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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: in the barn
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi This story took place way back in the 1940’s when I was just fourteen years old my hormones were screaming for relief masterbation was the only relief there was till one day I found my widowed mother fingering her pussie and crying at the same time .my father was killed years ago in a car wreck with a drunk driver lucky for us the drunk did havs good insurance coverage which worked out well financialy for mom so we never wanted for any thing with in reason at sixteen I just got my drivers licence plus I had bought a 1930 modle A car for the sum of just fourty dollars my mom still was driving there old modle A ford car yet all so they seemed to run for ever but one just never drove all of the miles we do to day in theses newer cars that will go on several hundred thousand miles be for needing any motor work done on them. Any way this one time I came home early from a date as my girl friend took sick and needed to go home after dropping her at her home I just said hell I will go on home my self.When I finally reached home it was early in the evening for a young buck like me on a saturday night out with no date I thought I will just go home and to bed will of saved the money I would of spent other wise.So as I entered our house I heard this combination of moaning and crying all at the same time I went in to moms bed room as thats where the crying was coming from .Ther she laid bare assed naked finger fucking her cunt shaking her ass up and down in combination with her hand in her pussie .I knew what she weas doing was not thst nieve about sex as I had been with a several women by this time some of them would yell and scream when they orgasimed just like my mother was doing right then her self .So I just went in her bed room sat down on the side of her bed and sain mom which caused her to jump and take her hands away from her cunt which by the way was very harrie and all so very wet I could see the wetness in the hairs on her pussie .After her surprise was over I said look mom we live to gether as mother and son theres no good reason we can’t live to gether as lovers I don’t have a regular girl friend to have sex with & you don’t have a man so why not take advantage of our situation right now your fucking your self with a hand whenI have a good hard on right now so lets not waste time with rules lets just make love to gether .Latter After much thought she a greed to have sex with me and it was o so good as she was so in need of a real hard cock which I had right then in my pants by leon

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