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Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: thailand
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My initial ‘intercourse’** happened one evening shortly after arriving in Bangkok, (no pun intended) Thailand.. I was staying @ a Government hotel, The Trocadero, in Bangkok enroute 2 my new assignment in two days up country @ Nakon Phanom Air Base,Thailand.
In the late 60’s, to the best of my recollection, there were two Gov Hotels in Bangkok, one 4 Officers – one 4 enlisted, of which i was the latter.
I met this Thai prostitute in the ‘Playboy club’ and she got my ‘cherry’ that nite.

BTW, I literally slept w/my first gal @ the tender age of twelve. This took place @ a summer camp that my Mom would take my younger sister and I most summers.
I recall spending the nite w/ Evelyn Corliss in my room, we were both fully clothed all nite. Upon waking up the nxt morning from my sister knocking on the door, which was unlocked, we all retreated to the restaurant for breakfast.
I vaguely remember a large breakfast of bacon, eggs, fruit, juice, pancakes, etc, and also remember NOT being hungry due my initial case of ‘Blue Balls.’ End-of-story.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience