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First Time in a Pussy

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: girlfrined's bed
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This is how it happened the first time I got to stick my hard dick into a girl’s pussy. I was overseas at the time and was 20 years old. I had met this local girl on base and we had started going out with each other. I eventually ended up in her little off base apartment. On the second evening that I was there, we ended up laying on her bed kissing. Next thing I knew is I felt her hand on my hard dick in my pants. I knew this was it. I was going to FINALLY get into my very first pussy! I quickly took off my pants and she took off her panties. We came together again and before long I rolled on top of her. I was having a hard time trying to find the opening in her pussy and she reached down and guided the head of my dick to her opening. In I went! I had never felt anything so good in my life and I no more that entered her before I went off pumping her pussy full of my cum. I was so excited I couldn’t help it. I spent the night that first time and I lost count how many times we “did it” that night. Each time, I’d last a little longer in her before giving her another load. What I’d give to be able to do this again. Now, it is once every few days although now I can last awhile and bring my woman to orgasm before I have mine.

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