Where it happened: his bathroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight
I was 15 and so was he, but he wasnt a vigin but knew that i was one. So we were at a party at his house. He was my.. well friend i flirted with quite often but it never actually got physical before.
I had some tequila earlier, and martini so i was tipsy. i came up to him, and asked to show me where the bathroom was. he said to go upstairs and hed be right there to show me in which room it was. I went upstairs and went into the first room which turned out to be the bathroom. He came in a minute later and closed the door. i didnt know why he came in because he had never shown interest in me before. But i went with the flow and smiled at him. He took my chin and tilted it up and kissed me. He then lifted me and we started making out. i unzipped my skirt (it zips all the way to the bottom of the back) and threw it on the ground. He started feeling me up and kissing my shoulders and breasts. Then he put me down and took his pants off. HE gave me his condom and i put it on him. Then, he picked me up again and backed me against the wall. Then he pushed it in. Literally, it hurt for about one second and then it felt so good to be “filled”. Like one little rip and then there was no pain. I am not sure if i bled but im pretty sure i didnt because there was nothing on my thong afterwards, or on my thighs. So we kept fucking for a while until he came. I did not get an orgasm but he fingered me later on to make up for it. He put me down and kissed me saying he had to get back to attending to his house and party. Since then we have fucked 2 times. But we arent really friends anymore.