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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: On a date
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had lost my virginity to a high school senior when I was thirteen, and then when he had had his way with me he didn’t want to have anything to do with me again. I was distraught at first. I thought he was in love with me! He said he was! I decided to wait till I was married till I did it again, but things did not turn out that way and this is how it happened.

It took Jack (my fathers friend) not long to realize my infatuation toward him. I was fifteen. Jack was cute but he was also married. He and his wife had three young kids and he was well into his thirties when all of this occured.

I would babysit their kids just so that he could drive me home afterwards and we became good friends and very close and then as though he wanted to protect me he started ‘counselling’ me, talking about sex and asking personal questions about boyfriends and sex and things I’d never share with anybody else.

One night I found myself making the confession to Jack that I had already lost my virginity, and explained to him the detailed circumstances of the event, and he wanted every detail, which I gave. He asked me if I liked it? I said it hurt and that I hadn’t done it since.

He counselled me that I should not be turned off because of it, that having sex could really be the most fantastic thing in a persons life. He kissed me that night, perhaps to let me know that my secret would be safe and then he dropped me off at my house; telling me that he enjoyed our discussion, and that we should talk again about it more ‘next time’.

I was even more infatuated with him now that I had shared my deepest secret with him. I imagined what it might be like with him! The next time that he drove me home he stopped the car and parked, and this time as he counselled me he put his arm around me as I began to snuggle up real close against his body.

He rubbed my thigh, and then caressed my pussy through my jeans. It made me wet. My clit reacted. We went no further, though I knew quite well that had I worn a skirt that night he might have ‘felt me up’. The more I thought of what might have happened the more that I regreted having worn jeans!

A week later I babysat for them again. This time I wore a skirt. I wondered if he realized why? We parked. He put his arm around me just like he had before. His hand began to rub my thigh and I felt myself responding, the wetness of my sex, as his fingers started moving slowly up toward the prize!

I really thought I loved him. I wanted us to fuck! His fingers touched my knickers and then felt hairs inside. His fingers touched my secret parts, the slit within the hair, the wetness flowing from me as he finger-fucked my cunt.

I told him that I loved him. He said that he loved me. He kissed me as he fingered me then slid my knickers off!

He said that we should take a walk and led me from the car, then laid me down upon the grass and knelt between my thighs. His cock was so much bigger than the cock I’d felt before. It slithered in my wetness, then felt the narrow entrance as the knob went in an inch.

He asked me if it felt okay. We kissed. I said it did! He fucked me then he took me home. I promised not to tell.

We fucked each time he drove me home, and then in March, almost a year from our first time my period was late, and I would find that I was pregnant with his child.

I was desperate, and thought that he would run away with me so we could be together with our baby. Quite quickly he became upset with me for not having taken the pill as I had promised him I would. I had, but I had accidently missed two days and that was all it took! He wanted me to have an abortion and said that he would pay for it. He didn’t want his wife to ever know and said he would deny it if I told!

I hated him for having said that! I really thought he loved me! The baby then arrived as healthy as could be, and was adopted. My folks were devestated by what I’d done, but I never told them who the father was and said it was a boy I met from out of town. We only ‘did it once’!

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