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Melanie and Phil

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: The guys house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well first of all, it wasn’t planned! I’d been a pretty good girl during my teens and partly because my parents sent me to a girls only boarding school, the only times I really met boys was during school holidays, so I never really got a chance to have a proper boyfriend during my time at school. In 2003 at 18 I finished at school and I took a gap year and travelled around Europe for about 8 months and although I had the opportunity and several offers to share a bed with a guy during that year where I was now free to do pretty much what I wanted, it didn’t feel right and so I turned down the offers. I returned home to my parents in April, still a virgin and slightly embarrassed about it as several of my friends had by then “done it”. And so, I worked for my Dads company that summer, until I started at University that September. During that summer, my Mum suggested that I should consider having a health check and asked me if it would be a good idea to take the pill. I was surprised at her suggestion and awkwardly explained to her that it wasn’t really necessary as I wasn’t doing it! But Mum kind of was adamant that I should think about it, saying that she knew that I’d be meeting lots of people at Uni and that she remembered when she was a student, that drink and fun and sex could lead to all sorts of problems including unplanned pregnancy, which would of course completely mess up my study plans at Uni. So in the end, I decided that maybe she was right and so I went to our family doctor and he prescribed the pill. I started taking it, thinking somehow that this was a bit of a waste of time but even so, I’ve always trusted Mum and usually have gone by her suggestions.

End of September 2004 I became a student! University was great, I loved the freedom and the feeling of being treated like to total adult. I shared a house with 4 guys. I mean can you believe it, like I had been at boarding school with no guys and now I have 4 guys all around me. Looking back, they were the nicest guys you could imagine, none of them tried anything on me, it was a kind of unspoken thing, yeh they kind of flirted a bit with me and I did kind of do so back but there was a kind of respect there and they sort of treated me like a sort of sister, it’s difficult to explain, you’d have to live there to understand that. We of course all had our own rooms and basically met in the communal lounge or kitchen. It was a great place. Anyway, I began to make friends with ppl on my course but also with other girls and guys at uni. By end October I was hanging out with a small crowd of guys and girls and we would meet up usually on Saturdays and just go out around the city and maybe go for drink at a pub at lunchtime, all tame stuff.

Then, I think it was the last week of October, one Sunday afternoon we went back to this guys place, there was about 7 of us I think and we all sat around his living room, he put Ice Age 1 I think on TV and we were just all talking and drinking coffee, it was cool. It got darker and then bit by bit people got ready to go back to either the campus or to their rented rooms or houses. One of the girls had a car and 4 of them went off home with her. The other three walked to the bus stop but they lived in the opposite direction to me, so Phil who lived there said he’d walk me back in a while.
So in the end, it was just Phil and me left watching the movie. I’d been sitting on the floor with my back to the sofa and when Phil came back from closing the front door of his flat, he sat on the sofa but right next to me. After a while I realised he was playing with the end of my hair, which is still long now. I didn’t do anything but he began to play with it more and more. I pretended to ignore it. Now I have to say, I was kind of embarrassed, seriously, I’d never messed about with a boy, apart from some very sexy kissing sessions, so I’m sure I was blushing by now but at least he couldn’t have seen that.

Then he must have leant forward because he kissed the top of my head. He said my hair smelt really nice and asked what shampoo I used. I told him it was one of the Pantene ones and he then said my hair looked beautiful and was running his fingers through it.

Phil was a nice looking guy, slim but kind of strong built. Blondish hair, green blue eyes, single – that I did know and doing a law degree. Even so, I didn’t actually fancy him though I had noticed him over the weeks.

Anyway, he asked me if I wanted anything else to eat of drink. I asked for a drink, partly because I wasn’t sure what to do with his advances and this would give me a moment to think things out. When he came back from the kitchen, he now sat down on the floor right next to me. He handed my drink and watched the movie with me saying nothing. I remember being very conscious that I was tense and that the atmosphere was really tense too. I wasn’t watching the movie at all and things were going round in my head.

Then, something totally weird happened. Without planning to, I turned to look at him, it was as if someone else made me do that and at the same time he turned and looked at me. Instant kiss on the mouth. Not sure who started it, but we both launched into a really serious kissing session. Kissing had really turned me on in the past and within a minute or two I really began to feel aroused. It was weird kissing like this, sitting on a hard floor, turned at 90 degrees to the right kissing him, him turned 90 degrees to the left kissing me!

Anyway, I sort of lost track of time a bit at this point, he moved round and I then sat up onto the sofa. He got up and did the same and I remember very clearly something like a little voice in my head saying ok Melanie, sitting back on the sofa now means that one thing is likely to lead to another, you have to make a decision if you’re going to do this. Needless to say, he was all over me, kissing and stroking me. In my head I was trying to take this all in, trying to think rationally while at the same time getting very seriously aroused at this sudden turn of events.

I was wearing jeans, t-shirt and a sweater and I then realised among the confusion of this kissing that he was trying to undo the top button of my jeans. He tried for a while I could feel him fumbling with one hand while he was having a good feel of my sides and my boobs lol. I was kissing him and feeling the hair on the back of his head and then he stopped suddenly and stood up. He reached his hand down at me and I knew instantly what that meant. I remember making that decision at that instant. Yes, today was the day I was going to finally lose my virginity.

So I held on to his hand and got up. We crossed his living room area and went into his bedroom. By now it was night outside and his bedroom as completely dark. I remember saying kind of nervously that I wanted the lights to stay off. I wasn’t quite sure what to do, I could hear him taking his top off so I quickly pulled my sweater and t-shirt off and then my bra.

He came towards me but I then bent down and took off my shoes, socks and quickly undid my jeans and I remember sliding them off at the same time as my panties and without giving him a chance to look even though it was dark anyway, got into his bed.

I remember my heart was so pounding away and I felt like I was suffocating. He must have undressed too, while I lay there under the covers my mind going into overdrive !!

Anyway, he got in to bed of course and started kissing me again. At least I felt ok doing that, we must have kissed solidly for a good 5 minutes or so, I could feel his hand gently going over my body under the covers. It felt actually really nice and I didn’t feel embarrassed about having to show my naked body to him as I was under the covers and it was dark – even though I think I have a really nice body, it would have been embarrassing for me, no guy had ever seen me naked before.

So the kissing and stroking went on, I was getting more and more turned on, that lovely heat you feel right down at the bottom of your tummy and it was obvious he was totally turned on too cos I could feel something pretty hard pressing against my right thigh and hip!!!

Inevitably, his hand made it way down between my legs and he began to touch me there. This was a completely new sensation to me, I’ve never been touched by anyone there and although it felt odd it also felt amazingly erotic! I got more confident with the situation and I opened my legs more and more and naturally with me being now so turned on it was easy for him to explore me there with his fingers.

By now not only had I decided that this was a really good idea but also I really wanted it to happen. I remember pulling him a bit towards me and over me and kissing him and he began to manoeuvre himself between my legs. Now I think of it, I’d not touched his penis or anything, lol I really wasn’t very good on my first time.

As he moved around a bit between my legs I could feel the end of his penis against me, although we were still kissing my mind was 99% focused on what was going on down there. There was a bit more fumbling from him and then he instinctively must have found the exact spot as I could feel he was also exactly in the right position. At first I could just feel a kind of pressure there against me, I remember saying “slowly” lol to him and then as he pushed a bit harder, I began to feel a kind of slight burning feeling as he began to enter me. I must have moved back from him a bit because he started doing that again and this time it began to hurt a bit more. I was more scared that actually in pain I think but I wasn’t sure how far to let this pain build up. It wasn’t agony or anything but at school the subject of losing your virginity had been a big topic and we’d all heard horror stories of girls bleeding massively and massive pain. I blurted out to him something along the lines of “I’m a virgin but it’s ok you can do this”. I think he paused for a moment maybe in surprise and then he said something, I think it was don’t worry it will be ok. He moved away from me and I asked him what the problem was. He told me he was getting a condom to put on. I told him it was ok as I was on the pill. He asked me if it was right, and I said yes, Mum had suggested this and anyway, it helped because I got quite bad period pains and the pill helped reduce the pain.

So he got back in to the position and carefully pushed, the burning pain came back again and I lay there probably with my eyes tightly shut lol and then he took the pressure off and I felt something move back out a little. Again he pressed, this time it seemed harder and there was then like a sliding sensation of something warm going in to me. Then one sudden sharp and very specific pain and I think at that point I medically lost my virginity!

He started to make love to me, pushing and releasing, I was concentrating on the feeling I probably wasn’t actually doing anything, just lying there, trying to work out if this was hurting more that it felt nice. I didn’t actually notice that he was getting more and more worked up until he began to gasp as he came inside me. I lay there with him kissing me over my boobies and breathing heavily. I think he stayed in that position for a few minutes, I was stroking his hair, kind of disappointed in a way because there were no fireworks but at the same time already feeling pretty proud with myself that I’d finally lost my virginity!

After a while he lay next to me and we hugged. We had a very “close” conversation, it was actually the only time Phil and I were to have an intimate conversation, sharing our thoughts about the experience. He’d done it before but he confided to me that he’d never taken a girl’s virginity before and that he felt honoured to be the one to take mine.
I remember thinking that was nice of him to say that but it’s only some time later that I realised it means a lot to guys if they get to be your first one.

Anyway, we did it a second time that evening, I felt more confident that time but it still was a bit painful but at the same time it felt nice and most of all it was very erotic.

Phil and I got dressed, I had to go back to the house I was renting with the guys and Phil walked me right up to the front door. I kissed him goodnight and went into the house, trying to look as if I’d just had a normal late afternoon and evening, to my fellow housemates. I remember for a moment wondering if they would be able in any way to tell that I’d just lost my virginity that evening – that might seem weird but I kind of still felt guilty about what I’d done and it was a kind of paranoia I suppose. Anyway, I’m sure they had no idea so I sat about in the kitchen chatting and stuff, as ever but feeling a bit uncomfortable down there. Guys are lucky, they don’t have any pain when they begin their sex life!

That night, before I went to sleep, I texted my older sister and broke the news to her. She called me back almost instantly, we’re close like that. She was congratulating me and saying that now I was a real woman and welcomed me to the land of the big grown up adults. I lay in bed that night, thinking about this all, on a high in a way. I never slept with Phil again. We didn’t go out, I saw him a few times over the next two years and of course during that time I’d discovered that sex was an amazing sensation, my behaviour changed pretty quickly and I began to have FUN as in the fun you have when you’ve discovered a new toy and just can’t get enough of it. I’ve since slept with many guys and some have been amazing, some mediocre. However Phil has a very special place in my memories. I know now that he was truly flattered that I should choose to let him take my virginity and I am grateful to him for having been respectful to me in my inept attempts and being a lover on that very first night. In a way, I’m pleased we never went out together, as it would have probably ended up in our relationship falling apart as it so often does when you begin sexual relationships. In the end, he will remember me and I will remember him for that very unique moment in my life, that rite of passage and that will never be spoilt by any subsequent failure of a relationship.
We’ve of course lost touch with each other about 3 years ago now but if Phil, you happen to ever read this and you wonder if it’s the Melanie you made love to in your flat in Alma Road, then yes, it’s me – I hope you are having a good and happy life, there is something we have both shared that makes us unique and that nobody can take away from us. Thank you for that amazing experience.

Melanie N. xxxx

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