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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Girlfriend's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We had started dating about a year earlier. At that time, we had been studying for the ACT, and on a break, she started rubbing my shoulders and gently running her fingertips across my face. I lightly kissed her fingers as they went across my lips, and leaned my head back on her nubile but ample breasts. We made out for an hour or so, and pretty much gave up on studying. I did terrible on the ACT the next day, probably because every question made me horny. ANALOGIES: “Key is to Lock as…” “My dick is to Jen’s pussy.” MATH: “If Jen strokes my cock at a steady rate of 60 strokes per minute, how long until my jizz bursts all over her tits?” You get the picture.

At any rate, after that, things were up and down between us. We started hot and heavy through the summer and early fall, with her giving me my first (and still best and most memorable) blowjob in her shower one night after swim practice. We drifted apart for a few months, and then got back together just before prom. I had snuck out of the house one night and picked her up around midnight, and we went to the beach, where I asked her to the dance. After that, we were back together again.

So one Saturday, a few weeks before graduation, she called me and told me she was sick. I decided to go over to her house with the video of “Casablanca” and some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

She was wearing some short jean shorts and a just-too-short t-shirt. She wasn’t wearing any make-up, and long, her strawberry blond hair fell just below her shoulders. I hugged her when she opened the door and greedily inhaled her flowery perfume. Her freckles and pouty lips as endearing as ever. We made a little picnic on her living room floor, and I noticed that her parents and brothers weren’t home. She said they had gone out and wouldn’t be back for the rest of the evening.

As we watched the movie, we got into some fun petting and light tickling. I sat on the floor with my back against the couch, and she was cuddled into my arms and legs. I stroked her hair, scratched her back gently, ran my fingers over her ears and down her breasts, caressing them as I passed over, and ran down her legs. She had no fat to speak of, but as I ran my hands back over her tummy, she sucked in her stomach, so as to allow me to fit my hand down the front of her shorts. I nibbled her ear as I ran my hand between her shorts and navy blue silk panties. I played with her clit, causing her to let out the slightest of moans and forget about the movie completely. She could clearly feel my cock getting harder, as she pushed her perfectly rounded ass back against my crotch.

She turned her body halfway towards mine and bit my lower lip. Then she asked, “Are you ready?” I kissed her deeply in answer, and she stood up and led me up the grand staircase to her bedroom. My cock nearly bursting out of my pants. Her moistness dripping from the bottoms of her shorts. She lay down on her canopied bed, and I climbed on top of her.

With a mixture of teenage awkwardness and adult passion, we ripped each other clothes off. I nuzzled her breasts and sucked on her nipples. I slid down her to pull her shorts and panties off, and slid back up, stopping to kiss her pussy lips deeply, inhaling this wonderful new scent.

We eventually got coordinated enough to where she grasped my engorged cock and slid it into her wet pussy. It hurt her at first, but she moaned, “Don’t stop – just go slow.” I remember the feeling of total bliss, pride, shame, and fear as I finally pushed my way completely inside of her. My cock is only average – about six inches completely hard – but it felt like a third leg with my sexual excitement. We grinded for a few minutes, while Seal sang “Kiss From a Rose” in the background. I came inside her with an explosion, without condom or other form of protection, and felt nothing but love for the girl I had just made a woman.

We fucked several more times before we both went off to separate colleges. We drifted apart and came back together a few times during and after college, and every time, the sex was amazing. We’re both happily married to other people who are our perfect matches, and we don’t speak anymore. But I have to think that, sometimes, she remembers fondly our sexual encounters and experimentation.

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