Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Hi My name is leon this story is about the first tme I had sex with my sixty yesr old grand mother lol.She lived alone just down the road from our farm my dad sent me to do what ever she needed done like carning in the wood for her stoves water from her well or any other thing she might need done for her thats how I got to fuck her that day lol .After doing what work she needed done for her she said come in and have some lunch with me after we had some lunch we sat and talked for a while when she just up and aked me if I had ever had sex with a girl or a women when I said no she said would you like to have sex with a full grown women it finally hit me what she was asking me to do for her well I could not say no to my grand ma so we went in to her bed room where she took off all of her close I stood there rather dumb founded till she said take off your clothes boy we don’t have sex with our clothes on .So I did as she asked took them off there we both stood plum naked her old sagy tits hung down .We got in to her bed she said to kiss her which was very nice as she had very sweet & hot lips after a while she said don’t you want to kiss and suck on my tits which I started doing which caused her to moan a little she says o my god that feels so dam good keep it up then latter she said work your way down to my pussie as it ain’t been licked on in years so down her old wrinkled body I kiss finally get to her crotch area her cunt hair was thin and grey but still covered up her slit pretty well but I pulled her cunt lips open stuck my tonque in her cunt started licking it up and down her grove I finally hit her CLITERUS which sent her in to her first hard orgasim after having several more she was panting like a old work horse and said boy that was so good your going to be my lover for the rest of my lfe she lived to be 97 be for she died we had been lovers for the last thirty years of her life it was a real loss for me as she taught me as a boy how to do a women like a man should thats my story by Leon.