Age when it happend: 7
Where it happened: A Barrel in Manila
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Where it happened: A Barrel in Manila
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
So I was 7 years old when this girl, Leslie (Lez for short) came from Japan and lived with us for a while. She was 9 years old then. I was outside frlicking in the rain when I jumped into a barrel full of rain water and just played around inside. Leslie was playing in the rain herself and she jumped into the barrel with me. Next thing I know, she was sucking my dick! Whatever possessed her to do that, I do not now but it was an incredible feeling. We went back in the house, which was fortunately emptty. We continued our activity in the bathroom and I dont remember if I came or not but what I know is that Lez was either the best or worst thing that happened to my life. Tang na ka Lez, angsarap mo!