kiss, and inhaling her scent through the gusset of her panties, and caressing both of her buttocks with the palms of my hands. “Mmmm, that’s nice,” I heard her say, with her face resting on the bed, and I felt the warm dampness through the material.

I moved my face back, and then I peeled her pink panties down her buttocks. The gusset of her panties seemed to stick to her pussy a little, as I pulled them down, revealing this very special part of her body. Her inner and outer lips were pulled open by her position on the bed, and the tiny entrance to her vagina was exposed, as was her little clitoris. Her whole pussy was glistening with moisture, showing how aroused she was already, but I wanted to get her to the point where she was so excited, she had no choice but to come. Casey lifted one leg at a time to let me remove her panties entirely, and I tossed them on the floor beside the bed.

The most private and intimate parts of Casey’s beautiful body were now open, exposed and on display to me, her big brother. Her pink, puckered anus, the entrance to her sweet young vagina, and her tiny clitoris, were all visible and awaiting my ministrations, set off against her round young bottom. What a picture!

As I gazed upon this beautiful thing, it occurred to me that shortly, the tight little pussy that I was about to lick and explore with my mouth was going to take its first hard fuck, as Casey had requested, and I was going to fuck her as hard, and as deeply, as I could, only backing off when, and if, she asked me. I knew that when I ejaculated in her, I was going to deliver my semen as deep inside her as I possibly could, to show Casey what a hard fuck felt like, because that’s what she had asked me to do.

I intended to fuck this exquisite little trinket of a pussy without mercy, but first, I was going to shower it with love and attention first, kissing, licking, tasting, caressing it, until I deemed it ready to take my cock. Casey had given herself to me, offering to let me do anything I wanted to her, and then asked me to fuck her hard, so I was going to make this a fuck to remember.

I placed my face close to Casey’s open pussy, and I kissed her right on the very entrance, kissing her vaginal opening the way a man kisses a woman’s mouth when they are making love, gently but firmly, lips open, tasting. A lover’s kiss. Then, I held the kiss, and gently probed her opening with my tongue, once again, tasting her, tasting the inside of her pussy and the slick, slippery walls. I felt her taking a deep breath, and then sighing, as I tasted the inside of her womanhood.

I withdrew my tongue from Casey’s sweet pussy, and I scooped some of the fluids pooling in the recess between her inner lips, into my mouth, spreading it over my tongue, experiencing the sweetish flavour, as I inhaled the tangy scent. Then, I moved my head to the right, and gently kissed Casey in the centre of her right buttock.

So far, I hadn’t given Casey’s clit any attention, but it was time to rectify that. I sat back on my knees, to look at her pussy and her bottom, and I saw that since I started, her pink inner lips were a little more puffy and swollen, and the tiny opening to her moist little cunt was now pouting, ready for penetration. I knew her body would respond memorably to being fucked now, but I wanted to give her clit some attention, before I went to the main event, even though my cock was rock hard and oozing fluid of its own, in eager anticipation of taking part in the proceedings.

“You’re being very thorough,” I heard Casey say, with a dreamy quality to her voice, “and you’re doing a great job back there.”

“I’m nowhere near finished,” I said, and I licked the skin between Casey’s pussy and her anus, and gently blew on it. She flinched, and said, “That tickles,” with a little smile in her voice.

I started by kissing Casey’s clit, then pursing my lips around it, tasting the flesh of this very sensitive part of her body. Then, I licked her clit, rubbing the bottom of my tongue into her upturned clitoral hood, making her flinch again as my tongue touched her there. I turned my head so I could stroke her clit with the right side of my tongue, and then I ran my tongue up her slit and back down again, sweeping some of her slick juices onto her clitty for extra lubrication. I dipped my lips into the juices and coated them liberally, and I placed my lips on her clit, and with gentle suction, I moved my head back and forth. It only took a few moments, and I heard Casey inhale through her clenched teeth, and she clenched her thighs together around my head. I clamped my hands on her back, just above her buttocks, holding her in place, so her sensitive clit could not escape my mouth, and she would have no choice but to surrender to the clitoral orgasm I was about to trigger in her. I started moving my mouth again on her clit, and she made a sharp, guttural, “Uhh!”sound, as her whole body spasmed, and then her chest heaved twice, then she relaxed.

“Ohhh,” Casey said, then sighed, and continued, “No wonder Stef kept you to herself for so long,” sighing again, and going on, “You’re good at that, Glen. You just made me come.”

“I plan on doing it again,” I said, and I moved up beside Casey on her left, placing my right hand on the small of her back, so she wouldn’t move. I kissed her pretty little mouth, making sure she got plenty of her own pussy juice from mine, and we got into some serious tongue action, as she lay there, face down, arse up, pussy open, on her bed.

”I can taste myself all over your mouth,” Casey said, smiling, our lips still almost touching, “What’ve you got planned now?”

“I’m going to fuck you hard from behind, like you asked, Casey,” I said, speaking quietly, but plainly, so she understood, “You wanted to see what a hard fuck is like, so I’m going to give you your first,” I continued, and then added, “I’ll back off if you ask me, but if you don’t say anything, I’m going to drive it into you, okay.”

“Okay,” she smiled, “so it’s a kind of challenge, to see if I wilt under pressure.”

“I wont hurt you, Case,” I said, “I wouldn’t do that, but you wanted it hard, so I’ll give you what you want. If I think it’s hurting you, I’ll slow down or stop, but apart from that, I won’t back off unless you ask me.”

My cock was rock hard and oozing, and I had an aching need to fuck Casey, so I kissed her one more time, and slid back off the bed, and took my place, standing behind her. “Your arse looks so good, Casey,” I said, looking down at my little sister’s private parts, open, exposed and vulnerable like that. I took off my pants, and I moved my cock to the entrance of her tight little pussy, and gently rubbed the head between the inner kips to get plenty of fluid on it. Then, I gently rubbed just the very tip around her opening. I teased her pussy like that for a moment or two, and then, eager to continue, I gently slid my rigid erection into her snug, wet and welcoming pussy, taking about three strokes before I was all the way in. I heard Casey take a sharp little breath at the third stroke, as I reached full penetration, and then I started a gentle rhythm, using short strokes, just to get things started. As familiar as I had become with my little sister’s cunt, the sensations as it’s interior walls embraced my cock, were incredible.

I could see that my cock was coated with Casey’s pussy juices, as I thrust gently into her, watching the opening of her vagina closing around the head as I moved back, and opening again as I gently pushed back inside. “That feels really good, Glen,” I heard Casey say, “What’s it look like?”

“I can see my cock going up inside you,” I answered, “and it’s got your pussy juice all over it.”

“I can feel the head, each time you pull back, and then I can feel it going back in again,” Casey said, “I can feel every inch of you.” She took a sharp breath, as I gave a harder, slightly deeper thrust, and added, “There’s just no give at all in that thing, is there? It’s like it’s made of bone.”

I continued thrusting just that little deeper, just gently resting the palms of my hands on Casey’s hips, enjoying the feeling of my cock moving back and forth in her sweet pussy, occasionally caressing her buttocks, now and then looking at the expression on her face, as she lay with her face to the side, looking to her left, presenting her pussy to me so I could fuck her doggy-style.

I had been fucking Casey like this for a while now, just keeping up a nice, steady rhythm, going moderately deep, and not too fast, and it would have been easy to just go for broke, and let myself come inside her, her she had asked me to fuck her hard, and the time had come to give her what she asked for. “Do you want me to start doing it hard, now?” I asked, looking down at Casey’s face, lying on the bed.

“I was enjoying myself so much, I almost forgot,” she said, “Yeah, go for it.”

Without any further talk, I started to ramp up my thrusting, going deeper, harder and faster than I had ever fucked my sweet little sister before. I saw Casey’s eyes widen with the first hard thrust, as my cock plumbed uncharted depths of her pussy, and she lifted her head from the bed, and turned to face her front, bracing herself with her hands and forearms. I was gripping her by the hips, holding her butt in place, so there was no lost motion between my cock and her pussy, and thrusting deep.

I saw Casey bow her head, and I heard a little groan, so I slowed my thrusting, but didn’t stop. “You okay,” I asked, “It’s not hurting, is it?”

“No,” Casey answered, head still bowed, taking a breath, “It took me by surprise a bit, but I’m okay.”

“You’ve got no idea how deep my cock goes when I do it like this,” I said, as I picked up the pace a little, but not as hard as before. I could hear the strain in my own voice.

“Oh, I know ex-actly how deep it’s going in,” Casey replied, with a strained note to her voice, too, “and it feels fantastic,” I started to thrust hard and fast, just like before, slamming my cock into my sister’s pussy. We weren’t making love, we were fucking. We were brother and sister, and we’d loved each other all our lives, and lately we had been making love a lot of the time, totally against society’s rules, ever since Casey let me take her virginity, but this was not an episode of lovemaking, this was a hard, hot fuck, just for the animal pleasure it was giving us.

All day, at school, Casey had worn her uniform, looking the picture of innocence. Who would have imagined that she would come home, and invite me to take her to her room, in that same uniform, to couple our bodies together in sexual union, to enjoy this frenzied copulatory dance, as my cock, and her pussy worked together in symphony, working the ecstasy from each other, and sharing it between us.

Casey had presented her pussy to me, this sweet-tasting, tangy-scented part of her body that, as her brother, I was never even meant to see, and certainly never meant to experience, to lick, taste, caress with my mouth and tongue, but here I was, pounding it with my rigid cock, thrusting as deeply as I could, working toward my own orgasm, but determined to bring about my sister’s climax first. I was thrusting relentlessly into Casey, driving my cock into her, and she wasn’t saying anything, but I could hear her breathing heavily, breathing through her mouth, and every now an then, I would her a gasp from her.

“I feel,” she gasped, “totally full,” gasping again, “of cock,” Casey said, as though speaking was an effort.

“Are you still okay?” I said, my own voice straining.

“Yeah,” Casey answered, taking a gulp of air, “it’s great!” Another breath, and then, she added, “I think I’m close. I’m gonna come.” She bowed her head again, and moved her arms on the bed, to better brace herself with her forearms, and in a louder, more strained voice, said, “Keep going, Glen! I’m gonna,” gasping, “come!”

I gripped harder on Casey’s hips, thrusting deep into her pussy, and she began to thrust back with her own hips, matching me stroke for stroke. With each few strokes I felt my cock touching bottom, as the head bumped against her cervix, giving that extra-sensitive part even more stimulation, as if needed any more, but I was close to coming, too.

“I’m gonna come,” Casey said, pausing for a gasping breath, “so hard,” breathing again, “I just know it.” Her upper body was shuddering.

I felt her pussy start to spasm around my cock. “Oh, God!!” Casey cried out, bowing her head, arching her back, her chest heaving three times, and with each heave, her pussy spasmed, and she cried out again, “Oh, Glen!! It’s sogood, feels so good. I can’t stand it!” Her voice was almost a soprano scream.

I kept thrusting hard, but my own orgasm burst at the base of my cock, and spread through me, a flash of ecstasy, as I felt myself spurting into the deepest recesses of Casey’s pussy, each spurt being squeezed out around my cock, as I plunged in again behind it, thrusting deep, coming deep, delivering deep, a bolt of pure pleasure with every spurt.

I felt Casey relax, and heard her sigh, as I came back to reality from my orgasm, and I kept a much more gentle rhythm going, just for a few more moments, as the wave of pleasure faded. I took a deep breath, and sighed as my own body relaxed, and I withdrew my half-hard cock from Casey’s pussy, now a veteran of close-quarter sexual combat, her inner lips puffy and purplish, her still-tiny opening oozing a mixture of my come and her juices, with come already matted in her pubic hair. As I withdrew my cock, Casey fell forward on the bed, and rolled onto her left side, pulling her knees to her chest, still experiencing the after-effects of her orgasm. She sighed again, and said, “That was fantastic. You’ve got me still tingling in places I never knew I could tingle.”

“You wanted it hard,” I said, smiling down at her.

“And you gave me what I wanted,” she smiled back, “So now I know what a hard fuck feels like.” I got down on the bed next to her and lay on my left side, behind her, embracing her from behind, my right arm around her belly, with my softening cock nestled between the cheeks of her bottom. “It’s a good thing I’ve got a spare uniform skirt,” Casey added, “I think I’ll need it tomorrow. This one might need a wash.”

We slid up the bed together and resumed the same position, and I kissed the back of Casey’s neck. Still with her back to me, lying like that, Casey said, “Tonight, when we go to bed we can make some nice gentle love together, like we usually do, but when I want some hard hot sex again, I’ll know where to come.” I kissed the back of her neck again, and before long, we both dropped off to sleep.

We slept like that for an hour or so, and when we woke up, Casey turned over to face me and we talked for a while. The conversation got around to Rowena, and Casey looked at me and said, “What would you say if I told you Rowie fancies you?”

“I’d probably say, ‘I thought she had a boyfriend,” I answered.

“Nah,” Casey smiled “Trevor’s ancient history. He told Rowie he was too young for a serious relationship.” She made eye contact, and added, “I think that’s code for ‘I want to fuck some other girls for a while.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

“She’s been hinting at getting together with us,” Casey smiled mischievously.

My heart sank, for a moment. “You haven’t told her anything, have you?” I asked, seriously.

“No!” Casey said, indicating that was out of the question, “But she’s been doing things with me, and I think she was hinting at both of us getting with her,” Casey smiled, waiting for my reaction, and added, “together.”

“I’ve got my hands pretty full,” I smiled, wondering if I was hearing this right.

“Well, think about it,” Casey said, “You can do whatever you like with Rowie, and Rowie and I can do whatever we like with each other, and there’s no law that says you and I can’t be with the same girl at the same time. You with me?”

“I think you gotta be careful,” I said, once again, seriously, “in case Rowie puts two and two together.”

“Rowie’s cool,” Casey said, dismissing that idea, “so think about it. Imagine, you could fuck Rowie while I sit on her face.” She paused for effect, smiled, and added, “or you could fuck Rowie doggy-style, while she goes down on me. The possibilities are endless.”

“I’m a bit dubious about this,” I said, “You never know where it might lead.”

“It most certainly would lead to three people having hot sex,” Casey was mischievous again, “and this might just close the deal. Rowie’s pussy is de-licious.”

Casey raised her eyebrows, waiting for my reply. “You’re twisting my arm, Case,” I said, and added, “Okay, maybe, but we’ve gotta be careful.”

“Rowie’s coming over on Friday night for a sleepover,” Casey said, “I think we could be in for some fun times.”

That night, after dinner and a hot shower, Casey and I went to bed together again, where we had that slow session of lovemaking she had proposed after the afternoon’s hard hot session of fucking. Her pussy was a little tender from the earlier workout, so I fucked her extra gently, but our joint efforts brought us to a satisfying, mutual orgasm, before we went to sleep in each other’s arms again.

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