My first time was effin amazin.. i was 17 and was in 11 th grade. Well i need to start at the very beginnin. okay…
At school i was freinds with almost everybody and i had a lot of guy friends, but i never thout of them as boy friends. Well my best friend, Sam ( not hys real name) had been friends with me since the 4th grade. but we were just freinds. for years people said that we must have feelins for each other being friends that long. And i did i thought sam was so cute, not sexy, and he was muscular and had skin the color of chocolate. But i couldn’t let anyone no that beacuse i didnt know how sam felt about me. Well it was the last day of school ( end of 10th grade) and everyone was signin year books, sam gave me hys and i just wrote ‘love ya’ to see if he would get the jist that i was into hym. when he read it just said ” aww i luv u too…” but the way he said it, i knew he was jus saying it in a freindly way. I let him sign my year book and he wrote ” i’ll never forget you baby” that made me hot n horny.
Well that day sam was commin over to my house and thot maybe we cud talk about US. when he came over he had on a muscle shirt and some jeans and looked so sexy and he had sum flowers. at that point i thot he was going to say ” i really do luv you” or ” ive had feelings for you this whole time” but he didnt he just told me ” happy last day of school” i was a little up set and told him we needed to talk… we sat on the couch and i told him that i loved him… he just laffed n said ” love you too” but he was just jokin. i said ” no sam i really love you.. i love you” he just stared in to my eyes and said ” fa real? lyke fa real, fareal, u love me?” i nodded he leaned in and kissed me. i thot i was going to faint but the kiss was amazing and the way he held me. He told me that he had liked me ever since we had started being freinds bac in the 4th grade and he was going to ask me out but he thot it would ruin our friendship. then he just said ” i love you” thoses words melted me. I dont want to make thys story 10 pages long so i’ll jump to the good parts… okay? well after making out for what felt lyk forever sam scooped me up and brot me to my room. he said he was a virgin and he wanted me to be the girl hes lose it too. for the first time EVER sam started to raise my shirt upp and took it off. now im not fat but i dont have a flat stomach , i thot sam would see that and be well turned off. but he wasnt ( yay) n pulled my shirt over my head and lifted my bra and saw ma C cup boobz. he just stared at them n choking) we laffed then after heate the fuk out me he asked and told me he always wondered what they looked lyk. he them suked the hell out of the, which made me so wet. i couldnt take it any more! i threw him off me and he looked mad but i started to undo hys belt and he smiled . i gave him hys first ( and mine) blowjob. he cummed in my mouth and i swalloed it ( almost chocked) he asked me if i wanted to “do it” i told him yes and that i loved him. he took hys massive cock and started to shove it in.. it hurt lyke hell but he said it was supposed to hurt but it would soon feel better. he was right! was must have fuked for about 10 minutes and i came like 5 times. it was the best ever, but we were worn out and i didnt want him to stop. ” daym gurl u wear me out” he said out of breath. after that we just layed next to each other naked and suggled . while the smell of sex hung in the air. we took a shower together and fuck in there which was awesum!!!! i luv sam to thys very day and we are still together… and have fucked countless of tymes… I LUV YOU JA… OOPS I WAS ABOUT TO SAY HYS NAME . I MEAN I LUV YOUR BABBIII!!! MUAAAH