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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: in the guys car, back seat of a ford
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

About 11 years ago or so, I was only in the 1st grade where barbies and princesses were boring but getting dirty in the mud and getting new scraps to show off was cool. Playing kickball in the streets and whooping the boys butts in football was my idea of fun with my two best friends Christina and Priscilla. I guess you could say we were the tom boys of our neighborhood and all the boys were intimidated. Whenever we’d go outside, we would usually stay in front of my house since my street had the fewest cars to hit and was in the middle of everyone else, but we always went over each others house all the time. Christina’s house was really big and her backyard was too, but there wasn’t a lot of room to play so we were mostly at my house or Priscilla’s. At Priscilla’s house, it was small inside but the front yard was so big we loved to play this game called “catch the flag.” I especially loved it when her older brother would play because if he was on our team we’d always win. At that age, I saw boys as friends and nothing more then someone to whip a dodge ball at until a couple of years later. I don’t know why, but at a young age, sometimes kids get little crushes on boys and man did I have one on Priscilla’s brother, Erick. He was so cute and he was four grades older then us! I always got these little butterflies every time I saw him and I never really knew why. As the years progressed, it was obvious that I had a crush on him and Priscilla was grossed out but didn’t think much of it.

Starting off high school in my town was a experience that every single person was ready to encounter. I however, was scared shitless. I mean I had my two best friends coming along with me but I heard the stories about drugs, alcohol, and sex. Being that I never did any of these things, I felt that in order to fit in I might have to endure in these activities to feel “normal”. So during the year, Priscilla, Christina and I were all freshman, and Priscilla’s brother was a senior which I thought was so chill. I mean we had the hookup, nobody ever started with us, I never got shoved into a locker, nothing because we were Erick’s little sis and friend. Well somehow we got each others screen names (I think from her sister being on my sn at my house) and we started to talk. I wasn’t a idiot when I was a freshman, everyone knew what the seniors wanted out of the freshman and it was only one thing, sex. I just thought he was so cute I just wanted to be his friend. So one night he asked me to hang out and I agreed to do so without knowing exactly what we were doing. Well what he had in mind was to pick me up, and just make out in his car. I was overwhelmed because this is the guy that I’ve been head over heels for ever since we were little and he never game me the time of day like that. Well, I was actually really happy and wanted to see him more. That first night was the last innocent night I had with Erick. Being that I was a virgin, never drank, smoke, or did anything bad, I felt rebellious and wanted to see Erick more, and I did. I would sneak out at 3:00 a.m. just to kiss him, and man did he do it well. I never felt this way about a guy and he turned me on so much in such a short amount of time! I wanted more.

Well one night, I guess he wanted to take it to the next level with me and he started to kiss on my neck which drove me crazy. My urges overwhelmed by body and I just wanted him to hold me close and just kiss me passionately. It’s like he read my mind and began to do so and it drove me nuts. He started to progress his hand down south and I could have sworn he heard my heart pumping. I was so nervous because I never had been fingered and all these thoughts rushed through my mind. “What if I’m not shaved all the way” or “what if he doesn’t like my pussy”.. thoughts were racing until I felt him slowly penetrate me with his fingers. I never felt something so incredible in my life! All of a sudden were taking each others clothes off, and were completely naked in his small car. For more room we hopped into the back seat for more comfort and that’s when he asked me to go down on him. I never did that before either! Thank goodness I watched Boat Trip when she explained how she gave head. So I just did that and what I thought would feel good. Hearing him moaning turned me on more knowing that I was actually doing it right. He then grabbed me and turned me over onto my back and asked me if I was ready, and I said I was under pressure. I almost cried it hurt so bad! His penis was so big that we couldn’t even get it in all the way! Only the head of the penis fit. I felt so embarrassed that we had to end the night and continue another night. It took us 3 more times to finally get it in, and oh my goodness when it happened it was amazing. Thank goodness I didn’t bleed because I was an active athlete, but I never expected something so pleasurable.

In the back of my mind every single time I went to hang out with Erick, I thought of Priscilla and how messed up this was, but for some reason the rush of sneaking out and having these sexual fantasies influenced me to see him more and more. One day I told someone who I thought was my friend about Erick and they went back and told Priscilla everything. She was so upset with me and Erick and I played it off and lied. He acted like I was just some freshman and why would he have sex with someone my age where I said the girl was just jealous of us being friends. I felt so terrible lying to her, that i stopped seeing her brother even though it hurt me. Besides the sexual things, Erick and I always talked about being “together” but it would never work because of his sister. I know what I did was messed up and I regret lying to my best friend but she said to me “I don’t know and don’t care if you had anything to do with my brother, but that doesn’t change our friendship, and I still love you girl no matter what”.

I’m so glad that she realized we were so close it would be insane for us to stop being friends. So those late nights I snuck out have stopped and I refused to have sex until I was in a good relationship. To this day, Erick was the best sex I ever had and I don’t regret the mistakes I’ve made because I’ve learned from them.

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