Where it happened: Under the palms
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Gosh this is the famious computer everyone sends their story from. OK here is mine. Where I grew up we all knew each other and our Moms would bath us at the shallow freash water creek till we were around seven years old. After that we would cary water to our houses and bath in side. And as curious boys do they want to peek at us girls and we would shuu them away. For some reason there were only four girls my age on the whole Island when I was growing up. There was Titu and Heiah a year younger than me. And Tola and Simone two years older than me. In my school class there were twenty five boys. This made me the best and worst girl at everything. Now there were lots of girls ladies women on the Island just four my age to play with. We were well watched as you can imagine the five of us and lots of boys . Puberty was a nightmare all those boys and all those curious hormones they have. School dances were just not scheduled as my teacher asked me if I wanted to dance with every boy in my class one song it would be a long night. I was average at everything sports school whatever but I did something the other girls didn’t . I went fishing. Now fishing is something most boys do nude or almost from a boat made of palm trunks. Well it’s like a big surf board you push and paddle with your hands laying on your belly then you use a pole not a paddle once past the breakers. Once out a little from shore I felt the freedoms to remove my cloths and catch some sun as I threw my net. As I turned 15 I would draw a crowd on the beach as the sun would set in beautiful colors behind me. The boys would complain when I put my cloths on before I came to shore. We girls decided to visit the main land together on holiday so we devised a plan to make money at the local fair. We opened a kissing booth . Well lots of boys took money and the line was long. The boys would throw dice and us five girls each had numbers and if they got number six they could choose the girl to kiss. That is where we fell in love with kissing boys and it never stopped. We girls felt like we controled the island and we made five hundred dollars that day. Well I liked money more than boys and fishing was only good for ten dollars on a good catch. So I skeemed with two girls to invite boys to a private show where I would fish close to shore so they could really see me. Well my Mom came and called me in and grounded me from the world for two weeks. But my girl friends made a pile of money on the boys. I became a terrible tease when I came in from fishing this out door shower for washing the sand off became my personal money generator. People put money down and I would take my bikini top off. And wash and flaunt my boobies. For a hundred my bottoms fell off for a few seconds. I was rich and Mom was fixing the house the money. Well a new small hospital and doctor came to town and for the first time we could get the pill. You see the condoms were bad quality here and my mother would open them fill them with water and look for drips and some dripped. All unexpected babies were from bad condoms. Well all us girls got the pill on the same day . We all took them together and giggled . We were on the hunt for boys now with no reservations. Then we realized as virgins we could string it out and make some real big money. My wheels really started turning and we all got together and threw dice and planned our college tuition for a couple of years. Simone was first and we had an assembly line nipple suck 25 dollars ,virgin pussy kiss 250 dollars, virgin pussy lick 300 with her spread wide open. No cameras we took good photos and sold them later . We made thousands that week and Simone had many orgasms. I was next and every boy in my class but a couple had his tounge in me. The first one hurt and I bled just a little bit. I had a hundred orgasms with all that pussy love. Every boy our age watched us and we literally had them by the balls. Well the bank got used to seeing us bring in money and every 14 to twenty year old boy on the island had a chance to lick a virgin pussy for money . Out of kindness and knowing some boys were dirt poor we gave discounts as their chance of ever having even a girl friend in their life was slim to none. We still made hundreds from the real poor boys. Some Boys have no off button and don’t know how to stop so every big boy was handcuffed and smaller guys the four of us would just hold his arms. We know how strong boys fingers are so no one lost their cherry yet. We were so excited to make love but who and how much was the question. Tola won the dice toss and jumpped around a screaming. The highest bidder was a 14 year old virgin boy who’s dad paid unreal money. He was really good looking and fun and everyone always liked him. I wish he was my first boy. Well we played records and they danced. And he undressed in front of us and he was beautiful . Only a slight squeek came from Tola as he easily went in and we teared and held hands watching it was so beautiful. Simone was next her boy was big but he was soft and gentile and we could tell she hated it. He loved it and wanted to marry her ,fat chance. She felt crushed and he was to fat to get it in deep. The next boy spent all he had and borrowed from relitives. He had bad skin but a good size penis . First penis should be smaller but it was about money not love and college was on the line. Well suprising enough he went right in and no blood . And they really had a great time. My turn I got a classmate who was always bragging . Well he was maybe only four and a half or maybe a little bigger. The girls chimmed in how I lucked out getting a small penis. Well he danced so well and his penis was right between my legs as we danced I was dripping at the second song. I was so tight and it hurt and he cried. Then I tore and it was good I felt him shoot so warm no orgasm at all for me. M was next and her boy was a 30 year old banker with almost no hair he paid the most of all he was not nice and rammed her and she screammed and he slammed her for 15 minutes and was ruff she cried so hard we pulled him off and sent him away. Well the next two months I screwed half my classmates the teacher and half the boys my age. So did the other girls. If I wasn’t studying I was in bed with some one . We all went to college and because of STDs we stopped untill we got back to the island. I services the island boys till I got married last year now we have on the way I hope it’s a girl with a good business head.