Where it happened: My Grandmothers House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight
Well, just to explain things first off, it was NOT with my grandmother, ewww… ya sick bastards.
Myself and my recently ex-girlfriend were visiting my grandmother, and staying in the spare room.
We had been going out for about a year and a half, on and off… It had always been sort of sexual, within the first 4 hours of meeting each other, i had been fingering her, or rubbing her through her pants, which had been akward at the time, because, the girl i really wanted to be getting with was there, and, well, holding my hand, i still feel really bad to this day, because, i really would have prefered her over my ex, but, thats in the past… Anyways, on with the story…
Me and my girlfriend were visiting my grandmother, we had already stayed at her place for about 3 nights or so, and we had sorta talked about it, and tried it with no results, as she’s very sensitive down there. Anyway, one night, we just decided to go for it.
We started out as we had most nights before that, kissing, touching, fingering, licking (i always did the work, she never tried to do much to me… greedy bitch), and then, off with all the clothes. I put on the condom, as i had done many nights before, and we started kissing, about an hour or so of foreplay, we decided it was time, and, i made her go on top. She took hold of me, positioned herself above me, and started putting me in, it took her a few tries, but, eventually, i was in, but… she said it hurt too much to be on top, so, we put it in as far as she’d let me, and rolled over. Even then, she said it hurt too much, so, really, i count myself as still a virgin, all she did was lie there, and not let me go in all the way… I got bored and gave up. Then she wondered why i was getting frustrated.
Message to all you guys… If your ugly, an get a good lookin girl, and shes a virign, make her work damn it… I was soo bored, she never did anything, but hey, i got a little bit of experience out of it.