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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was my senior year and I had been with my boyfriend, adam since my freshman year. We only kissed there was never any fooling around or anything and he never pressured me because he knew from the beginning that I wanted to wait.He was everything a girl could ask for, he was sweet and a perfect gentleman.
But then, he started to act weird. He distanced himself from me and started to miss school a lot and not answer his phone.
I hadn’t seen him in one month until he showed up at my door one night. I thought I was seeing a ghost. He was sick I could tell.
He came inside and told me everything. He had been diagnosed with cancer.
I couldn’t control myself. I was so upset but he tryed to calm me and held me in his arms.
We ended up deciding to get married. I was only 17 at the time so my parents gave us their consent.
And a few weeks later we were married.
Our first time was wonderful. I can still feel his body against mine and I miss him everyday.
He blessed me with a child, a baby boy who he never got to meet.
Adam, ill miss you forever.

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