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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was thanksgiving and I had been getting with this one guy chris for quite awhile. He texted me that afternoon telling me that he wanted to do it tonight. He hadn’t been pushy and I hadn’t even given him head yet and I was really horny. I decided I would and that night we were cuddling and watching a movie and the kiss unfolded into more and it got to the point where we were both completly naked and he was holding a condom. I was really nervous, he was more relaxed because it wasn’t his first time. He held my hand and told me it would be ok after a little bit of talking we did it, it really hurt the firt few times but then it got better. I wasn’t really sure what I was suppose to be doing but he was a good teacher and explaind everything to me. We did it several times that one night and it was amazing. I’m completly in love with him and that was the most special night of my life.

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