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Mary Lynn

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Driving to Pittsburgh
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Mary Lynn went to a small college in northern West Virginia after we graduated from high school. It was a 6 hour drive from where we had grown up. I had just bought an MG sport car and couldn’t wait to show it to her. I drove down on a Friday and we packed up to go visit a friend who lived in Pittsburgh. She had to do a lot of work to get away for the weekend. Back then, a collage felt responsible for a woman’s virtue and did everything they could to keep guys away from their female students.
We started out for Pittsburgh but the further we went the more we wanted each other. We started talking about what we would do, if we could, to each other and passion filled the air. Mary Lynn reached over and grabbed me between the legs. We were lucky we were on a back road. I couldn’t have stayed on the road at more than 30 MPH. Finally, there was no more waiting. I turned down a dirt road and we ended up in an apple orchard. I was ready to explode.
I ran around to her side of the car and we stripped off most of our clothes. At least enough to make it possible for us to reach each other.I sat in the passenger’s seat and she spread her legs and got on top of me. We tried and tried but either she was hitting her head on the inside of the convertible top or we couldn’t reach each other because my rear end was so far down in the passengers seat. What started as a moment filled with sexual tension and physical need and desire, turned into laughter.
I carried a blanket, in a bag, behind the seats. We got the blanket and got out of the car. The hood on an MG was very low and sloped down at the front. I spread the blanket over the hood. It was a cool night, but the heat from the engine kept Mary Lynn warm and we were finally both able to complete our relationship. It was a wonderful moment under the stars.
Unfortunately, we didn’t last. I hope she is out there, in the world, reading about our first time together. It was wonderful. The story ends with a car that will also never forget that night. My MG had an aluminum hood. After that night, and until I sold the car, years later, if you sat in the driver’s seat and looked down the hood you could see two dents at the front of the hood. they were made by Mary Lynn’s rear end the first time we made love.

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