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so stupid lol

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Girls toilet, airport in italy
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, it started when I got my 1st gf on a trip with like 100 other people to italy. It happened on the 4/09/07. I started ‘going out’ (we couldn’t actually go anywhere we had to stick with our group) and the day before we started making out. I think she was really turned on b-coz she didn’t resist nor say anything when i touched her tits then. When we finished (making out) i went to talk to some friends but she and i couldnt hold it she tried to get rig of our friend who was talking to us because she didnt have no one else and her friend (i had a crush on that girl 😀 but she never wanted to talk etc) went somwhere (if you’re getting confused just go back to the beginning). My gf started saying – o can u plz go and get my jumper from my bedroom coz u kno wer it is? so she went and then me and my gf started making out agen till she came back with the jumper. Well anyway after some time we were upstairs (it was a huge building) by the bathroom making out, me unclipping her bra (btw. htf do u girls manage with putting it on?!) and when i did i licked her nipple it was as hard as ever. my other hand went down her panties and she jerked once but she didnt say anything nor did anything. When we heard someone coming she quickly went it the bathroom (shite there was a free bed right next to us!)
Well the next day we were coming back to england and i wasnt going to see her for the next 10 months coz she lives somwhere west of england. and i think she was reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaly turned on from yesterday so while waiting for our plane – she was going on a different one (we had another 4 hours) we went off and looked for somewhere more privet. So i though of a toilet, so we went and spent about 5 mins waiting in front of the enterance (it was 6 in the morning so no one was around only a few people). she and i quickly went in one of the girls cubicals b-coz there was someone in the boys toilets. we made out for a while and ohhhh myyyyy it was so stupid i did what i did las night i sucked and massaged her tits for a while and then i didnt even ask if her cherry was already popped (she was nearly 2 yrs older than me :/ lol) and i didnt want to break it. she took my poor dick out (only 5,5 inches but mind im still 14) i wanked before so i had an idea how it felt like. she didnt know what to do with it so i turned her around and guided it to her ass….omg i think now how stupid i was ehh ow well. we did anal for about 5 mins i was bored coz i didnt feel anything (?!) i wanted to suck her pussy but when i got down it was so wet (her pubic hairs too) that i didnt want my face covered in it. so i asked her if she wanted to suck my cock. she said no so we did some more anal – i was so bored so i told her to just do it. so she sucked my cock for some time, i felt good but not enough to get an orgasm. i was getting annoyed there so i face fucked her lol. i feel so stupid now – btw. you can laugh coz this was about the 3rd day we were going out. after about 20 mins in the toilet i said fuck it and we went. Lucky there wasn’t any one from the trip in the toilet :). about 3 weeks when i got a message from her i told her to take a break coz we aint gona see each other for 10 months – i live in london and she lives somwhere else (idk where).
Advice – when you have a chace for a quick/crude fuck – dunt do it, isnt worth your virginity etc. and dont think its only boys who think about sex all the time ;). i was brought up as a devoted catholic in the neocatechumenal way so i had to do a lot of penance after that lol. my first time was awfull but i guess everyone is the same :P. and next time im gona make sure there is im on a bed not in a toilet!! XD

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