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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: at his apartment outside NYC
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We met my first week of college. He was a few years older and in the city for work. We hit it off and spent 2 weeks dating, in which time I realized he only wanted one thing, which I wasn’t ready for yet at 18. I was waiting for someone who actually cared for me (though I don’t think that person will ever actually exist), or a certain friend, B, I’d been in love with for years.

So, we broke up but stayed friends. Three years later he had a girlfriend and a new job that allowed him to hire myself and some mutual friends to work with him. We all had fun, but within a few months I realized I had more serious feelings for him than years before. I told him as much,but assured him I respected his relationship with his girlfriend, even though I didn’t like the girl (it was said she cheated.).

Then one night he decided to use this against me. He made sure I’d drank too much and gave me absolutely no choice in the matter. The fear and horror were intense. The pain was unbearable.

He laughed at me afterwards, and made me sleep in the side of the bed soaking in deep pools of blood. For a year he made me continue through work- and emotional-related coercion, then fired me when his girl got suspicious.

The ironic thing is 2 weeks after that first time, I ended up being with B. In a way I was glad THAT wasn’t my first time since I didn’t have to worry about blood or pain.

However I still regret the way I did lose it; to someone who didn’t even have sex with me but used my body as a masturbation toy because he was bored and his girlfriend wasn’t home.

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