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Gene’s “Totem Pole”, Part I

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Hospital room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was a senior in high school, and while playing football in the middle of the season I sustained a rotator cuff injury to my right shoulder that required surgery.

Our family doctor referred me to a good orthopedic surgeon and he scheduled the operation at one of our local hospitals.My parents came with me the morning of the surgery. We had to be there real early to check in and go through some pre-op procedures. We arrived at around 6:30 A.M. After checking in, showing our insurance cards, etc, the three of us sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes and then this young lady (I think she was a nurse or some kind of doctor’s assistant) called my name. She was very cute, petite — about 5′ — long brown hair, and a nice figure that I noticed right away. I guessed that she was maybe 25 or 26 years old. She explained to my parents that they would have to wait in the waiting room while they did some of the preporation for the surgery (taking blood pressure, blood sample, etc.), but that they could see me in my room just before they took me up for the operation.

This young lady then took me to a small hospital room, and told me to take off all my clothes and put on this hospital gown which she handed me, along with a pair of slipper socks. She told me to put all my clothes in a big plastic bag with a handle, and that she would be back for me in a few minutes. I hadn’t really worn much that morning– my usual T-shirt, pair of shorts, sox and a pair of sneakers. No underwear. I didn’t like underwear because I always felt it was too confining. I took it all off and slipped on the hospital gown and slippers and sat in a chair until this young lady returned..

She then led me a couple of doors down to a small lab room, where she had me weigh myself on the scale and then took my blood pressure.She also told me that she needed to take a blood sample. Now, I had had blood samples taken a few times before and I knew that they always had trouble finding a good vein from which to take the blood, and I told her that there would probably be a problem this time. At any rate, she had me sit in a chair, and she sat down beside me and told me to stretch out my left arm. After she put the rubber cuff around my arm and told me to make a tight fist, she began searching for a good vein where she could insert the needle. She was feeling up and down my arm with her soft fingers, and I noticed she had what appeared to be an engagement ring on her left hand. I thought to myself, “I wonder who the lucky stiff is who is getting into her?” She kept leaning over and snapping one of her fingers on my arm to make the veins stand out more, and was having quite a time of it. She leaned in closer each time trying to find a vein, and as she did, I noticed these beautiful firm breasts of hers pressing against her uniform, and I could see a little bit of each of them in her cleavage near the top botton on her uniform. Embarrassingly, I got a hard on which became quite noticeable under my hospital gown. But, she said nothing and kept looking for a good vein and I thought, thankfully, she’s got all her attention on my arm.

Finally, she found a vein and extracted the blood sample, labled it and placed it in a container on the desk. She then said to me, “Gene I didn’t know you were native American or part native American?” I looked at her somewhat puzzled, and said, “I’m not, why would you say that?”

“Well,” she said, “as I was taking your blood I noticed that you have quite a totem pole there beneath your gown” “Oh, that,” I said, “Well, pretty girls make that happen to me a lot.”

With that she sat down again next to me and reached under my gownn, and placed her soft hand over my very erect penis, and stroked it a little bit, twirling her fingers around the head. “Well,” she said, “We certainly can’t have you all tensed up before this operation, we’re going to have to try to relax you a bit.” She told me to follow her back to the small hospital room where I had been. Once there, she closed the door and told me to lie down on the bed. After I did so, she pulled the curtain around the bed, and lifted my hospital gown. My 9″ “totem pole” was still standing tall (I know it was 9″ because I actually measured it once with a ruler).

She then proceeded to bed over, and grasping my very firm penis with both hands, placed it in her mouth. The sight of those pretty lips encompasing my love pole aslmost made me cum, but I resisted, thinking better things were yet in store for me. Well, she swirled her tongue aound my penis in so many different ways that I never knew were possible and very soon she was deep-throating me like a professional, taking me deeper and deeper. The feeling of her throat muscles tightly around my penis felt absolutely wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it in my life! I began thrusting my hips up in the air so that she could take all of me. “PLease,” I whispered, “Please take me all the way!” And she did. After about 5 minutes of this I could restrain myself no longer, and I began to spurt what seemed like buckets of love cream into her mouth and throat. I spurted and spurted like “Old Faithful” and she eagerly swallowed it all, coming up for breath occasionally, but then letting her mouth descend once again.She sucked and sucked until she had extracted all that I had to give her. I was absolutely enraptured.

Of course, all good things come to an end, and finally she was finished. And I was exhausted. Once again I was limp. She then wiped her mouth and my joy stick with some moistened handy-wipes that were there in the room, pulled down my hospital gown and pulled back the curtains. “There,” she said rather matter-of-factly,” That should relax you!” She told me to get under the sheet on my bed, and then said me she was going to get my parents so they could see me before the surgery.

When they came in they asked me how I was doing and how I felt. “Great,” I said, “She had a little problem getting my blood sample,but the rest was a piece of cake.”

Soon thereafter the anesthesiologist came in to get me ready for the operation, and they had to go back to the waiting room. The Anesthesiologist gave me an injection and I was soon feeling quite woozy and going off into la-la land, dreaming about what had just happened to me a few minutes earlier.

This is not the end of the story of my hospital stay, but the “rest iof the story” I will write later.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience