Where it happened: In a tent
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight
I was about almost fourteen at the time and a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America. Our troop was led by a short and small boned fellow in his early thirties. His name was Art and he was a very polite, soft-spoken man who seemed genuinely interested in helping his young charges learn about life and the out-of-doors. The troop met weekly in a basement structure that had once been our church but now served as a social hall since a new church had been built.
On my second camping trip with the troop, I became sick, probably from the food we had cooked ourselves. I had vomited earlier and was still queasy when it came time to turn in for the night. Art suggested I bed down in his larger cabin tent instead of the small, damp pup tent I shared with another boy. I readily agreed and settled into my makeshift sleeping bag of folded army blankets. Art was sleeping in his army surplus folding cot.
Sometime after I was fast asleep, I slowly became aware of what I thought was someone gently carressing my private parts. As I awakened, a bit frightened, I felt Art laying next to me whispering softly not to be afraid. He told me he was not going to hurt me, he just wanted to see if I was alright. His fingers were squeezing my soft little penis and pulling it up and down. I shuddered at the feeling of pleasure I felt which was more exciting than what I had already done to myself dozens of times. Art urged me to be quiet as his head slid under the blanket. In the next instant, I felt him put my still soft little cock into his mouth. His mouth was warm and moist, his tongue was circling the head of my now growing member and he began to suck on it ever so gently. I thought I was going to explode. Little did I know! He lifted his head while continuing to stroke with his fingers and asked if I liked it. I could only push his head back down on me and mumble “OH, yes”.
Art was very patient and slow and tantalizing and wonderful. My cock grew hard as a rock and the explosion came closer and closer until finally I let go a hot stream of sticky, milky jizm into his sucking mouth. I wanted to scream with ecstatic joy but Art again cautioned for me to be quiet while he went about licking and sucking and swallowing all of my cum. He lay up next to me then and asked again if I liked what he had done. I told him I loved it. Then he rolled gently on top of me and I became aware of his own hard cock sliding over me.
I just lay there as he spit on his ridgidness and gently slid it between my legs under and touching my balls. He started to move up and down in a smooth even stroke and told me to keep my legs tight together. He grew excited and stroked faster, finally blasting his hot, sticky wad between my legs and then up onto my belly. All of this was some new and delightful experience for me and I knew right then that it was going to be our little secret and I wanted to have it happen to me again. I was only afraid that it might not.