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Age when it happend: 32
Where it happened: Firefly Shindig in Richmond
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I was meeting some other browncoats at a bar in Richmond and there was one that I had never met before named Sharon and she looked exactly like Jewel Staite, one of the stars of Firefly. Anyway, I tried talking about the show (and I like nothing better than talking about the show!) all night, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Sharon.

Later I managed to get her alone and she said she thought I was cute. We talked about our favorite characters on the show and she said she based her life on Kaylee–especially her sexual freedom. Then she asked me if I was a virgin. I was embarrassed, but I wasn’t going to lie and I said yes. She said “not for long,” and after the shindig broke up we ended up at her place. I never saw the bedroom because her whole living room was filled with soft carpets and furs. She lay me down on the floor and began kissing her way down to my crotch and she sucked my cock! That was the first time anyone had ever done that for me! I came in only a few seconds and she said, “now you’ll last longer for the real thing!” She started kissing her way back up my body–very slowly–which got my dick hard again and when she’d reached my face she gave me a long, wet kiss and then straddled me and started to fuck me, after about two minutes she practically flipped me over, threw her legs in the air and said, “now YOU fuck ME!” I wasn’t going to argue, especially as she started moaning and saying “harder, harder!”

We are still seeing each other and I have Joss Whedon to thank for losing my virginity!

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