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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: In my bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Alright, this is how my first time went down lol….I was a 14 year old delinquent who thought she was in love with this hardcore gangster boy who lived up the road from me. Well we hung out at school for a while and one night he finally asked me out, did I mention I snuck him in my window and he asked me out while hiding in my closet?! Anyway one night I let him in my window he crawled in my bed with me we had some hot and heavy make-out sessions. I had four other friends over in the same room that night. Well the necking lead to other things, then came the sex. He was like “Do you want to”? I said, “When are you going to poke me?”, I know I know not the best line but I was 14 come on lol! Anyway we thought everyone was pretty much asleep so we were like why not. Then he was like “DAMMIT I don’t have a condom” I said, “Well Tabitha has one in her purse”, So he jacked my friends purse and took one out. He put it on and climbed on top. He attempted to go inside and of course it hurt so bad. I yelled, “Fuck that hurts are you in the right hole?” lol…Of course he was it just hurt terribly! Well did I mention there were other people in my house, next thing I knew after I yelled my door opened and my light flipped on, I threw the covers over him and acted like nothing was going on! My uncle was like is everything ok? Of course I said yeah yeah I’m fine! Then the idiot under my covers moved and my uncle asked who it was so the only left to do at this point was to uncover him and show the perpetrator lol…My uncle was pissed he threated to call my dad and I defiantly didn’t want him doing that picture this a 6’2, 200 lb man ready to kill you! So I begged him not to and made the guy leave out of my window half naked with the condom still on his penis!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience