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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Beside the river Tummel
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

It is a complicated story how it happened – I really fancied the pannts of Lynn who had been in my class at school. She had medium size firm tits with nipples that always seemed to be sticking out.I had even seen them once in the sauna after a game of squash. Sadly there a couple of other girls in there who kept towels around them that made me uncomfortable with touching her tits.She also had legs that seemed to almost reach her armpits. Untill the day I lost my cherry I would masturbate twice a day thinking about her and still have wet dreams on top of that sometimes. The trouble was Lynn was also a good friend and while I tried in subtle ways to encourage her to start messing about she always seemed to find a way out without it hurting my feelings or making me feel she didn’t like me.
While still a virgin I was not totally inexperienced. About two years ago before I really noticed Lynn as a girl though she was still a friend I had got into oral sex with Mary who would not go all the way because she was a catholic. She seemed to think like Clinton that oral sex didn’t count! Before she returned to the states with her family we would meet up three times a week and spend hours exploring each others’ bodies and I would never leave her room till she had come at least three times. Once she even let me pretend to go all the way with her thighs gripping my penis as I imagined pumping in and out of her till I came.
The night before she left we got careless and she didn’t lock her bedroom door and as I came up for breath, my face a little bloody from her period her mum came in. All she did was ask a few questions to make sure Mary was not going to get pregnant – how cool is that for a parent? If it had been my sister and a guy you would have heard the explosion in the next town!

Anyway Lynn was like me a keen cyclist as was her sister who was totally blind from birth.Lynn and Rebecca would often use their tandem while I would use my own bike. They had invited me up to stay at their Aunt’s place in Pitlochry in Scotland for a week over the Easter break.I figured it would be a chance to make my move, away from Her parents.
The day before we were due to go a close friend of Lynn’s got very ill and Lynn decided she would stay down South for a couple of days to make sure she was ok before joining us.
I had never really looked at Rebecca before but on the train journey up I had plenty of time to do this. I had helped her with some computer stuff before which would read text out to her but I think I still thought of her as 12 or 13 and not the 16 almost 17 she was now. Even on the journey she wore clothes that hid her shape but the feel of her body next to mine on the train was nice and when she asked to look at me I felt kind of guilty about the hard on I got. Looking at me meant exploring my face with her hands and fingers.
It was a long journey from Southampton and when we got to Pitlochry we were both exhausted. Ami, Rebecca and Lynn’s aunt surprised both of us by introducing us to one of the two malt whiskys, Eradour that were made in the town. Not wanting to mess the sheets with a wet dream I had a wank before going to bed and while I thought of Lynn’s breasts as I had seen them in the Sauna it was Rebecca’s face kept comming into my mind.

The next day we went out cycling. Instead of her usual tracksuit bottoms and baggy t-shirt Rebecca was wearing lycra shorts like myself and a crop top that showed a good portion of mid-riff. It was also clear that she had a nice pair of small firm tits with prominant nipples. It was strange on the tandem but I soon found that with two of us peddling we could really shift. I knew why it had been such hard work keeping up with them before. The weather two weeks ago was unseasonably warm even given that Easter was late this year and as we made our way up the road that heads up the left bank of the Tummel above where it is joined by the River Garry we were both sweating buckets.I had got my breath back after an uphill stretch and had resumed my commentry on the scenery and wildlife – red squirrels, oyster catchers etc. Rebecca had been doing most of the navigating as she knew the area well. When younger they had lived in Pitlochry. Rebecca asked me to pull in and look for a pool in the river she knew was close by. In fact she was almost spot on. We found a way down past the trees which lined the road to the grassy bank of the river. “Is there anyone fishing here at the moment?” she asked. There wasn’t – Good she continued, I hoped there wouldn’t be as it’s mid-week. I asked why? – So we can go swimming Rebecca answered, taking of first her cycling shoes and socks then her top and lastly her shorts.Needless to say I soon had a raging hard on. She was beautiful, about 5ft4″ with an athletes body – she obviously worked out a lot. Jet black hair and a matching bush. She also had a good bit of hair under her armpits which I like though most of my male friends think it gross. She didn’t have an ounce of spare fat on her. I was not long behind her in undressing – my prick was uncomfortable under my shorts anyway!

I put my arm around her to guide Rebecca down to the water without walking in to any of the boulders in the way. I had a little feel of her right tit at the same time but she moved my hand back down to her waist.

When we got in the water my hard on went instantly! We were both gasping for breath the water was so cold. But it also felt good in some perverse way so we kept swimming for a good 10 minutes or more before getting out and laying the towels that Rebecca had packed out on the grass. We lay there for a bit and I let my hands run through her hair and over Rebecca’s face.

This continued for a bit when Rebecca said, “Now you have seen all my body its time for me to see all of yours. With that she started to run her hands over me, squeezing my ample biceps and feeling my well toned abs. Needless to say, before she even reached my prick I had another hard on.”So thats what one of them feels like.” She smiled. It was time for me to make a move – I had been ready to fuck when whe first undressed but when she stopped me feeling her tit I thought that being blind Rebecca didn’t know what effect seeing her body would have on a late adolescent male. Now it was clear that she wanted to play the game by her rules.
You know there is a bit of your body I haven’t seen yet, I told her. I was lying as I had got a good look in the crystal clear water while swimming behind her.You know that bit just below your bush. Rebecca responded by lifting her legs to right angles to the ground and then taking one foot in each hand brought her legs down till they were in a sideways splits – it was then that I remembered Lynn telling me that despite being blind Rebecca had compted at county level gymnastics and was looking to get into the nationals. You have to describe it to me she said as I brought my face down for a closer look! So I described the shades of red and pink of her flower and the bud at the top of it. I told her that I liked the scent of her flower and would like to taste it. She responded by gently pulling my head down.I was glad that I had learned so much about oral sex from Mary two years ago – It all came back to me pretty quickly! It was not long before Rebecca came and told me I was even better than Tessa at her school was at it. She also told me it was her first time with a man and that she wanted me to take her cherry. I told her it would be my first time too and did she want to wait till we could get some condoms? — No, I want to feel you! Anyway I am due to come on tomorrow so it should be safe.

I used my fingers to spread my pre-cum around her vagina before she positioned herself above me and guided her virgin hole around my penis. I tried to take it as slowly as I could, entering a fraction more each time. At the same time my fingers were working on either her nipples or sometimes her now much expanded rosebud of a clit. Despite my attempts to keep it slow Rebecca, breath gasping impled herself all the way. “Fuck that hurts” she screamed. I held her close for a while till she got used to the feeling of me all the way inside her. Then I started gently rocking to and fro while my fingers found her clit again. Again Rebecca took charge and speeded up. Without warning I was cumming – I don’t know what I shouted but I was still spurting my jism deep into Rebecca’s cunt when I felt her vaginal muscles start their own spasm as they squeezed every last drop out of me. Rebecca lay on top of me, my now limp member still inside her as she murmered, “I wonder if it is ever that good for Lynn with her girlfriend?” Now I knew why I had never got anywhere with Lynn!
We made love twice more, once in the freezing water before going back to Ami’s house. When we got there Ami said, “You can both use Rebecca’s room for the rest of the week and when Lynn gets here she can have your’s.” We both pretended innocence but Ami continued, “Your not walking like that from cycling Becky.” So it was that we got to know eachother a lot better over the rest of the week. and I think it got better for Rebecca as time went on. For me though that first time was the best of the week!

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