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girl on girl

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: her bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

wow ok so like mi first time was with A girl. yeah i know thats nasty but really to me it wasnt. i loved ever min of it. the feeling oh it was great it still makes me wet thinking about it. anyways we was playing house on day when no one was home, and she started to kiss me. ok so like no biggy. i started kissing back. then all at once she grabed my ass and pulled me into her, now i know what sex was hey i was watchin porn and shit when i was like 9. so after the kissin i started to pull off her shrit. oh shit man she had some nice tits for a 11 year old. so after all that i put them in mi mouth and went crazy on them. then she pulled off her pants. ahe was weter then anything i have ever seen. i went nuts i got on my knees pulled her on the ground and ate that pussy like cray. then i took of my pants and we put our pussys together and got we were going up and down like cray. the ground was wet. we did this for a few weeks after that and then we moved to doing it on the washer while it was on. her pussy never tasted of fel so goo. we still do it to this day crazyer then ever. I FUCKEN LOVE PUSSY but i really ONLY LOVE HERS. how wet and soft oh and she saves oh i love gettin my teeth into that.

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