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the unexpected

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: swimming pool
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The night was warm with a slight cool wind breeze. i had an exghausting day out partyin’ with mah friends. My fone rang and on the screen said “…” i quivered with excitment and picked up. “hey you wannt hang out or something later?” popped the question from his familiar sexy voice. well guess my answer…
He came and met me up at 8:00 as he said. we rode a taxi up to his house and planned just to have a loose simple night by chillin’ and watching a movie. the scheduel just slightly changed unexpectedly. i walked in the front gate and looked at his glisining pool welcoming in with its ripples. he saw me looking over and asked me if i’d like to take a dip. i quickly ran inside, suddenly an orange t-shirt appeared infront of my face. “change” haha well i didn’t have anything so i just took off everything and slipped on the thin orange T-shit he handed me. and to tell you the truth i didn’t wanna go home walking around in wet under-garments. so there was nothing underneath…it felt kinda empty n’ all but confortable in a way. i couldn’t contain myself and just ran outside first to check out the water temperature. A slow soft music met my ears and a hella sey body came out with just a pair of boxers on. wen i stepped into the pool my shirt lifted showing everything until my stomach. he swam over and gently touched my thighs. slowly pushing me to the side of the pool…in my mind i could already forcast the future. his hands crept under the shirt and up to my boobs curessing it. i felt a finger reaching up between my legs…i guided him into me. then the action began. i moaned softly as i soaked up the pleasure, treasuring my first time. i decided i should give him something back in return…i reached my hands down into his pants and massaged his balls, then reached up towards his ego which was hard and stiff by that time. after a couple of minutes i could feel a sudden warm gush of liquid run down onto my hands…ugh the feeling was sensatiable. i wrapped my legs around his hips as he injected his penis into me slowly. our eyes met and he wanted to make sure he had my agreement. i kissed his lips to tell him it was okai. he pumped me till we couldn’t float anymore and carried me out of the pool into the shower. after a cool rinse it was time for me to head home. on the way back we continued with our fondling…i knew the fairy tale night had ended as i approached my house. i gave him a peck on the lips and whispered “i love you”

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