Where it happened: In A Big Bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My first time, I was 16. Me and my girlfriend had been going out for 6 months and we talked about having sex and decided when the time is right that it would happen.Well one night we had some of our friends over and her mom was at work, (she worked the night shift) and we stayed up late then our friends went to sleep and then we were layin in bed and she said “lets do it”, and me being a virgin didnt know what the hell i was doing so i just went with the flow and we had sex. It lasted for about 25 minutes and then we were just laying there all relaxed and it was a great experience. I thought there was more to it than that but it was great. Me and my girlfriend are still together today. The reason i found out about this website was because one day i was at work and she got on my screen name and came read some of these and the next day i got on to see what she was looking at and so i started reading these and i thought i would share mine so there ya have..Enjoy!