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the perfect night

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my boyfriend asked me to go to hiz house dat night.. and ofcourse i sed yes. First wen i got to hiz house hiz parentz were there and i wuz a bit nervous, he introduced me to his parents and moved onto his bedroom after a couple minutes of chatting. Ryght wen i got into hiz room he started taking hiz pantz off…and something started stickin out. ( he had a boner ) i knew he wanted to have sex so, ( i wanted to please him ) i took off my shirt and we startd makin out. he threw me onto hiz bed n then he ripped off my shirt. i din realli kare kuz then i wanted to fck him realli bad.. he wuz so sexi and HOTTT that nite. he took off my braw and started suckin mah nipplez while i wuz tryin to take off hiz pantz. he suck mah nipples harder and harder n started fingering me. he wuz PRO, the whole bed started shakin. he used hiz whole strength to finger me. afterwardz, iw ent ontop of him. We made out for about 1 hour and then i started takin off hiz pantz. i reached mah handz into hiz boxerz touched hiz dick. while i wuz frenching hi mi kept on thinkin about how big hiz dick wuz. about 10 min later we were both naked. he grabbed me and stuck hizdick into me. it wuz lyk a blast! te whole entire bed started shakin harder and harder..and i kinda of screamed. while he wuz in me, my body kept on shakin up and down, u and down. we had sex for the longest time… aorund 5 ~ 6 hourz and then hiz parentz knocked the door. and yeahhh…..datz wen all da fun ended

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